4.5 Day Kickstart and then straight onto LCD...

I had the start of a headache today - but I blasted it with 2 ibruprofen and 2 paracetamol do it didn't develop thankfully - I had been drinking plenty of water. When I get headaches they often stay for 24 hrs and make me feel nauseous so pleased it was caught, although it still feels like it is threatening.

I don't think I mentioned this but I had an ocular migraine on Sat evening - I've had them before (only within last 3 years or so) but very, very infrequently. Again, I managed to catch it with painkillers (even though there was no pain - just the flashing lights in my left eye) and it suddenly went again after 20 mins.

Now home from work and I Really, really fancied a glass of squash or something! I will include some water flavourings in with my next order I think! I'm having a black coffee (with caffeine, I usually switch to decaff if I have one after 2 pm) just for a change for water but it isn't really hitting the spot. Maybe a bit of caffeine will help with the threatened headache.

Day was very easy again. Like with any diet really, I think the evening will be my main issue - I think I am still feeling hunger than but who knows!
So feeling like I might not order anymore packs now and transition straight onto a SW red type diet with no junk food at all - view this as a kickstart/good break from the junk, it may have done it's job?

I'm thinking about it. I don't feel great...
Well, I've made the decision.

I've decided to transition straight onto a LCD now. I will use my packs with that. I do not regret starting SnS again - it IS a great diet and I have had success on it in the past. It just isn't the right one for me to continue now, especially with all this time away where I would simply have to come clean about it to people I really don't.

Diet will be of my own making - I will ban trigger/junk food/alcohol and generally be strict. I will probably end up doing WW PP but not having the crap you can on that (mainly because of them being triggers).

I know I am contradicting myself from my earlier posts!

To anyone reading this - the very best of luck with your journey :)
I hope you have success with your LCD, I know that's what I will be doing after my honeymoon. Slim and Save is great for a kick start as it helps you cut out junk food and carbs but I wouldn't be able to sustain it for very long.

I hope you have a lovely trip! :)
Thanks Hazza!

Good luck on your weight loss journey and all the wedding preparations. Hopefully will see you around on the board still over the next few months...

I will obviously retire this diary now. I've got a long-standing one in the silver section that I might try and find or start a new one...not sure yet!

Interestingly, for breakfast this morning what I wanted was an SnS porridge pack - so that is what I had! I will probably still have the four packs as usual until I run out but add in some extras.
Bye Zeke - good luck with your new plan & hope it all goes really well for you. x