Bailey's blasting off - Gotta start again :)

Awwww bless her, yeah i need my phone right now.Good Luck and stay strong this time.
Hey hun hows your day been :) hope its still going well xx
Still plodding on :) Lost 1.5 lbs in the last couple of days. Had a good day yesterday, not 100% but it did not involve any cheese, hooray :) Down to 16st 9lbs now. I was 16st exactly before Xmas so 9lbs to lose to get back to where I was, should do that in a couple of weeks I hope. Then onwards and downwards.
just been reading through your diary welll done for strarting again and good luck look forward to hearing your progress xxx
Stay Strong hun. You can do it.
Still clinging on, being as good as I always am, had a couple of cookies yesterday and some cheese, but I went to the cinema and didn't have popcorn or nachos or Minstrels or anything else I'd usually have at the cinema. I've lost about 2lbs now so the weight loss has started. I don't lose weight dramatically, 10lbs in a week type thing, I never have and I never will, but as long as I'm on my way down on the scales that's all that matters to me :)
Well Done you. I lose 2lbs or sometimes 1lbs a week still doing 100%.First time since i have started this diet i lost 5lbs in three days maybe the christmas food and drinks helped me ha ha ha.You go lady...
Still here, had cookies and toast last night due to massive headache and tiredness. Must stick to the dust today!
Well I'm fed up. I know I've not been 100% but I've not binged, I've avoided so much food it's ridiculous, even when I've had something it's been less than 500 kcals and I've only had 2 shakes that day so I'm still on less than 1000 kcals a day and yet I've not lost any weight since Sunday! Since my restart I've lost less than 2lbs. I can lose that and more on SW if I put my mind to it. Fed up of depriving myself when I don't even lose any weight.
Same here, its so annoying when we give up so much and still not losing.i m not very happy bunny today.Really fed up with this diet.
:( We can be miserable together. Have not given in though, have had coffee and water so far.
Well done and don't give up please. So far I had coffee and water as well.