ProPoints Azwethinkweiz (Sarah)s new food diary!

I'm scared about public running lol! Cx
CarlyLanky140 said:
I'm scared about public running lol! Cx

Me too hon!! You're not alone there. Lucky its dark evenings at the mo in some ways.. X

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Me too Carly.. My BF slagged me only this morning about my running ha ha..
His van is fooked so he needs to get a new car.. But is tryna talk me into letting him buy a motorbike!! Not gona happen!! So he's been saying he'll get a moped (50cc hairdryer!!!!!) We drove by one this morning n he said "thats like the "bike" I was looking at last night" N I said "State of that.. I can run faster than that's going" To which he replied "No you can't... Pheobe!" :8855:
Ha francis that is so funny!

Sarah did the first day of the challenge and you were right it wasn't too bad. I too am scared of public running, but luckily I have a treadmill hehe. I'll try and learn how to run properly before I venture out!

Well done! I told ya hon! You were well fit for it :D Another 2 days of that and you'll have completed Week 1!! We're on our way!
I dont like running in public either but it was dark... normally even if its light, I'll go somewhere secluded if I want to do a bit of jogging. My sweaty bright red face aint pretty! :p xx
I am planning on maybe starting couch to 5k in 2012 as one of my new years resolutions to get fit :) well done both of you! I can't run for anything ha. I dabbled in it with OH in summer we went running round a forest track but ten mins constant running is totally unachievable for me at the moment! I'm asthmatic and my chest gets so tight an wheezy!!

Thats the thing about following the programme. i havent done 10 mins constant running.... yet. You do 60 seconds jog then 90 seconds walk and repeat that sequence for 20 minutes. Its all about building up the strength in your muscles & bones until you _can_ run. I think its great so far... you can follow our progress anyway and then decide in 2012 if you'd like to try. Think my new years resolution will be to be able to run for 30 mins (5K) too ;) x
People keep shoving chocolate in my face this week. I need more willpower, I've lost it... If anyone sees it around let me know :p

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Horrid people!! Bite them they will soon stop haha!

I'll start in Jan :) I will do it!!! Xx
Yip there is bloody chocolate everywhere now. I'm ignoring them!!

I refuse to buy any chocolates into the house till Christmas eve. Then I'm buying myself a box of ferrero rouchet (sp?) and everyone else can 'f' off. ha!

Gonna try and be super good till then.

Haha we could always do another challenge....who can go the longest without chocolate! :D
I wont win that challenge. My OH bought me an advent calander yesterday with a tiny choccie for each day up until christmas :p least its a small chocolate...
I have banned hubby from buying any tins of chocs, he is under strick instructions that if he gets any they are to be hidden and I am not to be told about them. I will not, I repeat NOT, PUT ON THE DREADED CHRISTMAS 7!!!!!!!!!!!. Ahem sorry about that :)
Mince pies... vanilla cheesecake... tins of choccies!! Oh man! I really hope I dont put on a ton of weight at Christmas. I'll take Christmas Day & St. Stephens off plan and thats it. And even then I'm gonna try to be sensible!!
Yaaay sarah, well done on the running challenge .. Just remember to breeeeeathe hehe xx
Sometimes I realise I'm actually HOLDING my breath? What is up with that... need to definitely correct my breathing.
azwethinkweiz said:
Sometimes I realise I'm actually HOLDING my breath? What is up with that... need to definitely correct my breathing.

I do that at the gym and wonder why I feel so rubbish then realise oh yes I need to breath:)
