Thinking of 200 calorie meal options. I guess the work really starts when you no longer have the convenience of cambridge pre packed meal replacements as a 'Go-to'.
For now, I still do and I'm quite happy to keep delegating that responsibility to Cambridge :)....but not for long. So time to bust out the thinking cap.:). I still give myself up to 87kg before I ditch the training wheels completely on the 200 cal's - for now, one extra cwp pack or a 190 cal pure protein bar is doing the trick but soon the stabilizer wheels must go off!!!
Had another 10 minutes on the treadmill and still see me glancing at the watch a thousand times and fully chuffed! No fitness in this chic whatsoever:rotflmao:.

Gonna really have to make the treadmill a staple and gradually ease myself to 20 minutes a pop. My goal is to do an hour effortlessly at some point :rolleyes:. Let's take it slowly - you 1,000 calorie diva you!!!:D
Hot choc mint shake with choc mint beanies down the hatch. Mmmmm!!! Yummy raised to the power of awesome.:D I've taken to splitting my choc mint shake in half so as to draw it out longer and to be able to have it with a pure protein bar as one meal. Nice to know I still have the second half to look forward to at some point later in the day he he he:p.

I've been taking the water flavors with twinnings strawberry tea cold and it's been making a refreshing lovely drink. Lime water flavor with strawberry twinnings; Orange water flavor with raspberry twinnings - so many options :) That way getting in 4 liters plus of water has been a big time breeze and it tastes amazing. 2.5 liters still leaves me effing dehydrated - me need lotsa water!!!:cool: Yesterday I put in a vanilla flavored black tea bag into the twinings - water flavor mix and it gave it a pleasant vanilla taste. Reminded me of a cocktail in those alcohol times of old that I used to like, can't remember the name, lol. Amusing how black tea bags still do well in cold water actually. It's sort of like another twist on drinking fruit infused water, just that it's tea bags being infused and not fruit lol.

Having fun experimenting right?;)
Taking a full week off work next week to fully face the moving, The new house has been cleaned from top to bottom!!! No need to paint or stuff as it's furnished, but we'll be moving quite a bit of our current furniture anyway so I need to be off work to fully face that. It will be a good opportunity too to rehash the wardrobe that I've been putting off lol. I'm in a pair of jeans I usually wear and it's just fitting me awesomely. Bought it from Forever 21 a year or 2 ago - can't remember - and it was digging into my tummy at the time lol, but I always knew I will be losing the weight at some point so didn't care much. Why buy clothes in size 16 when you know you could be a 12 if you really tried. So I just bought the 14 and have been suffering through it with big t-shirts to cover the handles hehehe:D
Today now it's needing a bloody belt hahaha. My husband was all over the fit this morning - nice compliment to start the weekend, right? It's always lovely when the clothes fit right.
My marks and spencer's 12 wide legs have arrived and the fit is banging!!! Hmm Hmm Hmm!!! Time to pack those trusty 14's away, lol!!! And I may not really need the wide fit anymore - I could do straight!!! The legs are shaping up nicely, not there yet but I can see it coming. One of the motivators for busting out the treadmill on a daily basis lol.
My beanies Choc mint is all gone :( ah well - time to dust up the almaretto I abandoned when I tasted the awesomeness of the choc mint lolz....I may even have a new favorite soon in the Irish cream. Will put in an order for a new batch of beanies coffee at some point but for now let's see how far I go with the almaretto hehehe:cool:.

On another note, the moving project is taking on a life of it's own. Making me a bit too busy to blog these days. Taking some days off next week, but even that seems threatened by events that have suddenly come up at work. Very harassed week coming up :rolleyes:

Looking forward to weigh-in day tommora', so will be back for that at least if nothing else. L8r!!!
Minimins is getting really boring; I may soon stop posting for no other reason than always being the only one updating on the cambridge section :(. The cambridge convention is top of the scene now and some lovely new winners have emerged, lol. I wish them well. I however feel Cambridge would have a bigger selling point if they begin every convention with updates on previous years winners :rolleyes:. Accountability - rather than simply a means to an end - should be their watchword. Lol!!!:D.

Anywaysssss weigh-in day was today, and from my tone it's obvious it was 'meh' experience. Only a 0.5kg drop. bah. So I'm still in the 90's and really not too pleased about that. I know I want slow and steady, but not snail's pace!!!...o_O. Might seriously reconsider the extra 200 calories I've been consuming since after the medics. Whatever....I actually was hoping for the 80's. Bah.:mad: 90.2kg official:cool:
Having my morning chocolate mint without the beanies is a very blah experience I must tell you. Can't wait for my new Beanie stash to arrive. Just realized my beanie almaretto is decaff and that's not gonna do much for me this morning so it's back to regular boring old instant nescafe for now as that's all I can conveniently get at the office. Blah.

Hope today will be a temptation free day as it's started out so.

Meanwhile.....Pssst; I'm 89.1kg this morning on my scale. Sssshhhhhhh!!!! Don't tell anyone :p:D:D:D:D:D
Teapigs!!!!!! Where have these been all my cambridge life! Twinnings plus water flavor gets me through the water intake hassle - whenever it becomes a hassle at it does sometimes. I have no problem with clear water, but sometimes you just need a bit more flavor in the mouth you know...:rolleyes:

Now the next problem is to find out where to get teapigs from around here....ponder ponder ponder...;)
oh. some funny coffee idea stuff I picked up from trolling the cambridge facebook groups, lol. I love coffee, so anything that's allowed on plan to make coffee a 'little less black only affair' was a hit with me obviously:D I'm sure most supermarkets have it, or try amazon/ebay;) upload_2017-11-21_12-6-14.jpeg
So!!!.... my day off has started...no more a week off for so many reasons, all annoying:rolleyes:. So the big boss decides to visit at the office the very week I'm granted leave. Go figure. :rolleyes: Anyways, there's a bit of a slow down on the moving plans anyway as the new place needs a bit more work than we envisaged - still getting the gas pipes to work, fixing the electricals and painting as the dirt from people coming in to inspect the house before us means some touching up is needed, so back to labeling and boxing stuff.
....and taking out a few minutes to slouch on the bed and update Minimins:p.
Hopefully I get to move the week off to the latter part of next week....hopefully :rolleyes:.

Had a maple porridge this morning instead of my regular choc mint; and scraped the whole bowl coz it was effing delicious. Being at home does have it's 'microwave benefits' hehehe. Also had a proper cup of black coffee using my coffee maker - instant can take a back burner for now - :p. I've already had a toffee bar; and since today is a home day I may be having 2 pasta meals at different times later on; gotta keep the temptations at bay and I'm fully inspired and motivated with the secret knowledge I've finally left the 90's. For good hopefully. I can picture my swag entering my consultants office this weekend all innocent looking, while she weighs me and gives me a rosette for finally doing it....hehehehehe! ;););)

:whip:don't weigh before weigh in dayyyy...don't weigh before weigh in dayyyy....don't weigh before weigh in dayyyy...:nananana::banana_dancer:
Phew! I'm chuffed. Spent the better part of the day at the new place. We've finally fixed in the gas and its up and running and our washing machine is being installed. Lot's of going up and down the stairs, so I had a real good workout today. But best of all, it took me out of the house and also took my mind off the pasta's I was already looking forward to as at my last post. I've had them both now actually, and I'm enjoying my last glass of water before I go off to sleep. Nice and full :)Those meals really fill you up! Back to work tomorrow, sigh...