¡¡ʎǝuɹnoɾ s,ǝpuolqǝǝzʇıp - same old, same old!

All will be revealed soon enough lovely one. xx
Morning Linz, so what's going on then? I'mnot on FB
Kids are funny aren't they. When Andrew married Sarah Fergason I was working in reception class. The teacher asked what was happening today and one little boy put his hand up and said "I know Miss, King Fergie is getting married" (?) x
Linz glad to hear your book has arrived and you've found it interesting you will now find shopping will take you hours lol you have no idea the places where sugar lurks
it's a minefield out there
Evening Linz, it does sound like an interesting diet, but am sure you will keep us updated as to how it goes :D

We are having a quiet one this weekend as missus has come down with a bad cold and I have some sort of lurgy too - just spent the day in the yard soaking up the sun today (I went out last night and had a good time though).

Hope your weekend is going brilliantly xxxxx