Activity Points


Full Member
I was wondering if there is any where i can look to work out the activity points of different excercises.

I went to the Gym for 30 mins (Doing Cardio) on Tuesday morning and was not sure how many activity points i would have earned?

Im also going to a dance class tonight for an hour which is pretty fast paced and really not sure on that either!??? :eek:

You should be able to find out the points for exercise either in your book or on-line, depending on how you follow the diet.

Theresa x
I can see there are a few things about activity points but there are not anything like dance classes...

Is there a book i can buy at my meetings that have activity points in?

Sorry to be a pain! :)
just wondering see if u dont use ur activity points can u still loose weight for example i went on a 6 mile walk today and im not going to count them....?? xx
Light Activity is your current weight x # of mins x .000232

Mod Activity is your current weight x # of mins x .000327

Heavy Activity your current weight x # of mins x .0008077

It's best to round down to the nearest point since most people think they work out harder than they actually do!!! :)

Hope this helps
according to a site i found ;)

i assume current weight is lbs.. will try working it out..

well i worked out 30mins of swimming for myself, which i normally peg at 4AP if i do 1hr as i consider it moderate activity.

224lbs x 30 x .000327 = 2.197 so works out well for me :)
Maybe teachers were right - maths can be useful throughout your life!!
do u have to use the acitivty points though??
no. you can save them for a treat later in the week or not use them at all. however a lot of people find their bodies react positively to eating their activity points and they lose more weight during the weeks they do use them than the weeks they dont x
what i have been doing is not including the dashes of semi skimmed milk into my tea as i no i have done enuff activity points to cover this hehe.. so no treats ill not use them but carry on doing it this way and i mean its only a few drops of milk lol