A nibbly snacky kind of day....


Full Member
Had a challenging day today - the first day I've been seriously tempted to eat everything in sight..... I felt genuinely hungry most of the morning, despite several low-GL snacks. The kids had some gorgeous shortbread biscuits - I resisted! Dips and raw veggies for lunch, and a quorn burger and 'sunday dinner' veggies for tea, still feeling deprived, even after some dark chocolate. In the end I gave in about an hour ago, and had a hot cross bun - really enjoyed it and the cravings have gone! I went for a walk for half an hour afterwards to assuage the guilt a little..... Work tomorrow, so less temptation hopefully!
Hope everyone has had a less taxing weekend than me!
Yeah, it was just one - the packet was calling to me again tonight, but I gave the last one to my son to remove temptation!
Don't beat yourself up Kate. You did really well to limit your snacking and that is what matters. We all have a picky day or indeed few days. Just remember the old 80/20 rule and you will be fine.