¡¡ʎǝuɹnoɾ s,ǝpuolqǝǝzʇıp - same old, same old!

Still not a chance of getting anywhere here today either Linzi. Totally stir crazy at this stage - it's only a week till Christmas, I have Monday off to do some absolutely essential and now very pressing shopping. If school is closed again I'm f***ed!

When do yr guys break up then WW? Mine finished yesterday. Hope you get a chance to get yr shopping done. xx

Morning Linzi x
Morning lovely! x

Afternoon Linz :)

Afternoon gawjuss. x
Afternoon Susie! :)

School gets a half day Wednesday and so do I (off for almost two weeks then). Can't wait!

Have sent intrepid OH out to tesco with a huge list of food to keep us going till the snow goes. Hopefully his car will make it - mine wouldn't have a chance.
Think we're late Linzi.

OH did indeed make it there and back, in that time-honoured male shopper way he got absolutely everything on the list, but not one item more! Weird creatures they are. :D
Glad they are feeling a tad better though chuck..always a gud sign that eh!!LOL

I will put my order in for snow bout 11.30pm xmas eve (is that ok?)

Im loving my mince pie counter too chuck..hmmmmm wonder if i have enuf room on the page come end december though!!PMSL x
Evening Linz and co
I have fallen off the old waggon with a tremendous thud today lol - not right bothered as I have the biggest lump of beef to put in the slow cooker tomorrow, lots of eggs and the willpower is hovering not too far away :D
Good luck for tomorrow Bren.

Keep meaning to ask you - do you keep strictly to your posted/goal weight, or does it go up and down a lot around that figure now?
Thanks WW - I try to be within a couple of kilos of posted weight, am above that after last couple of days but not worrying as I know if I am good from now till crimbo I can get it back down again, plus TOTM so that always adds a bit.
Thanks B, often wonder about that. Nice to know that you can maintain longterm on maintenance, IYKWIM! :D
Yep, you just have to keep on top of it, tend to be really strict in the week so I can relax a little (or sometimes a lot) at the weekend :D
Can I just say Rrrrraaaaaaggggghhhhhhhh!!!

Man flu!! Can't possibly make a decision, everything is far too much effort, huffing & puffing, lots of 'I don't knows' & pathetic puppy dog eyes!!

Dose up & get on with it man!!

Thanks feel better for getting that off my chest.

Have a good sunday y'all. xxxx

May I suggest quarantine? :D
Hello my lovely :D Am loving your 100lbs picture but wish it was bigger (my eyesight must be failing in my old age) ;) I keep clicking on them and saying abracadabra but nope.... :D

Hope you have a lovely day today.... despite the man flu....

Lots of love