Alpaca's stream of consciousness - IS BACK ON THE WAGON!

Oh guys ... Thank you SO!! What would I do without you! (hugs) xxx

I'm just about to leave the hotel to go to the concert! It's really dark outside! Lol ... I'm not used to it! Living in the centre of London is just permanent daytime! Lol... And this hotel is on the A12 and the traffic is screaming along ... I hope it doesn't take me days to get out! Lol :)
Morning all... My friend is looking after a 6 week old trainee guide dog puppy today... So that's what I'll be doing this morning ... Playing with the pup... I'll head back to London after lunch...

B - Atkins shake
L - somewhere local in Tiptree for lunch
D - i'll get either a salmon steak or chicken breast and bake with cabbage - I bought a small steamer insert yesterday from an amazing Aladdin's cave of all things useful and I'm sure that will soon become the most used item in my kitchen! My son nicked my last steamer - a Chinese wooden one :)
super awwwwwwwwwwwww
i simply adore puppies,also sad but true the way they smell
(did i just admit to pup pie sniffing )
have a lovely day. :D
Have fun with the puppy, I have friends who do guide dog training, I could not give them back so would never be able to do that!!! xx
Hi everyone

Just home from Tiptree...

Here's the puppy - she is so gorgeous!

lovely.puppy!! i adore labs!!
roosnanny said:
oh my oh my i would have to steal him,oh yes i would lol
is that you ?

Hi Lainey! Yes I'm the one holding the puppy... Her name is Ziggy :/)
Laura... She was so soft and playful :)
I only see one Linz! Lol :) x
V funny Linz! Lol... You go and sock it to 'em tonight!! You will be the belle of the ball :) x
Oh no! I'm a day out!! I'm so sorry Linz... I think it's being away that's knocked me out of sync! :) x
Ha ha ... Yep I'm cr*p Linz! Lol ... Am pleased you're chilling tonight ... Umm ... You are chilling aren't you!?? Or was that what you did on Thursday? I must get a notebook ! ;-)
I don't think I could keep up Linz - your days remind me of what my days used to be lol ... But I used to make a good PA so maybe I could clean the rust off my shorthand book ! ;-)