Extra Easy Bananas!!


Full Member
Will apologise in advance if in wrong place or already been asked (i did search & still finding my way around here) but i wanted to know if there is a limit to how many bananas i should be eating. I had 3 yesterday thats all, i had loads of other fruit aswel.
Thanks in advance amy
Whilst bananas are superfree & very good for you, and are not limited on SW, too much of anything is not recommended. 3 bananas seems abit excessive to me. I'd be inclined to swap 2 of those for an apple & some carrot sticks. SW advocate a wide variety & fruit & veg, from all the different colours of the rainbow. I try & keep this in mind with each meal. Its how you ensure you get all the vitamins you need.
Just to add - its far better to eat 3 bananas than 3 bags of crisps so its not like you've made a bad choice. In fact, it was a good choice. its just that there could be an even better choice available!
Bananas are fine but if your weightloss slowed or stopped unexpectedly then thats the time to swap them for speed/superspeed fruit xx
I thought too many bananas were bad for you?

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It's recommended that only one banana a day due to potassium - as tasty as they are I never eat more than one a day x
Nomes said:
It's recommended that only one banana a day due to potassium - as tasty as they are I never eat more than one a day x

Bananas in general can't hurt anyone (unless you're allergic to them), but too much potassium can. It supposedly takes 190g of oral potassium to kill a 165lb person. If each banana contains approximately 500mg, that means that person would have to eat 95 bananas to cause cardiac arrest.
So stop worrying and eat your bananas :)
No reason why you CAN'T eat that many, but if I eat 3 in a day they hinder my weight loss. But if it doesn't affect your weight loss they're no reason not to eat them, better than going for the choccy bars instead.
You would be "allowed" to eat as many as you please. But from my own experience I will only eat 1 a day as iv noticed it changes my weight loss, but obviously everyone is different!x
Just to say a big thanx to everybody who replied. i do eat lots of other fruit aswel just when im feeling hungry, i tend to graba banana as it makes me feel full.
Its shopping day 2moz so im deffo going to do a list of all the ss fruits and then do a fruit salad so i can just grab a bowl from fridge when hungry.
Thanx again amy

I try to stick to one a day but if Im out at lunchtime or going to have a late tea I would often have 2/3 in that kind of a day to keep me going.
Well i went shopping this morning armed with my list of SS fruits and came back with 7 differant ones. I made a big fruit salad and munched on a big bowl of my fruit after my dinner it was lovely. So once again thanx for advice everybody.
Amy x
Welshtigger said:
Bananas in general can't hurt anyone (unless you're allergic to them), but too much potassium can. It supposedly takes 190g of oral potassium to kill a 165lb person. If each banana contains approximately 500mg, that means that person would have to eat 95 bananas to cause cardiac arrest.
So stop worrying and eat your bananas :)

Thanks for clearing that up!

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