40 day challenge!

Best of luck for your WI tomorrow Midge, hope the exante angels are kind to you!! :)
Good luck with the WI !:character00238:
WI angels were very bad! Put on 1/4 lb! I'm going to stop weighing each day. I've been TS so I know I can't have put proper weight on. I started exercising each day on Monday so I'm wondering if my body is panicking and holding on to the weight because of this? Either way, I feel so much better - more energy, much slimmer and all round happier and positive so I'm not going to change anything (apart from not weighing each day...and evening).

Official WI day is Monday though as I'm going out Saturday night I might take a peek on Saturday so I can see what difference the night makes. Shouldn't be much as I'm not drinking and will be sticking to chicken salad.

Have a good day everyone - it will come off when it's ready!

Heyy Midge,

Love love your positive attitudeeeee!!! Your posts always gives me a boost :)

Like you said, it will come off when its readyy :)

Have a greatt day Midge!!
Hey Midge, Sorry to hear the WI fairies were not kind:( but as you rightley say on TS is has got to be coming off! big loss coming up on monday me thinksXX
Thank you :)

Some good news.... I measured myself last Tuesday (wish I'd done it when I started this), and since then I've lost 5cms off my tummy and a couple off everywhere else!! Well happy with that!

Hoping the scales go down this week, but we all want to look smaller so I guess the measurements are more important anyway. (How's that for turning a negative into a positve lol!)

Today's been good except my legs hurt from walking still. Feeling a bit peckish tonight so time for a Bouillon I think.

18 days done, 22 til the end of my first challenge and my birthday :) I'm thinking that after my birthday I'll do WS til I get to goal. I really enjoy the shakes now so I could quite happily have one or two a day forever (and I'm sure I'm healthier as Im getting more vitamins etc than on a normal diet).

Hope everyone is doing well and feel positive xx
Wish I'd put the scales away! Still no movement....

But OH had no movement for 3 days then 1.5lbs overnight so I'm holding on to that and hoping to wake up up with a couple of lb loss one day (soon!!).

I'm going to up my calories a bit today by having my 3 shakes and then on of my OH low carb shakes on top of them. I've had exactly 3 shakes and nothing else for nearly 3 weeks so maybe I need to wake up my body a bit. It can't do any harm either way.

We're going out tomorrow night (we're usually out 2/3 times a week and haven't been out for 3 weeks now), so looking for to socialising but only drinking sparkling water. I've already chosen my food - chicken/salad, so it's all sorted. And I can wear my new shoes!!

Despite the scales problem in the last few days, I'd stick to this diet anyway as my skin is so much better, I have more energy, no ups and downs during the day like before when I was stuffing carbs and sugar and I feel loads slimmer! If you're considering a VLCD then I'd recommend this one (not that I've tried any others). Before I started I wasn't at all convinced I could do it.....but I can - and you could too :)

I WILL have lost by official WI on Monday, I WILL, I WILL :)))

Good afternoon Midge, stay positive I'm sure the scales will register a good loss on Monday :hug99: xx
Right, another TS day done - if having an extra, low carb shake is still TS? Any other time I'd have given up after not losing weight for a few days but I know the cms have come off this week so the lbs will catch up. Really wanted 3 off this week but its very unlikely. But in the scheme of things, not reaching a mini goal one week doesn't really matter. If I give up now I'll be this size (or bigger) in a months time. If I carry on I will be smaller. Simple really.... (I'm talking out loud to myself here lol!)

OH has lost 18lb since we started so between us that's 30lb!! Bet our sofa and bed are happier!

Right, that's the lot for today I guess. Tomorrow will be strange as I'm eating for the first time in nearly 3 weeks. When we usually go to the pub we're going to, I have the chicken kebabs and pitta bread with a side order of chips and then a dessert - YUK. Tomorrow will just be the chicken kebab stick thingys with salad. I'm not drinking, though OH is. I want to get down a bit more before I 'waste' calories on alcohol.

I'm waffling now so off I go! Hope everyone has a good weekend xx
Well, another 1lb off today (official weigh in on Monday), so that leaves me 1.25lb to lose by Monday morning. It is doable I guess! That would make 1 stone in 3 weeks - and it's been so much easier than any other diet I've done.

Shouldn't wish your life away I know, but I can't wait for a month to go by so I'm lighter and smaller lol!

Off to decide which of my new old clothes I'm going to wear today :)

Well done Midge. I'm in the same boat - loss has really slowed down and it's only week 2 for me! Still, I'm taking the same approach you are about sticking with it. Somebody on this forum said it is impossible not to lose doing this diet - so I keep reminding myself of that fact. The speed doesn't matter ultimately and as I keep saying to myself even 1lb a week would mean nearly 4 st over a year. So onward and downwards. XX
Well done Midgy!! :)

Footie, I'm with you girl I have lost "point" 25 of a pound so far this week lol official weigh in Tuesday, didnt bother on the scales this morning as was just counter productive, I have stuck at it - and weirdly I look forward to my black coffee and choc orange bar, and my lunch skake - as Starlight said I CANNOT FAIL to lose weight on this so I am sure when my metabolism gets its butt into gear it'll come off

Well done both - both your enthusiam and commitment keeps me going for sure!! lol x
Afternoon you two! Glad you're keeping going and staying positive - it WILL come off :) It is so good to be able to read other people's experiences and it certainly does help keep you going when things get a bit tough.

I've been out for the day and for a meal. I had chicken breast kebab sticks with a couple of bits of pepper and green salad. Did I want to pinch a couple of my OH's chip?? Nope!! I've been telling myself how greasy chips and burgers are and so I'm really not interested now. Can't say I was particularly excited about having the meal.... and that'll be it now until I go out in 2 weeks (think there'll be a buffet the next time so that'll be easy too). I was worried I'd want to keep eating after I started, but I'm fine!

It really helped that I was trying on lots of my old clothes this morning - and lots of them fitted! I can really see a difference in my body shape already and clothes are much looser. (Was a bit awkward as my knickers keep slipping down when we were in town lol!! Sorry TMI :))

So today I've had an Exante shake, a low carb shake and a chicken breast salad. I'm sure that'll be fine! Will have a latte in a bit made with half a vanilla shake.

So, nearly the end of a lovely day spent with my children and two gorgeous grandchildren. Life is good - especially when your old clothes fit again :)

Good luck everyone x
Wide awake at silly oclock!

No damage done yesterday, 1/4lb off. Can I take another 1lb off by tomorrow's WI for my stone??? Going for a long walk today to see if it helps. OH said he'd take the day off his diet yesterday and he certainly did. I can't see me doing it, while he was stufifng burgers I just kept thinking of all the grease and fat and calories - which I'm pleased about. I'm going to get ready for a wander round a car boot sale to see if I can find some cheap new clothes :)

Midge - your comment about your undies made me lol. Wot would normally be an embarrassing incident takes on a whole different meaning when you're trying to get smaller. Love both your and flubsters attitude regarding not seeing much movement. Stick with it - we can do this!!. X
This forum kept me on the straight and narrow today! We went out for lunch, but the salads weren't up to much so I had a mixed grill but just ate some of the meat (chicken, steak, pork chop and gammon - little bits!). I gave all the chips and other bits to my OH. Then went to Costa and had a black coffee but was pretty tempted by the cakes and then wanted chocolate on the way home (like we used to at the weekends). You know what kept me away from them? Thinking about how I'd feel having to write on here that I messed up!! I've read so many people's diaries and when they say they fell off the wagon I've always thought 'I won't do that'. So, here I am at the end of the day and I can say I stayed on plan today!! I've eaten nothing that should knock me out of ketosis so back to TS tomorrow.

So girllies...just remember. DON'T do it, if you do, you'll have the shame of admitting it to us all lol!

Another big plus today is that I've tried on all my clothes and whereas I couldn't get them on, let alone done up, a month ago, many of them now do up quite easily! Still need to lose another half a stone at least before I'd feel really comfortable wearing some of them but it's so exciting that I can get them done up again. I have sooooo many clothes at last!!

Staying on the plan works.....simple!

Long day at work tomorrow so early night I think. Hope you've all had a good day xx
Aaaw what a lovely post..... glad you're sticking to it despite the odd disappointment and the results speak for themselves:D Have a lovely, 100% day xx
Good morning Midge, you did really well with your lunch out. Well done!

Looking forward to seeing your weigh in result later. Good luck :hug99: xx

Had to be in work early today so haven't weighed - roll on tomorrow morning, just need a pound for my stone. PLEEASE!!!

:) x