Alpaca's stream of consciousness - IS BACK ON THE WAGON!

Hi di - lol at the chinese laundry. Ours get confined to the guest room - but since that's also my study im usually surrounded by soggy clothes;)
At least their clothes are hanging.... my kids are at the leave it on the floor stage.x
Afternoon Di, we have a lovely big loft for our drying racks! My dehumidifier keeps cutting out though which is a pain!
Hope your house is looking less like a chinese laundry today! xx
Evening hun - I have to bail from Saturday :cry::cry::cry:- see my diary but basically have to take some journos out. No getting out of it, I'm afraid :(
Don't worry Susie... You've got heaps on your plate! :) x

Morning all... I had no coffee yesterday - don't feel too bad at all... I replaced with peppermint tea... And just had a sliver of Parmesan ...

I am feeling that I need to up the anti over the next few weeks until I get to Christmas... So on the days that I don't have much going on will try and be really careful ... For me it's not about sticking to legal foods as I seem to do that ok... But its more about portion control... And not having treats like cream and cheese... I am fine with them but would just like to shift a bit more before the end of the year... So maybe cutting them out would help!

I'm now wearing proskin leggings under my trousers each day ... I doubt they do what they say on the tin but it's keeping me held in (not a bad thing to do lol) and also nice and warm...

I am going to buy a pair of jeans - A big moment in my life! Lol ... I know it's too soon but would really like to see what it feels like to own a pair as I've not worn them since Queen Vic was alive! Lol

I hope a size 24 will be close enough - It won't fit right now - I think I'm a size 26 so something to aim for!

If I've time I'll pop to Evans this afternoon!

B - Atkins shake
L - Atkins shake
D - either chicken or salmon + salad
W - yep
E - maybe if I do the Evans trip
A - nope
Morning Di, Good luck with the jeans, and LOL @ linz ;)
Funny, I always wore jeans even at my heaviest as I felt less conspicuous in them for some reason!

Hope you find some that you like xx
Have fun hunting down those jeans! I used to avoid jeans at all costs because in my youth(!!) being super skinny was regarded as the perfect way to be and extremely tight jeans were the norm. I felt like an overstuffed sausage in tight jeans at anything above size 14 (the old size 14, which is now a 12). We are our own worst critics! And we make hard and fast rules for ourselves, whether those are wise or unwise.

Last year I realised that leggings and jeggings are great with long tops. Of course everyone else has known this for years but I with my hard and fast rule about jeans/trousers would not even try jeggings. I now more or less live in them!

Once I get back to size 10-12 I will be happier still but for jeans I now permit myself to wear them at size 14-16. LOL. Above that size I still feel they do not flatter me but I have come a long way and the right pair of jeans, with the right cut, can be very flattering indeed.
Morning all... I've not gone to Evans yet but have ordered some jeggings from M&S ... They arrive on Tuesday... However, my initial enthusiasm for jeans is starting to go as I am thinking I need to drop a few more sizes first! I think I'm at the running before walking stage! Lol

Have lost another pound today which is great - slow but great ... I'd love to be 16 something by Christmas ... But I'm losing so slowly that I think it will be a miracle unless I can get myself another tooth abscess! Lol

I'm off to Tiptree today to see my friend in her tap dancing concert ... It will be great fun and staying overnight at a cheap deal Travelodge...

B - egg, bacon, mushrooms, garlic, coffee , cream

L - having lunch in the Tiptree jam factory - they have a very sweet little cafe and I'll find something legal I'm sure

D - it might just be an Atkins shake - I'm bringing a couple in case I get stuck

W - hopefully enough

E - maybe some

A - nope

Hope you all have good days :)
Morning Di - have a fabulous time:)

I used to do tap dancing - never very elegant! It's great to watch though:D
Well done on the lb - steadily moving to where you want to be!

Ha ha... I only discovered them yesterday when I was looking for jeans on line ... They're a cross between jeans and leggings and look quite flattering ... I just hope I don't look like a beached whale (looks over at Linz's diary as there's no whale sightings over there! Lol)

Anyway, they arrive next week - so watch this space! Lol

Also guys... I'll need your support soon as I think I might be going out on a cautious date at the end of the month... And already I want to bail and run away! So if I can do extra well on diet - ie just reduce my calories to tooth abscess amount (lol) I might lose enough to be in the 16s (7lbs to lose)... It will do wonders for my self esteem ... And then if I do a few pics of what I have in my wardrobe you can help me decide what to wear... I'm freaking out already! Lol

Ok... I need to pack and leave for Tiptree... Will be checking in later! :)x
Oh, I think I know what you mean Di, Colleen has some, they look like very tight jeans but are in some sort of stretchy materiel.
Ooooh very exciting news about the date - who is he? what are his prospects???? :D

We're here to help with wardrobe advice anytime hun - thinking about it, this forum is like having a bunch of sisters (and one slightly naughty older brother :D) LOL.
Slightly?????? lol Susie, my word would be Extremely!!

Oooooooooo on the cautious date - that is very exciting Di, good luck but don't drop your calories too far cos you know that is not what Atkins is all about xx
Hi Di - how exciting! Deffo to checking out the outfits and giving tons of advice...all of which you are free to ignore;).

On the cheerleader theme how about a mini skirt and pom poms.......:D
Hope you are having a great weekend and let's sort diaries when you get back