¡¡ʎǝuɹnoɾ s,ǝpuolqǝǝzʇıp - same old, same old!

Good Morning Linz, did you get dolled up for the photo and then taken advantage of? ;)

Have a lovely day xxx
Morning peeps!!

No that never happened... maybe tonight!!

Got yr pm Hope, will check thru stock & get back to you babes.xx

Feel very flu'ey this morning, achey, sore throat, headache & my arm still aches where my flu jab was, surely this shouldn't be happening over a week later!

Need to get things on ebay today.. free up some space then I can be ruthless with more toys! Mean mummy!
Yes indeed Linz. :) Any plans for the weekend?
Jacob has tennis tomorrow morning, then we're off to the fancy dress shop (have a murder mystery weekend next weekend), I'm babysitting Sat night, just locally but good money! Sunday Jacob has early football then we walk across the forest to the airmans grave for a rememberance service, its amazing usually 500+ people, dogs & horses. There is a flyby of an old bomber & they drop poppies over the forest & the airmans grave, the kids make them all at school. Its really humbling. Some pics & info.

AFG - Online


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Oh Linz that sounds amazing what a wonderful thing to do.

OOOh who are you going as on your murder mystery?
Lol Linzi in the study with a stale baguette!!! Pmsl.
Hey babe let me know what kids bits your popping on flea bay. xx
Oh Linz that sounds amazing what a wonderful thing to do.

OOOh who are you going as on your murder mystery?

It is amazing!

My character is Babs Crayfish.. she's an aspiring actress & has a MUCH older very wealthy boyfriend... she's pink, plastic & frothy, with pink bubbly hair!

I'm kind of thinking pink afro & some kind of 70's inspired outfit with some fake boobs if I can get them!;)

I love murder mysteries!
Me too.. unfortunately we've done this one before so I know who the killer is but will keep schtum! ;)

Lol Linzi in the study with a stale baguette!!! Pmsl.
Hey babe let me know what kids bits your popping on flea bay. xx

Pmsl C. Killed in cold carb blood!!

Ebay bits are all things AJ's grown out of so be too young for OB. Have a FAB FAB time today babes.. xx

lol cheryl. morning Linz x

Morning V. xx

Rough night with AJ last night she was under the weather all day yesterday. I had 2 lovely glasses of red wine last night & stayed up til 0100 listening to Absolute 80's radio, then she woke at 0330 & didn't fall back asleep til 0630... I'm shattered this morning! Just as well I can get an early night tonight, DOH no I can't I'm babysitting! :rolleyes:
oh Linz sorry poor aj is feeling bad still. 2 glasses of wine i bet you were hammered!!! now with you being a wine and cheese lover can you recommend a nice rich low carb red for me to go with some blue cheese and also camembert?

i love the sound of your character in the mystery!
Thanks gorgeous. Party was fab. Lots didnt turn up, some didnt bother to reply and some cancelled last min, inc my sil! Mark is fuming as the excuse "its too late" and "the kids are tired from going to school all week" were used oh and "its their tea time"!!!. I wouldnt mind but she happily told me that the other weekend her girls were out until gone midnight with their friends. I knew she didnt want to come, she sent olivers present up with his parents last weekend!
Not to worry, i WONT be bothering with her anymore. Oliver never gets an invite to their parties anyway. There were plenty of kids there for him anyway, we ended up with about 25 in the end. He had a great time and thats all that mattered.
Im shattered now, been running through the play area and down the slides all night :0) well someone had to show the kids and it just so happened to be me.............and my 2 sisters, brother, sisters boyfriend and sil to be!!!!!! Lol