100% on plan for two weeks from 18 June

We have been honest and told the people we are buying from that we are having to delays whilst something is sorted out. So they're threatening to put the house back on the market and collapse the chain. Hardly very sympathetic of them!

Oh well if it means I don't have to deal with estate agents and solicitors for a bit then I'll live with that!

Really want chocolate and wine. So had a soup instead!

Stay strong tiggs, it will all come good in the end.

5km ran in 28:56 tonight, literally sprinted round!!! Best time ever!! Very happy. Feeling happy :)

Total loss - 3 stone 12lb :)
Good stuff Liz. I walked 5km tonight. Dragged myself around just to get to 10,000 steps. Motivation low but working on it.
Quite pleased I stuck with it yesterday, I had a bit of extra protein but that's better than the alternative!

Well done on the 5k time Liz, you'll have no problems with that half marathon!
Morning all,

How's everyone doing?

So weigh in day for me and guess what?! 2lb off :) so pleased!!! I think I've been holding water as yesterday I literally peed for England lol. Doesn't even feel like I had to work for it either as my new plan just feels like the norm now.

Total loss - 3 stone 12lb :)
That's great Liz! Well done.

I have evil stabbing headache thing but it's intermittent so I feel ok most of the time! I think it's my sinuses!

But I have my head in a cup of coffee and hoping it'll clear. I am still sticking to plan, though I indulged in a little more protein last night then usual just because I was bored and couldn't do much other than sit with my headache!

Hope you all have good days!

How's your head now tigg? Hope your a lot better.

I know I'm sounding boring as all I ever do is go on about running but I got a parkrun PB again - 28:36. So happy!!! Long run in the morning, going for another 15km. X

Total loss - 3 stone 12lb :)
How's your head now tigg? Hope your a lot better. I know I'm sounding boring as all I ever do is go on about running but I got a parkrun PB again - 28:36. So happy!!! Long run in the morning, going for another 15km. X Total loss - 3 stone 12lb :)

I think it's my sinuses! I'm hoping it'll be better soon! No exercise today for me! :-(

Well done on the parkrun pb though! That's brilliant! I had hoped to go back to my local one today but I'm not bouncing about with this headache! Really proud of how well you're doing Liz!

Sinuses are literally the worst :-( had you tried the sprays? I used otrivine sinus spray last year when I had a sinus infection, was my saviour!!

Just fuelling up in prep for my run. Will post once back to let you know how I get on. X

Total loss - 3 stone 12lb :)
I haven't but I will be giving them a go now! The thing is I've felt sort of under the weather for about 6 weeks now and whatever it is I just can't been to get well enough to just breathe normally or not be in pain!

Anyway enjoy your run today Liz!!!

Hope your feeling better tigg.

Another 15km done today, was tough but I done it. The best thing was there was no sickness, at last a long run with no sick!!! I've being having a lucozade sport lite after and seems to be working. 6 more long runs until my first half so well on course for that


Total loss - 3 stone 12lb :)
Hope your feeling better tigg. Another 15km done today, was tough but I done it. The best thing was there was no sickness, at last a long run with no sick!!! I've being having a lucozade sport lite after and seems to be working. 6 more long runs until my first half so well on course for that X Total loss - 3 stone 12lb :)

I've had better days but that one is done and now it's off to bed to get ready for the next one!

Well done on the long run Liz! And massive congratulations on the non-sickiness!

Any better tigg?

Kiwi - how you been getting on?

Standard day for me. Nothing to report. No run as its a rest day. Food wise still the same.

Bit of a boring post lol.

Total loss - 3 stone 12lb :)
Feel better today and we had good news on the house/flat front so that's one thing that's making things easier.

I just hope that I can exercise again tomorrow and start to feel more like myself!

I'm struggling to be honest at the moment. There's no well stocked healthy canteen in my new location so I'm no longer spoiled with options on the food front. The three lunch options in the locality are Subway, McDonalds and KFC so I have to plan everything I eat now in advance. Plus I'm working long hours to get on top of the new job so I'm not grocery shopping and cooking meals in advance and eating in McDonalds is not giving me the motivation to go out for walks at 10 o'clock at night so it's all gone a bit pear shaped. Not badly or anything but I'm half a stone heavier than I was before christmas (10 5 this morning) and I've made no progress with it over the last 3 weeks. Yesterday was a disaster - Mcdonalds for lunch in between meetings and 3 chocolate bars from the vending machine over the course of the day. I went to a late night tesco on the way home and picked up lunch food for the next few days that I don't really have to prepare in advance on the short terms until work stabilises a bit. Tins of tuna, microwave porridge, eggs, apples etc. and I'm still having a cambridge shake with my breakfast but I need to cook actual dinners with vegetables this weekend and freeze them for next week so I'm back in the zone.
Sorry your struggling Kiwi. Preparation is deffo the key - I go shopping on a Sunday and get loads of stuff and take it in on a Monday I then just make a quick sandwich or wrap in the morning to take with me. Or have soups in the fridge etc. It's not all bad though as your still at your original target :) x
Shame you're struggling Kiwi, but when life changes it's always a bit of a struggle to get back on an even keel! At least you have a plan, have recognised the problems and are doing something about it. Not just burying your head in the sand and expecting it to get better on its own.

You'll get to grips with it and be feeling fit and great in no time!

Liz I can exercise on step two but for those high intensity things I tend to have something carby just before hand to give my body something to use without sending me over the edge. I tend to take it a bit easier anyway whilst on step 2.

Hope you're both having good days!
Morning peeps. Hope everyone is doing well. I bit of prep work since Monday and the Saturday night alcohol damage wearing off and I'm back to 10 3.5 today. Helps with the motivation element of it all. Have the dreaded manflu since yesterday but I'm a woman with loads of stuff on so I'm just sucking it up and taking loads of tablets. Had a good 1200 cal day yesterday and I'm on plan for the same today. Did have one bar of chocolate from the vending machine yesterday and I'm planning on none today! Onwards and downwards..... I forgot my fitbit though so boohoo - I'm obsessed so I'll be thinking of it on my bathroom windowsill for the day now.
Well done Kiwi - it's all in the prep.

Movement on the scales for me this morn, will post official results on Sat after my weekly weigh in but it's nice to have a loss and it looks like it's levelling out for me. 5km ran last night and 10km planned for tonight.

The tracking of steps is addicted - I've sinked the health app on my phone to my running app and it's so good to see my steps everyday. On sat I done 17000!!! I can see how the fitbit can be addictive!!

Hope everyone has a nice day :) xx