Barb's Fabulous Food Diary!

Hiya Barb,
Glad you have blown the cobwebs away and feeling positive your a work in progress and progress is definitely the right word you are not giving in to your emotions and thats what we must all aspire to whether it be losing or maintaining.
Your doing great hunny .
Lotsa luv Julie xxx
Morning all, feeling much better today. Was allowing the negative stuff to creep back in my head but my DH came out with his usual wisdom this morning and I feel GREAT again. He pointed out that in 3 weeks I have lost 7lbs, cut out lots of high cal biscuits, eaten more fruit and veg and still had a really good social life. So what exactly is it that I am complaining about? He answered for me (he's good like that), he said ' it's never enough for you is it, if it was 10lbs you would moan that it wasn't 12, just stick with what you are doing, like you did before and it will work!!!'

Flip, thats telling me. He's right too. I do want more, but I have to be sensible. I am not doing a rapid loss diet. So I can't expect rapid losses. I can expect regular small losses though, that will add up to big losses over time.

He also said what good exercise our long walk was yesterday and that it looked a nice day so lets do it again! Great, aren't I lucky to have someone to support me like this? He never moans at me about my weight, yet always supports my efforts whilst reassuring me he loves me whatever weight I am.

I feel so much better today. I am going to make one of my super healthy homemade soups for lunch and in a minute I am going to have some melon. I am going to see at least a lb off this week!!!
He pointed out that in 3 weeks I have lost 7lbs, cut out lots of high cal biscuits, eaten more fruit and veg and still had a really good social life. So what exactly is it that I am complaining about? He answered for me (he's good like that), he said ' it's never enough for you is it, if it was 10lbs you would moan that it wasn't 12, just stick with what you are doing, like you did before and it will work!!!'

Clever DH :clap:
Not quite the epic input I accustomed to KD!!!
Not quite the epic input I accustomed to KD!!!

:D I'm getting to be too predictable on here :D

Anyway, done my 'epic' for this morning on the emotional eating thread. Run out of letters now :D
Having a very good day, have stuck to every thing planned and have just got back from another lovely walk on the downs at Beachy Head:cool:. Feeling much more positive, thank goodness, hate it when I am overwhelmed by the negative stuff. Off early to Heathrow tomorrow to collect both DD's, can't wait, they have only been gone 6 days but it feels a lot longer!
So probably catch up on here later tomorrow.:D
Out for dinner last night; no problem had a starter and then another starter! No pud and just 2 glasses of vino! Very pleased. Up early today to get my girls from Heathrow, lovely to see them both, really missed them.

Seem to have my good head back on and will be surprised if I don't drop a lb on weigh in day! Got a very wild weekend next weekend and the following one too so need to get soem extremely well behaved days under my belt in readiness!
DH and kids fancied chicken and chips from the chip shop for dinner, so I had a large bowl of my home made soup!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pretty pleased with myself. Also went for a lovely walk with DH and Ozzie on the Downs. A good 35 minutes of brisk walking. So very chuffed.
I can do this, I feel very empowered again. It's weird how the head games mess you about; it really was my DH's wise words yesterday that stopped me slipping off this plan. Close thing too. I can lose this weight and get healthy (not necessarily in that order), its all my choice, I just have to remember
that. We were planning a meal out with my sis tomorrow but I said to DH I would prefer to leave it a week or two as we have several other nights out coming up. He was fine with that and I feel happier too.
So onwards and downwards, I am so up for this.
So, weigh in day tomorrow, got on scales today (why do I do it?) and was actually a lb more than yesterday! Did I panic? Yes, am I worried? Yes! Had a good day yesterday, checked my cals and had a max of 1250, so told myself that I am probably just retaining fluid and am hoping, hoping, hoping, it will have sorted itself out for tomorrow. Have really physched myself up for a lb loss tomorrow and know I am going to be seriously down if it doesn't happen.
Flippin' numbers on that damn scale, why do they have to matter so bloomin' much?
Well weigh in day dawns and I have gained a lb. Feel utterly defeated. Had long talk with DH last night as I feel in the grip of such negative stuff at the moment. My mood swings are ridiculous; I waver between so happy I don't know where to put myself and so desperately low I can't bear to be in the same room as myself.

If I had lost a lb would I feel any different? No, I don't think I would. I am just sick to death of this merry go round. I think I have to get off. I don't know what the answer is for me anymore, but its definately not this current total obsession with my weight.

Think I am going to slink off somewhere quiet and try to concentrate on other things for a while to see if I can get some real objectivity back into my life.

Much love to all, especially those (and you know who you are) who have consistently supported and encouraged me.
Well weigh in day dawns and I have gained a lb. Feel utterly defeated.

Aw Barb. You've still lost weight. You know the score. Maybe you can't get away with having such a good time food and drink wise when you are out with friends;)

But look. It's a pound. Just a measley pound. You know how to get it off again. You just have to relax into it.

Had long talk with DH last night as I feel in the grip of such negative stuff at the moment. My mood swings are ridiculous;

:hug99: Tis stuff being a lady isn't it. Do you think it's hormones?

If I had lost a lb would I feel any different? No, I don't think I would. I am just sick to death of this merry go round. I think I have to get off.

I remember you feeling like this before. Was it about this time last year? Don't 'get off', you can't just get off. Your body stays with you whether you care for it or not.

How did it go when you went AWOL before. I remember you just wanted to stop obsessing about food and I can understand that. Did it work well for you last time?

I don't know what the answer is for me anymore, but its definately not this current total obsession with my weight.

And can you be 'sensible' without obsessing about the weight? It's possible you know. Once you stop making the weight the be all and end all;) Think I've mentioned that before haven't I:D
Much love to all, especially those (and you know who you are) who have consistently supported and encouraged me.

And much love back to you Barb! I really don't want you to slink off. I don't want you to be stressed about it either. Come on...think of another idea. Don't just pretend it doesn't matter.

Stop worrying about your weight, but do look after yourself. Eat healthily...get some exercise...still talk to me :D
Thanks Karion, you are such a star. You never judge do you? You genuinely want to help. And you do help. You are right in that I can't get off and do nothing, thats just not me really. I want to, but I can't bring myself to do it.

I think the key is in what you have said all along, being healthy. I have no desire or intention to go back to eating mindlessly. It just doesn't appeal. I already, automatically, never have more than one biscuit, thats a permanent change that I'm not letting go of.
You asked what happened last time I 'got off'; well to start with I was very mindful of eating healthily, but gradually I slipped back into old habits. Not terrible ones to be fair but I was on a slippery slope.
The last thing I want to do is to stop talking to you. I really feel like you understand me and that you actually do help me. I just think that a lot of your advice I 'block out', especially the focus on health not weight bit. I am far too interested in the scales and not enough in how well I am.
Hormones? Yes, I am undoubtably fighting them; I can tell from the total unreasonableness(!) going on in my head that hormones are in control. That helps in a way though as I know it's not all just me being mad.
So whats the answer? I really don't know. I have to drop the pressure on myself somehow, as I am simply not coping. Last night DH was talking such sense and I thought yes thats the answer, no more extremes, just good food and lots of exercise and no self beatings when nights out are too good. For a little while I felt better, I could feel the pressure lifting, today I just want to beat myself up for being such a quitter.

Can I just be sensible? eat well, exercise more (which I must say I am really enjoying at the moment and it is definately helping with the moods) and try not to take how I look as being the most important thing on the planet?

I don't know Karion, but i am going to try. The food diary helps me - but I am going to go onto random entries and record more about my feelings. I never intended to let it become another weapon to punish myself with, but that's what it is. I have to stop competing with myself. I am the only potential winner or loser of this so I have nothing to gain from pressurising myself into failure.

I want to get there, I really do, but I seem to be making a really hard job of it.
You never judge do you
How can I when I look back at my own dieting attempts? Hopeless. That’s why this time I had to find a way to last me for the rest of my life. A plan that I could do whether I was happy or sad. All the analyzing wasn’t because I had a few months spare;) I just had to get it right some time.

I think the key is in what you have said all along, being healthy.
I think goals are different according to what plan you have in mind. If you are doing a set dieting plan, then yes, the numbers on the scales are important. If you are trying to do healthy sensible eating, then you have to have a different mindset IMO.

This isn’t a ‘diet’ that you are going to go on and off, this is a new Barb who is looking after herself, giving herself everything she deserves. She wont suddenly not deserve it when the scales show a loss or a gain. She doesn’t suddenly deserve it when she gets to goal. She deserves it now. The weight will take care of itself.

The thing about the scales is that it gives you a bit of an idea of how the weight thing is going. It’s not to do with whether you’ve succeeded or not in eating healthily.

After all, the scales don’t register how healthily you are or are not eating. They will go down though ….but it takes time. Looking at the scales like a mark book doesn’t work.

So forget about the scales for a moment. This is your life and how you have chosen to live it. I’m sure you know about healthy eating. You know what is likely to make you gain and what isn’t. You know that ultimately you want to lose weight and you’ll struggle to do that if you have too many off days.

You need to find a way that you can manage these nights out without eating too much. Not depriving yourself, but taking a whole new look at it.

You want wine? You can have wine! One drink…maybe two…because that is all you need. You’ll look forward to it. You may cut down a little on your food because you want to be a bit hungrier so that you can enjoy your meal out.

It’s not because you have to lose x pounds by Wednesday, but because you are looking after yourself. You are a lady in control J

. I already, automatically, never have more than one biscuit, thats a permanent change that I'm not letting go of.
:clap: See. Little changes. Gradually make more. Does it feel so terrible to have one? You’ll find it becomes so natural that you can’t imagine how you ate more in one sitting. It takes time though.

well to start with I was very mindful of eating healthily, but gradually I slipped back into old habits. Not terrible ones to be fair but I was on a slippery slope.
And you did well to notice before it was too late, but you know more now. You know how bad habits can return.

I just think that a lot of your advice I 'block out',
That’s fair enough. I have bombarded you somewhat. You have to look at each thing when you are ready and adapt it for you. If you don’t agree with anything at this stage, that’s fair enough too. I’m only saying about my answers. They might not be yours. Perhaps you could just keep them in the back of your mind and when something crops up, you might give them another think through.

especially the focus on health not weight bit. I am far too interested in the scales and not enough in how well I am.
I really do understand that. It’s fine though if you can just keep going on with your plan and not let the scales change anything in a negative way.

It does seem to affect you though. What the scales say determines how you will live the next week.

Last night DH was talking such sense and I thought yes thats the answer, no more extremes,
Clever DH again:D You don’t get a light at the end of your tunnel. You get a full force comet zooming through the air towards you, lighting the whole of Barb Land, then it burns itself out.:eek:

just good food and lots of exercise and no self beatings when nights out are too good. For a little while I felt better, I could feel the pressure lifting, today I just want to beat myself up for being such a quitter.
But you’re not a quitter. You haven’t quit anything. You are learning to look after yourself. There is no start and end. Each moment is new chance to look after Barb now. As for the nights out, yep they are good, and certainly no need to beat yourself up over them, but they are regular occurrences and I think it would do well to learn how to enjoy without going overboard. Not saying you are going overboard…just not switching off into ‘don’t care’ or 'I'll make up for it tomorrow mode. Just finding ways of tackling things without feeling deprived, and staying relaxed… getting ideas along the way that will make this not only enjoyable, but also sustainable in the long term.

There ya go. You were due an epic weren’t you. :D Please print out and read over a glass of red wine :D Just the one mind you:p
Thats a fab epic KD - much more my style! I think the scales have to be ditched; they run/ruin my life. Logically I could not have put on this week, I actually only had one night out where I ate and drank more than I should have, I checked the cals roughly for the other days and I was averaging around the 1400 mark. Thats pretty good IMO. So I think i'm stuck with a bit of fluid retention at the moment and I let it get to me. If I wasn't on and off the flipping scales morning and night I wouldn't have known about it.
It’s not because you have to lose x pounds by Wednesday, but because you are looking after yourself. You are a lady in control J
You are so right, well I am not sure about the control but, but I will try. The trouble with setting definate targets is you set up a win or lose scenario. Great if you win but disaster if you lose. At least it is for me. I need to be able to feel I am doing well in ways other than what the scales report.

You are right about the biscuits; I really am quite happy with one, so why shouldn't I make similar adjustments with other things that will add up over time.

You don’t get a light at the end of your tunnel. You get a full force comet zooming through the air towards you, lighting the whole of Barb Land, then it burns itself out.:eek:
Flip, you really are getting to know me too well! I need to find a calm, gentle way forward, a plan I can live with. Do you know when this plan really started going wrong? When I realised that I had lost 7 of the 10lbs I'd planned to lose by Christmas - in 3 weeks. On came the pressure, Oh well, I can lose a stone by November, 2 stone by Christmas..... It stopped being gentle and sensible and became a race with myself.
I am not giving up. I can't. I am not going to live my life dictated to by a strict diet either. I won't. So, I need to go back to what was working so well those first 3 weeks, calm, sensible, healthy eating.
This has to be about more than the scales. I know that. So why can't I stay off them?

Ok, I am a work in progress, so I must progress!

Thanks for everything Karion.

Hi Barb,

I need to go back to what was working so well those first 3 weeks, calm, sensible, healthy eating

This is what we all want at the end of the day and some exercise thrown in for good measure.

At times we all feel we are not making progress as it can be difficult to see the wood for the tress, but I feel you are making very good progress and it is evident in you can now have the one biscuit:)

I think the key is in what you have said all along, being healthy. I have no desire or intention to go back to eating mindlessly. It just doesn't appeal. I already, automatically, never have more than one biscuit, thats a permanent change that I'm not letting go of

Give yourself a pat on the back for what you have achieved and try not to be so hard on yourself.:)

Well done.

Love Mini xxx
I can understand your thing with the scales, Barb, I know that when I've put on weight in the past I have avoided the scales. So now I weigh every day on the basis that weight changes might have happened and I ought to keep up to date with them. My fear is that if I don't "watch my weight" on the scales then it will increase. Does it count as obsessive, not sure, but I have an overweight friend who used to weigh herself three times a day and eventually threw out her scales because they made her so miserable - I'm not sure I could do that.

As Karion says mood swings can be hormonal, and if they are making you miserable it could be worth discussing with your doctor. Your DH sounds lovely and understandinge, it is wonderful to have that kind of support. I haven't kept up with all your diary entries, but I seem to recall at the beginning it was your intention to eat sensibly and healthily and hopefully lose some weight slowly. It strikes me that this is exactly what you have done, you are achieving what you set out to do, so well done - give yourself a big pat on the back. And if you can carry on happily without over-optimistic expectations then you will get to your goal.
I hear what you are saying Claire and I certainly don't intend to 'turn a blind eye' - I just want to stop this constant hopping on and off the scales. Especially as mine will happily vary by up to 2lbs depending on how they feel!

I've had a good couple of days; testing myself to see if I can do this without a really structured regime; so far so good!
Last night we had a lovely homemade beef casserole and loads of veggies. About 8pm I thought of something sweet (knowing there are maltesers etc.. in the house), then I thought, no it's just habit, I'll have some later if I really want to. Later never came! Total biscuits for yesterday = 1 Total choc = 0 Total crisps = 0!
Very pleased with that, really want to start looking at different goals rather than the weight loss ones. Today I am going for my 5 a day. Taking grapes to work for 11'ses, just refused to join in the cake order!
I am going to focus on the healthy and weigh just once a week on a Wednesday, once a month on the 1st as well, as I have been doing that every month for 5 years and it makes interesting reading!
Yeah! Yeah! Good on ya Barb.

Maybe you could get DH to hide the scales and bring them out for you every Wednesday.


And if 'later' had come it would have still been good, (okay, the fact it didn't is even better), but just getting out of habits is a great step forward :)