Bad mood


Full Member
Hi everyone I m on day 6 have been good, glad its nearly bed time, had a row with other half over something stupid, I have been feeling really moody today hope this doesn't last, my mouth is ugh, what can use during the day to keep fresh. Hope it's a better day tomorrow. X
Hi, mood swings are part of it for me. My hubby knows I will be moody, in fact he jokes about it if I'm not!! Just chat to your partner and explain its nothing personal and they.will appreciate the new you. Getting your partner's support is so necessary. When I'm feeling crappy I go and have a long soak in the bath following by lots of body butter. Makes me feel good. I've started painting my toes and hand nails too. It's a distraction and it makes me feel good. You need to fine something for you that makes you feel better and you can do when you feel rubbish.