Alpaca's stream of consciousness - IS BACK ON THE WAGON!

Thanks so much guys! You are all so sweet!

Ok ... Scientific assessment of Spanx (well not scientific - I'd have to leave that to Katie! Lol )

Certainly makes your 'bits' feel compact
Felt sorta 'held' which felt quite ok

Jim! You're so right ... A real b*gg*r to pull down and up thus making toilet trips a bit of a struggle - I ended up trying to not go so often! Lol
Gave me a bit of wind this morning for a few hours - or I picked up a bug at the hospital ! Lol

All in all... Good for going out but not sure I'd need them every day - mostly cos I'm a lazy git and they do take a bit of effort...

Now I need to find some for my upper arms!!! I would most definitely wear them 24/7! Lol

So busy and stressed today that I ate like a gannet and a banshee all day ... My mouth was grinding food like a grazing cow! Lol. Luckily all legal but when it's there in front of me there's no holding me back! Lol

Hope you've had a good day! :)
Hmm sounds like the usual side effects of any kind of holder iner type of knickers, thks for reporting back though, intrepid pants warrior :D

Don't worry about eating a bit today, I've seen you eat and you don't have a massive appetite - plus, with all the worry of the redundancy business, you need the energy, I'd say xx
I had 170g of lean turkey breast
50g smoked salmon
150g of cheddar cheese slices - light
1.5 Atkins shake
3 cups of coffee with cream
Half a bag of spinach, watercress and rocket salad

Lol... That's loads and it didn't even touch the sides !! Lol I was so stressed!! Lol

I think it was the way I ate it ... Non stop picking... Now I'm home I'm feeling hungry so might have an egg :)
Morning everyone... Additional stress today cos the ex MiL might be discharged on Friday which means I'll have to spend the weekend with her getting her acclimatised to being back home!! I'm so freaking busy that I need this like a hole in the head!! Lol

Anyway... I think I'm having lunch with a colleague today and also meeting up with another sort of colleague for a meeting and supper later so I just have to think about breakfast which will be Atkins shake(s) lol

Hope you all have good days... I've lost 0.5lbs... Not long to go before I'm in the 16s!! Bring it on!!!! Lol :)
That's hardly anything at all. Have a good day.x
ha ha... now that I look back on it I guess you're right - perhaps the stress of yesterday just made me feel like I was stuffing myself for England! and I didn't have a proper meal - I just grazed all day, so had no idea what was going into my mouth!! Just shows how far away from being sorted I really am! :)
Morning Di, I agree, that's no food at all LOL
Morning Di - gosh sorry to hear you are going to have to spend your weekend sorting out your ex-MIL, surely there must be one of her own family members who can do it???

And eat more, or else! :)
ok ... lunch with colleague has been cancelled which is great cos I now have more time to get things done!!

I'm obsessing about my bat-wing arms at the moment. I've found a Spanx-type thing for them which I'll trial run and let you know. I never thought I would be so vain!!! ha ha.

And a friend who's been working in Oman for 3 months is coming back today and we're meeting up on Saturday - once I've got the ex MiL settled I'll go out for lunch with him. He did have a g/f but I'm not sure if they are together still - I didn't like to ask on the text - no doubt I'll hear all about it!!

OK.. will pop to M&S and buy some food! lol :)

Morning Di - gosh sorry to hear you are going to have to spend your weekend sorting out your ex-MIL, surely there must be one of her own family members who can do it???

And eat more, or else! :)
You'd think that would be possible - but, my ex doesn't like spending any time with her and she's not very sociable so doesn't really have a big friend network...
Morning Di
Yes great to hear you've got a nice lunch planned for yourself:D
Was giggling at all the spanx discussion;)
You must a bloody saint Di, not sure I could do what you are doing with my ex MiL - not that she wasn't a nice enough woman, just that I had to draw a line under that part of my life, you know? It sounds like your ex needs to live up to his responsibilities a bit more, after all she is his Mother! Ok lecture over, lol - don't work too hard!!!!
B xx
Evening all... Just back from a Cafe Rouge supper with the sort of colleague... I had steak and salad with a starter of 2 types of continental meats... Was quite nice...

Lunch got cancelled so I bought a Pret crayfish and avocado salad ... Very yum! :)

I must order batwing spanx - didn't have time today! And the vibro thingie as well... The one that will slide under my bed will be best... And will force me to sort out the crap that's accumulated there! Lol :)
Quak said:
You must a bloody saint Di, not sure I could do what you are doing with my ex MiL - not that she wasn't a nice enough woman, just that I had to draw a line under that part of my life, you know? It sounds like your ex needs to live up to his responsibilities a bit more, after all she is his Mother! Ok lecture over, lol - don't work too hard!!!!
B xx

You will eventually realise that I find it hard to move on ! Ha ha... And my sense of duty is psychopathic in the extreme! But perhaps whilst wearing a body clad in spanx I will find it impossible to move or drive which will be an excellent excuse not to visit her! Lol :) x