Any September Starters?!

Pye darling.......dont worry, all of us should expect atleast 1 stone a month on average and i think we will all hit that. Some may get a little more than that. I try not to try and aim for their kind of losses as their body composition may be different and also it may be that their BMI is much higher and therfore they will have higher losses on the same calories.

Are u excercising now ? If so what r u doing ?
I am finding it a little difficult to keep up with the water despite using the flavors. Used to easily get 4 l down in the begining.
You are doing well on the NOv challenge right ??

I dont hear from u as often...hope all is well with you
xx...cccc.( my son tells me c = hugs !)
Hi everyone!
Fantastic losses so far,
Keep up the good work and keep drinking that water folks!!

Sexy xx
Hey otv - thank you for your kind words.
i am not exercising as such - have been more active than i was ie gardening etc - but i think i might need to try and do some - i keep promising myself that i will start the 30 day shred but am being lazy !!
sorry i havent been on here as much - work and home have been really busy - i do try and catch up now and again !!
the November challenge is ok ok - i have 10lbs to lose in 3 weeks - which should be doable but not when i am averaging 2lb per week !!! i am stilldrinking 4-5 litres a week - still dont mind drinking it, i quite enjoy it!! feeling a bit more hungry at times if i am honest - craving food but havent caved in - i cant believe that i havent had food as such for over 30 days - wow!!!

how are you doing?
Well done on your losses girlies :)
Pym, you're a couple of weeks behind me and not much off of what I've lost but I can understand being frustrated at 2 pounds a week when there is such a small amoun of calories going in.
I have a thyroid disorder and am wondering if that actually helping speed things up?? Usually, because of it I find it really difficult to lose weight but wondering if this is helping.
Does anyone else struggle after finishing a pack to wish they had something more to hive that full feeling (not too full!)
I always save 2 packs to have in the evening at the same time and could easily manage another 10 of them! I do find though that, that feeling fade after half an hour ..... It's gonna take a long time to retrain my brain and retrain my thinking about food. I always knew I was a food lover but I don think I'd really realised how consumed with food my life was!
Thanks honey
I am better today - at least I am losing!!!!
I don't think I could eat 10 packs but I understand, I never feel completely satisfied after eating it, that's probably because I never felt content until I was busting with food !!!!
Lol, yes perhaps 10 is a few too many, although I'm loving the porridge at the mo, could easy have a few of those in one go!
It's funny, I just presumed it was normal to want to eat until you are full but obviously it isn't...
Oh My ! I am the same hungry at times ! However I have realised it is more so when i am around normal food and when i have nothing to do that i get a desperate feeling of hunger. Its quite bad actually and i didn't know i have this much will power in me. But it is difficult and i keep waiting for the time i may cave in !!! I REALLY DONT WANT TO !
Water - I was OK to start with ...i could do 4l in a day no problem.....but it is slowing down and if i am honest i have only had 2l/day for the last 2 days. I am just not able to face it as much. I do like the clementine flavour but is staring to wear off a bit. I dont do fizzy...never have done.

I am telling myself it is all in my head and if i really want to do this i will just have to find the strength in me. I have never really achieved anything that has been difficult as i would give up half way and take the easy option....but this time around i am sticking to it...esp as it is working !!

Hey GIRLS- I know that all of us are struggling a bit...but we are in it together ....let us be there for one another and win this challenge.

The little blue train said .........yes I can..........Yes I can........yes I it puffed up the hill !!
These are words from a stroy i used to read to my litle one (7yrs ago). I always used it to let him know that HE CAN and now it is comming back and I am using it on US !

On the verge - totally agree with you entire post - good to know it is normal!
I must make an effort to drink more water... Just like you, I could easily drink 4 litres at the start.
Hi girls

Sorry I've been hiding out. I had a bad week an went off plan and didn't want to feel like a fraud or hypocrite, so disappeared!!
I'm back on it today though, guess it's day 1 again! Thankfully the weight gain was fairly minimal (3.75 lbs) so that should be off again by next week!

Glad ur all sticking to it though and can't wait to catch up with everyone's progress!!!

Hi girls - hwo we doing
welcome back Jodie - was wondering where you had disappered to !!!
thsi week has been the hardest so far for me - not sure why - maybe the small 2lb loss last week or just that i had doena month and was so proud ! who knows - all i know is that hunger was 24/7 - the LLC said its emotional - but come on im sure when the tummy is rumbling that must be hunger!!! - anyway otv - you are lovely - thank you for those inspirational words - the blue train story is so sweet. Also otv dont wait to cave in - be strong and imagine you never will - if you plan to cave in then you will!!!!
anyway starting my 6th week tomorrow - so that is nearly half way there for me - as i had set out to do this for 3 months adn lose 3 stone! lets hope the weight loss speeds up a bit - i think it was slow as the constipation was rife ! but have been a few times yesterday adn today so hopefully normal service shoudl resume soon.

how we all doing girlies - looking forward to the weekend? i have a hard one this week - i am going to a 60th party and it will be very very hard not to eat !!!! But planning ahead i know what packs i am having and i know i wont be eating as when i wake up on sunday morning i want that proud feeling that i can do this !!! wish me luck though as since i have started LL this is my first social outing - i have kept avoiding them all but now have 3 in a row i cant get out of!!! x
Fallen off the wagon tonight and had a piece of cake rather large one! Be I'm not sure how I'm feeling about it.

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Whoops pressed wrong button. Wasn't even hungry. It's been a bit of a stressful evening with my little girl vomiting everywhere and being rather upset. So maybe found out my food trigger :(

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Oh dear Jos....... don't give up though hon. I had a bad week last week, but just start afrsh tomorrow, it's a new day, and if you get back on plan, it may not effect you too much!!

As my LLC would ask: what made you feel the need to eat cake?! Was it an emotional response to something? Are you ok?! xxxxxx
Ooh, just seen your other post. Sorry to hear your little one is ill.
I would presume that the stress and worry of that could easily be the reason for the lapse.
Don't bother with feelings of guilt, it'll only make you feel worse. Just draw a line under it and get back on track.

Give your little one hugs from me, hope she's better soon xxxx
Hope you're little one is better Jos, as mrs B says, just draw a line under the lapse and carry on.
Tbh, this will prob sound really unhelpful, I don't actually think lapsing has to be the end of the world as long as you get right back on track, I think it can be helpful in preparing you for when you're not on this diet. I have lapsed a couple of times although they have been times where I knew I would and have decided I'm not going to feel guilty about it, it's life and I'm going to have go cope with temptation all the time after I've finished.... Sorry, I'm sure that's the worst thing I can say but I think people beat themselves up a lot for lapsing and that can lead to more. It hasn't effected my weight loss and I still 100% intend to get to goal!
Glad to see you back to mrs b, hope you're able to get back on the wagon easily enough!
Pym how did the 60th party go?
Keep going every one - only about 9 weeks till christmas, think of all the weight we could lose by then!
Hi all, wow isnt everyone doing well very inspiring well done, my first weigh in tomorrow can not wait !!.

Hi Jodie, sorry you fell off wagon but fantastic you jumped straight back on !! you can do it take care Lorraine x
Thanks lozzer!! I think I have the same mentality as jemima tho, as I don't feel too guilty for every lapse so long as I get back on it!! (and I always do....sometimes I need to work on my mindset a bit or get my motivation back!!)

I think everyone is doing fantastically, and I bet you'd first weigh in will be great!!!! Looking forward to mine in Thursday! After the big eat last week, I think it may be like the first week again!! We'll see!!!

Hope everyone's having a good day! What's everyone up to?! Xxx