A Journey of 5 stone or more ?

Hi Jael,

I think the battle with the scales is a funny one ... we can't stop ourselves. Try not to stress over it ... i was 16.6 yesterday and i weighed this morning and i was 16.7 .. but then my girlie time started an hour ago and i know i hold water during this time of the month so that might explain the 1lb. Our bodies have a mind of there own ... as long as you have control over what you put in it then you will see a loss at the end of your week.

I had a bad work day yesterday... like you i do work from home .... so i lit a smelly candle and tried to relax.

Mothers day is going to be a funny one ... i thought about suggesting doing something un-food related or if its nice suggesting a picnic ... that way no one notices what you eat or don't!

Hope you have a better afternoon xx
The youngest family member is only 3 months oldest and the oldest is my dad at 70, so finding something that we can all do together is hard, and family life seems to revolve around food. The last suggestion was to try to find a sushi place, which I guess I could live with, I could have a bit of sashimi on it's own, no rice, and I should be ok I guess.

I dont have the excuse of TOTM unfortunately, I have a coil which means I dont have any periods at all, so can't use that excuse.

I shouldnt let things stress me out though, but I noticed last night I was quite bad tempered with my daughter and she didnt really deserve it. And then she whacked her hand really hard against the edge of her desk when she was walking past it and was in tears and I felt so guilty about being mean to her before. It's been a long time since I was that bad tempered, I hope it's not the diet that's making me that way.
Hi Jael
Maybe your blood sugar level is dropping too low that always makes me a bit grouchie. Try drinking a little bit more water as that usually helps me.
Mere x
thanks Mere. I'm ok now, I went out into the sunshine which helped a bit too and I retested and I'm now in ketosis which is a positive sign.
Glad you are in ketosis as it just makes everything so much easier.
Mere x
Don't be disheartened Jael001, as women, regardless of having periods or age, it is in our natural make up to vary up to 10lbs at different times of the month or year which is not associated to fat, so it doesn't show on the dress size but on the scales. The simple truth is, as we all know, if you are eating less calories than you are burning then you are losing weight. As you are doing this you have nothing to fear, just put it down to being a woman, a wonderful, strong, beautiful woman who is embarking an a very challenging mission and will come out of it at the other end just an even happier version of the that woman. The scales, like the camera, do sometimes lie in this regards.

My weigh in yesterday was another 3lbs, so 1lb more and I have hit my first stone quicker than I had hoped. However, I don't expect it to continue at that rate, and it's the bigger picture/end result that we are aiming for, don't be disheartened about how we get there.

Thanks for asking Samcg.

A few months sacrifice for a lifetime of happiness - it's got to be worth it

Continue being strong everyone xxx
Hi Redand blonde
What true words great support.
Mere x
Thanks Mere, wow, you're over half way there, how wonderful. xx
thanks RedandBlonde, yes very wise words, I know in my heart that I'm doing it all correctly and the weight WILL come off, I just wish it'd hurry up lol. I'm so tired of being so big. I was fine with it for ages, but I'm not anymore and I just can't wait for it to be off me.
thanks RedandBlonde, yes very wise words, I know in my heart that I'm doing it all correctly and the weight WILL come off, I just wish it'd hurry up lol. I'm so tired of being so big. I was fine with it for ages, but I'm not anymore and I just can't wait for it to be off me.

It will come off :) This diet is what I believe the quickest way! I thought my weight loss was slow- losing 8lb in the first week whilst others were losing 14lb +!! I actually put on mid week and got really down!! But in 7 weeks being 2 stone lighter it does work if you stick to it. :D
I know it can seem like a long way off, but you won't find a quicker way and it really is a few months compared to the rest of your life - I think we all have to reach a certain amount of loss before we recognise it is happening. Perhaps we recall our last weight loss as being easier, but it wasn't, and yet we did it. One day at a time - big picture in your mind xx
I know it can seem like a long way off, but you won't find a quicker way and it really is a few months compared to the rest of your life - I think we all have to reach a certain amount of loss before we recognise it is happening. Perhaps we recall our last weight loss as being easier, but it wasn't, and yet we did it. One day at a time - big picture in your mind xx

Good post red and blonde, sometimes we all need a bit of moral support and that's the great thing about this site xx

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Thanks Samcg, god knows I'll be needing it soon enough, it's easier to preach than practice sometimes. So yes, this is a great site, it really does add incentive and encouragement xx

Good post red and blonde, sometimes we all need a bit of moral support and that's the great thing about this site xx

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Thanks Samcg, god knows I'll be needing it soon enough, it's easier to preach than practice sometimes. So yes, this is a great site, it really does add incentive and encouragement xx

Hi Red&B, how are you?
How are you getting on?sam x

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Hi Sam, I slightly 'slipped' a little last night. I had 2 spritzers, but I will honestly say, the glass was 9/10ths sparkling water, I just added a thimble of wine to get a taste. I felt back but happily I did continue to lose and stay in ketosis. I find I had to keep myself really busy today, as I did last weekend as the weekends I find harder. During the week my work keeps me so busy that it is good, but the weekends there is too much time. Plus I was a classic eater of weekend treats that I wouldn't consider in the week, so just having to get over that. Equally, with the weight coming off as it is, I still have incentive and the support here really helps.

How about you Sam, you doing OK? xx
'Bad' not 'back'! ;-)
Hi R and B
I think you did very well to have the spritzers with such a little amount of wine. Great for staying in ketosis. :)
Mere x
Hi R&B,

I'm okay ... Feeling a bit glum tonight.
All ok with the plan ... Just been a bit hungry today ... Drank an ocean!!

Weigh in tomorrow... Fingers crossed!


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Hi Mere,

Hope that you are ok and had a nice Mother's Day

Sam x

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Hi Sam
Had a super day hope you had a good day too.
The ocean you drank today will have flushed the fat away.
Good luck with your WI tomorrow.
Mere x