Abi's sleepless diary :D - introducing isobel :D

I think now might be a good time to get yourself used to sleep deprivation ;)
Ah congrats on your baby girl Isobel (izzy) is a lovely name. I have 3 girls and my middle one is called Lily so love that name too. We couldn't decide on a boys name for baby no3 but picked Olivia for a girl, When she arrived her big sisters decided she should be called Grace so that's what she got!
21 weeks wowee.. time has flowen by eh! :D Congrats and glad all is well.
As for sleep deprevation.. I was the queen of it along with Angie of course! lol we'd often meet on here around 3am! lol
Stood me well I can tell you! lol I can happily survive on 3 - 5 hours sleep now! lol
ha. well i'm guessing that's the reason. i certainly don't seem to need as much sleep. but i don't want to get up. then i'll never get back to sleep so i just toss and turn :( it's so silly. i cannot get comfy on a night, but when i wake up in the morning i'm so comfy i don't want to get out of bed :(

abz xx
well the hormones finally caught up with me. i was looking at my tummy and saying surely i must look pregnant rather than fat. i can see a totally different shape to how i was when i was much bigger (but other people obviously can't). i have a b-shaped bump and OH said what he found weird was that it had a top bit and a bottom bit and went in in the middle. and was this normal? well. i bawled my eyes out saying he thought i was weird and abnormal. he only meant did lots of people get it before their proper bump but didn't word it particularly well...

cue me laughing because i knew i was being ridiculous but bawling my eyes out because i was upset anyway and OH getting a abject lesson in chosing your words rather carefully when around your pregnant wife... :D

abz xx
Abz, I wouldn't worry hun, I have a B shape bump at the moment and it'll fill out properly when it wants. I don't give a toss what people think of me anymore because when all is said and done I know I'm pregnant, the people important to me know I'm pregnant so everyone else can go swing from the monkey bars for all I care lol! :)
You'll be fine and I bet your bump is gorgeous. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Me too, my bump is b shaped also, can't wait till it fills out. As for the hormones, I've managed to avoid them so far but know there is plenty of time for them to wallop me.
I'm another with a B shaped bump but I find if I wear my belly band it isn't as noticeable. Mine is from the physio but I know New Look and maybe Asda do similar things :)
well i'm not that fussed. i know it will follow :)

went to the baby event at asda yesterday and got a steriliser and a breast pump, both a tenner instead of £25. got curtains, lampshade, drape thingummy for over cot and sleeping bag from ikea for baby's room too. saw cot in ikea i'll be getting when i manage to get thomas there with an empty car.

didn't manage to get either pushchair, carseat, baby monitor (or cot) which is what we went out for, but hey. it was still productive. ordering online for pushchair and carseat now we know what we want, just couldn't get... it's all go. and all a bit scary.

have cleared 12 binbags of stuff out of the house this weekend with my mum at the whip. i am living through my worst nightmare. hopefully it will all be done soon and i don't think i'll ever hang onto things if i'm uncertain again. it's bloody awful. i seriously hoard clothing. no more!!

abz xx
What you been up to mrs? What pram etc have you gone for? I love to be nosey at what other people have bought :D
oh my word. a visitor!! ha. thought i was rambling to myself on here.

pram? i'm getting a stroller and missing out on the pram phase as it lies flat for newborns. am going to get the petite star zia stroller. hopefully in black :) haven't got it yet though :) you?

i had the most horrendous tummy pains last night. well. not that horrendous. not crying out and doubled over. but nasty enough to wake me up and send me in a panic. i figure they must have been braxton hicks but i didn't know those hurt? have been on a pregnancy forum i'm a member of and it turns out that they can indeed hurt. but if bump hadn't been kicking me through the night, the morning and regularly through today i would have been going mad!! it was horrible. of course i didn't sleep because i was worrying and i'm at work until 11pm tonight. gah. am so tired :(

abz xx
Ah that one looks a lot like the quinny OH's cousin has and they love it :) We have the M&P 8 in 1 but when baby is a bit bigger I've no doubt we'll switch to something a bit more compact lol.
I seen your post on B&B, glad you're OK and your little one is reminding you she is too :D This pregnancy thing is nothing but worry lol. Hope your shift goes over quickly and you get some decent sleep tonight x
blimmin' heck that pram has EVERYTHING!! ha. we've chosen that one mainly because it's so light but also because the price is rather good :)

still getting crampy pains but i think it's ligaments rather than anything else. it may have been before but hurt more because of the position i was in. if i could describe it then that would be a start but i don't have a hope, ha.

just want her to kick me all the time now so i know she's ok. but obviously she's never done that, so then i would worry about why she was moving around so much, ha.

abz xx
Yeah OH loves the gadgety stuff, i wasn't bothered as long as it lay flat and could be used parent facing too. We got an absolute bargain though, OH's mam works with someone that used it 4 times and then sold it to us for £150! There's not even a mark on the tyres and the changing bag, pushchair part and car seat have never been used so apart from paying £15 for a new mattress we've got an as new pram for an absolute steal! :D
Maybe try drinking more and getting up and walking round for a bit if you can, see if that eases it any.
You'll be starting to feel more definite movements but less of them as she gets bigger x
amazing bargain there babes!! wow!!

i just went and refilled my water bottle. hydration here we come :)

abz xx
I got M&P primo viaggio. I'm going to buy the hauck buggy that is on sale in asda baby event for £25, for when I want to use more compact buggy.
howdy chaps. well my little bump became viable yesterday :D not something i thought i would be excited about but it's another milestone :) not long until single figures now :)

she celebrated by wriggling and kicking all day and all night. which, although absolutely wonderful to feel after she'd had a couple of quieter days (and which may also have had something to do with the rather large haribo portion just before bed... won't be doing that again...) means that i've not had much sleep and start my 10 hour shift in half an hour. that's going to be SO MUCH fun :D

abz xx
i'm not sure to be honest minime. i hope so. i don't have as much kidney pain. must remember to take all four antibiotics today though as i forgot yesterday :S and i don't think i'm drinking enough water so am trying to get more of that down my neck. but i think the tablets are making me sick, which means that the water doesn't stay in. am going to try taking the next one after i've had a good solid lunch and see if that makes a difference :)