Alli's 2011 "Head stuff" diet

Morning Alli, hope everything is good with you... have a good day xx
Hi Alli. x :)
Hi All - super busy at work again which is good as it keeps me out of mischief! Am on track today and have no plans for meals out / bottles of wine. Will try to keep busy tonight as well - idle hand will make my waist expand :eek::D

Right - will have to get back to work - hope you are all having a good day & thanks for checking in on me!!
Hope you've had a fab day Alli...

Morning Alli, hope all is well with you!
Wishing you a fab day!

Thanks for the pep talks Alli, have hauled myself onto the SW liferaft at last... just calling in to wish you a fab day!

Hi Ally,

I'm glad that you are having good weather for this half-term and hope that wifi allowed you to enjoy the day whilst getting some work done.

@KatyCakes, Glad you got hauled on board!

Advice needed please - and from any other hairy dog owner - no, I mean from the owner of a dog which moults a lot! Alli's will, labs are dreadful, not sure if yours does much Katy? Greeneyes? What about yours?

We need a new carpet in the sitting room and I'm debating what to have. At present it's beige, older than I thought and has rather lost it's pile. With a black dog on it mostly disgusting without a lot of effort, i.e. hoovering on hands and knees. So - any ideas on alternative flooring? Not laminate though - possibly seagrass which we have in other rooms, but in the sitting room it might be a bit uncomfortable.
Next option, keep the dog out. Weeell, we won't I know.
Third option - and this is the crux of the matter really - what kind of vacuum cleaner is best for removing black dog hair from a beigey carpet ? - because I shall probably end up with a similar colour. I have a Henry now, but it's not very good on the dog hair.
Help! x
Advice needed please - and from any other hairy dog owner - no, I mean from the owner of a dog which moults a lot! Alli's will, labs are dreadful, not sure if yours does much Katy? Greeneyes? What about yours?

We need a new carpet in the sitting room and I'm debating what to have. At present it's beige, older than I thought and has rather lost it's pile. With a black dog on it mostly disgusting without a lot of effort, i.e. hoovering on hands and knees. So - any ideas on alternative flooring? Not laminate though - possibly seagrass which we have in other rooms, but in the sitting room it might be a bit uncomfortable.
Next option, keep the dog out. Weeell, we won't I know.
Third option - and this is the crux of the matter really - what kind of vacuum cleaner is best for removing black dog hair from a beigey carpet ? - because I shall probably end up with a similar colour. I have a Henry now, but it's not very good on the dog hair.
Help! x

We have wood flooring everywhere and whilst it's easy to clean I hate the fact that tufts of fur hide in corners behind doors and in places where it's difficult to reach.

We have a Miele hoover and it's great. Dyson make a hoover designed for homes with furry friends and I've heard good things about it. They do a grooming attachment that our neighbour (6 large dogs) raves about. We've never got on with Dyson hoovers so I'm sticking to Miele for now - lots cheaper as well.

Do you have a furminator :D? They are brilliant and make such a difference to the moulting! I can fill a whole supermarket bag full of fur just by going over Molly's fur with the furminator. You can pick them up cheaply on eBay - really if you haven't got one - that's what you need. :)

I love seagrass flooring but suspect it might be used as a giant scratching post...
Thanks very much Alli, I'd never heard of the Furminator, but have just watched a video and ordered one from Amazon. I washed the dog last weekend - in the yard with the hosepipe and brushed her using a human hair brush with little balls on the bristle tips so it doesn't hurt. She doesn't like being brushed, but has no choice so puts up with it. One dog we had used to like being hoovered, but this one runs a mile whenever Henry comes out.

I like seagrass too, especially the smell ( I hate the smell of new carpet!) but it might not be cosy enough in the sitting room. x
Sorry I can't help... mine doesn't moult too much, although she IS leaving grey fur on the daybed which she seems to have taken over lately whenever I am not in the room. We have a dark green carpet in the small room that used to be sitting room, & it's fine if you hoover daily, we have a dyson. The current sitting/dining room, (the extension) has lino flooring and a big rug, which I like a lot. If I could choose I'd have wood floorboards, but our cottage alas has ikky concrete floors.

MIL has laminate and her dog makes a terrible nails-on-blackboard sound clattering about on it, which has put me off it.

Sorry I can't help... mine doesn't moult too much, although she IS leaving grey fur on the daybed which she seems to have taken over lately whenever I am not in the room. We have a dark green carpet in the small room that used to be sitting room, & it's fine if you hoover daily, we have a dyson. The current sitting/dining room, (the extension) has lino flooring and a big rug, which I like a lot. If I could choose I'd have wood floorboards, but our cottage alas has ikky concrete floors.

MIL has laminate and her dog makes a terrible nails-on-blackboard sound clattering about on it, which has put me off it.


I'd have proper wooden floors and rugs as well Katy, ideally. Ours are earth covered with black bitumen. Not so pretty underneath the lino/carpet/seagrass.
I have a lot of seagrass/rush matting in an outbuilding, I don't really know what's there as last year wasps build nests in the rolls and I couldn't get them out to see. I'll do it this weekend, but I doubt there'll be enough for the sitting room.
I like the sound of your green carpet - I love green, I wear a lot of green clothes and really fancied a moss green carpet, but wonder if it'll make a smallish room seem smaller? (Don't fancy hoovering every day, not a chance that'd get done.)xx
Lol to the hairspray Chels! My dog already looks as if she spends a long time with the hair gel! What next? Dog shampoo & sets? Nail bars? Dogs today, tut tut! Funny but you MIGHT actually have a point.

Our old sitting room was tiny, and not very light, but I am not sure I could ever live with a beige or pale carpet alas. The green one has disguised a multitude of spills & stains, phew. I don't hoover every day any more alas but good to have something to aim at!

Alli, I'm so sorry that I have hijacked your thread! How rude! :eek:

Wondered how the puppy is settling in with Molly? Presumably she has had all her injections by now and you can walk them both? x
Alli, I'm so sorry that I have hijacked your thread! How rude! :eek:

Wondered how the puppy is settling in with Molly? Presumably she has had all her injections by now and you can walk them both? x

Hijack away - I'm not using it much at the moment anyway ;).

Poppy is doing really well! She is 4 months now and yes I walk them both every morning. She is very chilled out and apart from the first few weeks of worry we haven't had any problems with her. On walks she stays with us all the time and isn't bothered about running around like a loony (like Molly). They get on reasonably well although Molly does get a bit fed up with Poppy taking her bed all the time and she barks at me to move her off :D.

I'll try and post a photo soon so you can see how much she's grown!
She does sound lovely, I'd love to see a photo - better than our latest aquisition, who arrived a couple of hours ago, a paralysed, possibly blind 3 week old calf. :rolleyes:
But does he shed on the carpet?
