Back again!!! This time im gonna stick at it!!!

Thanks lou. My first goal is 7lbs by end of October which is perfectly doable!
Did you only just add your mini goals to your sig?? Haha, if not, I'm sorry, I obviously don't read things properly.

How you doing anyway hun? x
yeah just added my 12 step programme hee hee!

Just figured it is so easy if i break it down into manageable figures like that! I mean i managed to lose 17lbs between Jan and Mar so 7lbs a month, without me being obsessed over it should be perfectly doable!:fingerscrossed:
my friend came back yesterday after being away for a couple of days so of course we had to celebrate! we went to the indian. :stickdance:with us this usually means copious amounts of wine, poppadoms to start, pilau rice with main along with a garlic and cheese naan! :eek:

So last night saintly me decided she would drive! :angel09:I had the poppadom so it was 4 syns. Then ordered chicken jalfrezi (8.5) and boiled rice! :D It was absolutely gorgeous and because we didnt have the naan bread I enjoyed it without being stuffed at the end! The only downside was eating a green chilli thinking it was a pepper! :flamingmad: OMG my mouth was on fire. So then proceeded to drink a jug of water! :D
so had a good enough weekend - SW wise!

my dinner on friday night was haddock fillet with sw chips and veg. i also had couple magners light. :rolleyes:

on saturday i had my usual brekkie then went to recruit some young people for a youth work programme im doing in a town next to me. walked around the town for 2 hours so at least was getting some exercise! Also means I didnt have any lunch tho :sigh: When i got home I was starving so decided to go to chinese!!! :( Got salted chilli chicken with boiled rice and chips. Didnt eat the chips, the salted chilli chicken was soggy and not nice at all so ended up eating boiled rice with gravy! Think ill put it down at 12 syns anyway just in case!

Yesterday had a nice wee lie in. Had some weetabix choco for brekkie then made some scrambled egg and bacon. Me and my mum then decided to tackle the jungle that is our back garden. :eek: A friend came down with chainsaw and bow saw. while he cut everything back we dragged it down to the bottom of the garden for chopping up later! Jeez i was sore last night and this morning feel like ive gone ten rounds with mike tyson! :D

So once we had finished and got cleaned up we decided to treat ourselves to a pub meal! I got chilli chicken with boiled rice and veg. Was very nice but think ill syn it at 15 just to be on safe side!
Gosh was so sore yesterday and had a sore head to boot!!! :(

Foodwise yesterday I was very good as I only had 4.5 syns to play with all day :sign0007:

Got home from work yesterday and got into bed for an hour. Then got up and made my dinner of smoked haddock, baked potato, roasted peppers and cheese. Yummy! :eating:

Then had our scout AGM, had to present our report of activities throughout the year. There was tea, coffee and lovely biccies available but I was very good and just had a glass of water! :innocent0002:

Went to Asda when it was over and stocked up on more fish and strawberries as im putting my loss of 4lbs:wee: this week down to eating a few portions of each of these!
Had good day yesterday although this darn headache wont shift! Think its the weather, its quite clammy and dull outside! :sigh:

Got home from work yesterday and made a lovely dinner. Bought some yellow fin sole in asda the other night so I put it in some foil with soy sauce, chilli, garlic and some peppers and cooked it along with a baked potato. When it was finished I sprinkled with some l/f cheese. Yum, yum, yummy, yum! :D

Then I had a nice wee relaxing night, bath, book then bed! :zz:

I take my boyfriend to work every morning. Now on Sunday night he did something which really upset me so he is very much in the bad books. I wouldnt even take him to work on Monday or Tuesday :snooty:

So this morning he text to ask me if I would take him up so I relented :d'oh:
He went into the shop and came out with a chomp and a freddo bar for me! :eek: I says to him if you think you can get round me this easily, esp with me on sw, you've another think coming! :grumble: So I told him to take the freddo bar away and left the chomp. I think its 5.5 syns so ill have it as a wee treat later! And still continue to make him suffer!:sign0151:
Sorry to hear your bf isn't behaving himself, fair play to him though - at least he chose slimming world friendly chocolate, could have come out with two mars bars or something. Not that I'm defending him!!

Hope headache clears up soon and I'm so stealing that recipe for the fish x
Ha he probably only bought them cos they were the cheapest choc in the shop!!! :D

Well last night I got home from work and fried off some smoked haddock in fry light. Meanwhile I cooked some noodles. I then added stir fry veg, chilli, garlic and soy sauce to the fish and once the noodles were cooked poured them on top and mixed it all up. Tasted absolutely gorge! :)

I then had my chomp :stickdance:it was so nice! I then had to drive to Newcastle with said bf. Now he knows for sure he is still in the bad books as I hardly spoke a word to him :snooty: He just hasnt made up for what he did yet!

Spent the evening with 15 13-18 year olds. God it was hard work and my headache did not improve! :sigh2: listening to them! Got home and took two tablets then went to bed.

Woke up this morning and had my shower and brekkie and hey presto headache is gone thank goodness!:woohoo:
Had nice enough wee night last night. Made smoked haddock with mild cheese & broccoli pasta n sauce, extra cheese and peppers. Sounds yuck but was really nice! :D

Then decided to dye my hair to cover the greys. Picked up a hair dye yesterday in the shop after perusing for the cheapest picked up what I thought was a chocolate brown dye! Started to put it on my hair and after having done half realised it was purple! :eek:
Then looked at the box and it says Deep Damson on it!!! :d'oh:

So now I have a nice purple glow where the greys would have been and the rest of my hair is just dark! Although it is quite shiny and when the sun shines on it you can see the purple!!! :D:sign0007:
Same here, hehe, forgiven your boyf yet? Drop hints about your favourite flowers... x
he is still getting the "im talking to you, but just about" treatment! Im softening a bit though! He doesnt have money to buy me flowers - esp since my favs are yellow roses!!! But he shall be taking me out for a couple of wee drinks tonight after scouts!!! :D
well went out for a couple of drinks on Friday night - bad idea. Met up with one of our friends who said he was going to races on Saturday and did we wanna come!!! :break_diet:

So we went to the races. We won about £70 but also spent about the same so broke even! Unfortunately had a lot of alcohol! Think about 6 west coast cooler rose at the races. Was on my feet and walking around all day though! We then walked a mile into the town and went to the indian! Had another 4 wcc in there then went to the bar next door and had another 4!!! :eek: So think thats probably an awful lot of syns!!! (Just looked them up, 7.5 per bottle and I had 14 bottles = 105 - a weeks worth of syns in one day - OOPS!!!) :busted: That doesnt even count the indian which was a further 12.5syns on top!!! Oh dear, oh dear! Ah well sure its done now, had a brilliant day out. Am speaking to my bf again and was great to spend the day with friends I hadnt seen in a while!

Ill just have to suck it up and see what damage has been done. Had a syn free day yesterday and only 1 syn today so hopefully the walking etc. will ease the potential damage!!! Guess ill find out tomorrow morning! :cross:

well i put on 1lb!! Hardly surprising really!!! :doh:

Back onto it from yesterday. Had to do a meeting last night so brought dinner of baked pot, beans and cheese with me to work. Was nice enough, just not the same as eating at home though!!! When I did get home it was about 9.30 and I was shattered so just went straight to bed.:snoopyhouse:

Have another busy day today. Need to try and sort out my car as its saying service due even though it was supposed to have been done 3 weeks ago! :flamingmad: So someone is going to have to answer some questions!!! Esp as I paid £550 for the work it needed done on it! :whoopass:

Anyway when I get that sorted I need to sort out a session plan for a youth group I have tonight. 12 young people aged 12-16 to talk about Mental Health! :hmm:Still not sure what we are going to do! But im sure ill think of something!

In terms of dinner tonight as ill be so busy im going to have to think of something quick and easy to have. Thinking maybe garlic and chilli prawn stir fry! :drool:
Hi hun, sounds like a fab weekend, 1 pound is nothing, you can easily get rid of that for next week x
Ye unfort I have two birthdays to attend this weekend. One of which is in indian so been keeping syns low so far this week! The other i think ill drive too so it should be ok! :fingerscrossed:

Well did my mental health programme last night. Sometimes I think why do I bother then you get a wee breakthrough and think it must be worth it! :D

Well had lovely prawn stir fry with chilli and garlic last night was yum! :)

Today for lunch - as a way of keeping syns low for the week - im having strawberries, melon and grapes smothered in a vanilla and a toffee muller light with two mikado broken up in it. Yum!!! Cant wait til lunch time! :D

Dinner tonight is going to be breast of chicken, prawns with chilli and garlic and a baked potato with beans.
Had smoked haddock instead of the chicken breast and added baked beans too. Was very very nice even though im sure it sounds disgusting! :D

Im heading to Indian tonight so today's lunch meal is very like yesterdays. It filled me up so much - who have thunk it!!!
well weekend was fine I think! went to the party on Saturday night and had a couple of drinks - cos they were cheap! Then had a couple yesterday while watching the footie!!!

Back onto it today with 3 75cl bottles of water so far and had rice for lunch with pkt velvet crisps.

Dinner is going to be a baked potato with beans and cheese at some stage. Im doing a meeting in work at 6 so hopefully it wont be too long! Need to stop and get petrol so will have to get some fruit as well to keep me going! :D