Alli's 2011 "Head stuff" diet

But does he shed on the carpet?


:8855: Well since I'm pretty sure that the nutters will have him on the hearthrug soon, I'll let you know. xx
Hey Alli,

Hope you've had agood weekend and got some of the lovely sun!

Wishing a fab SW week ahead

Morning all,

Lovely day again here in Kent! Am looking forward to a house full of kids today as both mine have friends over. Might take them to the park for some ice cream but otherwise I hope they will just have fun playing in the garden etc. I'm going to the cineama tonight with a friend so will go out early and catch up over coffee before the film starts.

Right - must go and clear up a little before we have visitors! :)

Have a great day!
You too, Alli. What film are you going to see?

Have a great time Alli, wonderful weather here too. :)

Awwwwww poor baby :cry:

Poor baby...hmm...'George' is mooing lots, feeding well and has lots of physio and cuddles.....I think there's some brain damage so he may not be fixable but the girls are having a good try. They've fixed up a sling (he can't stand) and out him in that, he looks like a baby in one of those bouncers! x
Alli, the Furinator came and it's brill!! So much fluff from one dog and she doesn't mind it either, well apart from round her bottom, she always sits down firmly when she sees a brush! I'm going to try it on the horse next, she's moulting lots and rolling to try to get rid of the hair, ordinary brushing leaves a lot...not that she's coming inside though - but that's only because she's too big and wouldn't fit through the door! Hope you've had a great day! xx
Yup, works on the horse as well. :D Now then....who's next? :) Hope you enjoyed the film.x
I remember when we had horses Bess, we used to get bags and bags of hair out of them at the beginning of spring when they were losing their winter coats. We never used to use rugs for them in the winter as they had stables and straw etc.....

Alli, sounds like Poppy has settled in really well....... our boxer is now a year old and she pulls like anything when on a lead, have tried everything to stop her but she is okay when off the lead and normally comes when called. Luckily she doesn't shed much, the cats andother 2 dogs are another matter and I do need to hoover every day.

Hope SW is going well..... have a great sunny day xx
Morning Alli, hope you are well hun.
Saw on your other diary you had a bbq with friends hope you had a lovely time. we've got one tomorrow, they are pretty good with salady stuff and i'm taking good sausages might even make some turkey burgers to take with. see if i can get out of bed!

Love the sound of the pavlova, not tasted quark, is it nice?

Wishing you a lovely long sunny weekend!

Morning Alli, hope you are well hun.
Saw on your other diary you had a bbq with friends hope you had a lovely time. we've got one tomorrow, they are pretty good with salady stuff and i'm taking good sausages might even make some turkey burgers to take with. see if i can get out of bed!

Love the sound of the pavlova, not tasted quark, is it nice?

Wishing you a lovely long sunny weekend!


Hi Lelly!

It was lovely thank you! The pav was very nice but I sweetened the quark a bit too much - I prefer a sharper taste to contrast the sweet meringue. Still we all enjoyed ourselves and the children were thrilled to stay up way past their bed time ;)

Quark is a bit like set fromage frais. It doesn't taste much at all but is a good fat free substitute for cream cheese. When I make cheese cake I tend to replace some cream cheese with quark to reduce the calories somewhat. I think it tastes just as nice.

We've just been out with the dogs! They've had a brilliant time swimming and larking about with other dogs - it's so hot already - another glorious day!! Aren't we lucky!

Hope everyone has a good Easter!
Happy Easter, Alli.

Good Morning everyone!

It's back to work / school morning and I'm feeling really cheerful! :)
I don't know why but probably to do with getting back into a routine again combined with it being a 3 day week! I'm not even phased by not being able to find DD's PE shorts - she will have to manage without and I will nip to the shops tonight to pick up a new pair.

Weather cooler and overcast here unfortunately - at least we had sunshine for the weekend!
Morning Alli, The weather is the same here, much colder too. Enjoy your 3 day week - that sounds very 1970's!!
Hi Alli,

It was cooler here, too. I am trying to climb back on the Hamster wheel.
Morning Alli, it is nice to have the kids back at school, mine went back yesterday too, peace at last...

We are hopefully off to Thorpe Park on Friday, lets hope it doesn't rain like the weather forecast is threatening, nothing worse than upside down rollercoasters with rain pouring up your nose!!!

Have a good day xx

Hope Wednesday is going as well for you as Tuesday and you are still feeling cheerful :)

The weather here is back to blue skies today, hope it's looking that way for you too and you.
Have a lovely day xxx
Hey Alli, hope you've having a great weekend and wishing you a fab week ahead!
Thanks Lelly & Mel! I am having a lovely weekend and have been making great food choices so am very happy. My DH bought me a new kitchen gadget yesterday - I've been wanting one for years and he bought it with his bonus bless him so I'm having a happy time making smoothies and ice-creams...

Off to a country park with the family now - hope you all are having a good weekend!:)