Alpaca's stream of consciousness - IS BACK ON THE WAGON!

Evening guys ... You are all so special! :) ... Thank you!

Hope you're all having great weekends! :) xx
Honestly ... What are you all like! Lol

Had a busy couple of days with ex MiL and fixing wifi and prepping for redundancies tomorrow!

Hopefully everything will calm down soon! :) xx
Morning losers :)

Crazy day today starting with dentist at Cannon St then a dash to Hammersmith for back to back redundancies...

I reckon breakfast and lunch will be shakesville! Lol

Lost just over 1lb let's see if I can keep it off this week! Lol

Hope you all have good days :)
Forgot to mention that I've bought a pair of Spanx! Never heard of them until my 2 friends told me about them. They've just started Atkins not the most disciplined of dieters having just dabbled with SW and one was on WW last year, I hope it works out for them - they quizzed me loads about Atkins, I've forgotten how much I've picked up over the last 7 months. I told them to look at the recipe section and they got excited about MIMs and cheeseburger pie.

I might try the Spanx tomorrow lol :)
Morning Di, have a good Monday well done on the lb.... spanx are a girls best friend.x
Morning Di, are your friends on minimins then?
Hi all... Still at work but should be leaving soon! :-(

B - Atkins shake , coffee and cream

L - turkey and cheese slices and salad - watercress, spinach and rocket

D - the same as lunch

E - a bit

Hi Jim ... My friends aren't members yet - not sure they will join but they have found the recipes and advice really helpful

:) x
ditzeeblonde said:
Morning Di, have a good Monday well done on the lb.... spanx are a girls best friend.x

Hi Linz ... I've clearly been living under a mushroom all these years as I've never heard of them until my friend mentioned it ! Lol doh!! :)
I'll wear the Spanx tomorrow and report back! Lol :)

A blinking mad crazy day and another tomorrow!

Morning all

My heart rate is racing with stress this morning and I've not even left the tub yet! Lol

Hopefully after today things should slow down a little!

Another 0.75lbs off this morning ... But I did eat like a sparrow yesterday as I had to munch on the move!

Today will start with Atkins shake ... Not sure after that! Ha ha...

Hope you all have good days :)

Will see how I bond with Ms Spanx in a bit and let you know Bren ;-) x
Morning Di, I've heard they can be a struggle to get on and off (boo hiss)
Oh sweetie sorry you've got so much stress - hope it's all over now and you can relax a bit!

And we all want to know about the Spanx (I'd never heard of them either)!
