¡¡ʎǝuɹnoɾ s,ǝpuolqǝǝzʇıp - same old, same old!

morning Linz - poor babies xxx flu or tummy bug? hope they are ok. at least lovely linzi mummy is home to look after them eh?
lmao Linz love it. Yes ive heard of a rash bug going round - its that time of year im afraid!
hope they feel better soon. are you over your flu jab?
ah black cross eh. LOL.

I had a great weekend Linz, we looked after Olivia for a few hours on Saturday afternoon, gives the kids a break to get out and about.

Yesterday was amazing, I couldn't believe how many people turned out to watch our parade, I was stunned. The applause was fantastic, made me quite teary eyed I'm afraid. It was really nice to go to the legion and have a few drinks with the other vets present, even met a couple of guys who were in the Falklands war, not that I'd met them there but still, loads of reminiscing. The journey home was fun :D the legion, the Gate, the Station, O'Neills, the Litten tree, the Cup, The Duke and finally my local the Horse and Jockey. :) A pint of Guinness and a double Whisky in each LOL. Well a bit more than that in the Jockey, but still. Somehow a couple of plates of chips and cheese were consumed as well.
Jim and dont you feel rough this morning?
lmao Linz love it. Yes ive heard of a rash bug going round - its that time of year im afraid!
hope they feel better soon. are you over your flu jab?

Well I wonder if it was to do with my flu jab at all or if I had a bit of what the kids have got? Still not 100% but much better thanks. x

ah black cross eh. LOL.

I had a great weekend Linz, we looked after Olivia for a few hours on Saturday afternoon, gives the kids a break to get out and about.

Yesterday was amazing, I couldn't believe how many people turned out to watch our parade, I was stunned. The applause was fantastic, made me quite teary eyed I'm afraid. It was really nice to go to the legion and have a few drinks with the other vets present, even met a couple of guys who were in the Falklands war, not that I'd met them there but still, loads of reminiscing. The journey home was fun :D the legion, the Gate, the Station, O'Neills, the Litten tree, the Cup, The Duke and finally my local the Horse and Jockey. :) A pint of Guinness and a double Whisky in each LOL. Well a bit more than that in the Jockey, but still. Somehow a couple of plates of chips and cheese were consumed as well.

Olivia time how lovely!

Don't be afraid of getting teary Jim, think its perfectly normal!!

Sounds like some good celebrations afterwards! We didn't make it to the airmans grave on the forest for the service unfortunately 2 poorly kids & rain wasn't a good mix. x

Jim and dont you feel rough this morning?

Don't think Jim is every rough! :D
Lucky Jim!
i was talking to my friend who had the jab couple of weeks ago and she was so bad she was in bed for a week. she reckons cos it has the swine flu one in there?
lol jim good effort on the booze front
mawning would love to stay but off to work
Well the kids will be back at school tomorrow me thinks... they're much brighter & I think after another good nights sleep they'll be itching to get out of the house, temperatures & rashes gone, Jakey still has the sound of a sore throat but says he's fine!

I have spent most of my afternoon listing things on ebay... 54 items to be precise & thats just the kids clothes, more to do but its back breaking stuff & SO boring! Mind you if everything sells for a quid that'll be worth an afternoons work!

Hopefully the sofas I sold yesterday are being picked up tomorrow & then I can start sorting thru the toys to go on ebay, plus all my old/new clothes that are now too big!

Oh btw... I have less than 10lbs to go til I hit my 100lbs loss this year!