3rd go, determination x 100, LETS GO! BUDDYS WANTED.

It'll pass hunny I promise just stick with it. I took myself off to bed at 6.30pm on day 2 as I just felt awful. Had a wee cat nap for 1hr this afternoon and i'm feeling great. Still got 1 pack left so managing to space them out longer as last 3 days I've been done and dusted by 6pm lol
Feeling it cld be a struggle to have last pack as I'm so not hungry
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Stick with it - once you get past the first 4 or 5 days it does become so much easier. I found these boards (especially the before and after pics) such a motivation at the start. Honestly, by the end of the first week, I could have happily missed a pack and not really minded.

Drinking water does really help as well I find and someone on here once posted a really useful blog explaining why water is so important to ketosis. In summer it is much easier to chug down water and the water flavourings are good if you can't stand plain water.

You look great on your pic Lisa! Don't be miserable. Write down why you are doing this and remember how quickly time goes!
Trying not to think of the big picture as 5 - 6 stone is very daunting but I've set mini goal of 8 weeks til we go away for a long w'end, although I plan to still be on my packs. 3 weeks after that its off to Blackpool and approx 9 weeks after that the big fella in the red suit will nearly be here - ho ho ho

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ok, so thanks to my kids (ill blame them!) I ate a crunchie bar last night. I was so upset this morning I just decided to got weighed and lost another 1lb!!

I am feeling great this morning, except I just bought some of the chino type trousers (sick of living in leggins and tracksuit bottoms) and they are a size 18. This is the first time that I have ever worn anything fitted in a size 18, and they are so tight, oh my god they are hurting my side....

This is was i need, its extra motivation. Feel like I have been punched in the face....
The day is going well, only had one shake so far but still not drinking enough water... :(

I promise to try!

Im abot to have my 2nd shake. Im just not hungry! maybe I have hit ketosis?
Having 2nd shake...forcing it down. Is that good?
Its quiet on here today, where are you all? xxx
Im determined now not to get weighed until Monday...
Sounds like ketosis has set in, good stuff. I'm a terror for scale hopping so I sympathise, no way I could make it a week, I'm lucky if I manage just the once a day.
Im just worried if I put a 1lb on one day I will be sat in the drive thru'
Think you are maybe in ketosis if your not feeling hungry.
That's good that you have lost another pound. Keep it up.
Your doing fab. Xx
Remember don't weigh yourself everyday. You will get disheartened if the scales don't move. Sometimes you can be 1 pound heavier one day then the next 2 pound lighter. I would leave it to once a week. Something to look forward to. Seeing the weight fall off once a week. Xx
Iv got an important family do on Thurday, will I wreck everything if I eat the meal?
I think if you have a low carb meal it should be ok like a chicken breast and some veg. if you just have anything it will kick you out of ketosis :(
It's hard when events come up. You have to be strong or maybe plan ahead.
Can you take a bar or a shake with you?
It's very tempting when there is food around.
normally Id give it a miss but my brother called to say they are doing lamb because they know how much I like it!!! bless him x