Bit of advice please?


Shut up Ethel
On the way in to work this morning I realised that I'd not put a 'lunchtime' pack in my bag. Panicked.

Thankfully, once I got to work I found there was one in my desk drawer, so am ok for today.

BUT it got me thinking. If I find myself sans pack at lunchtime, or out and about and either without a pack/tetra/bar or unable to make up a pack, what's the best thing to do?

I doubt I could have gone 12 hours on one choc milkshake, as that's what it would have been if I'd tried to get through to when I got home. Whilst I'm not hungry, I do need some sustenance occasionally!

What would you do in that situation? What's the best thing to choose? For some reason I think of peanuts, but I don't suppose they're the best choice, are they?

Hiya after 4 years on and off cding I always keep a bar on me at all times,they are small and a good emergency meal,but if I did forget plain chicken can get you through and a one off won't effect your weightloss xxxx
hi chuck
my cdc spoke this week about i cant remember if i was plan 1a or something have a look in your cambridge book there's a list of permited food this is not meant to take you out of ketosis
hopefully this is useful
Hi ya, as "size102b" said, I think just a bit of plain cooked chicken is a good answer, my previous CDC said if I felt like I really needed to eat something have a bit of chicken or crabsticks, I did this occasionally when I was on SS before and still lost every week.
Hey hon.
Lucky you had an extra one at work, I havent been caught out yet.. but I now have a meal in the evening so I would probably have it at lunch if that was the case a small salad with chicken or tuna, or cottage cheese would be ok..
If not drink lots of water...
If you were really stuck then i'd go upto the SS+ just for one day and go out and buy a chicken Salad (obviously without dressing) and have that.. that way you're not going overboard and risk ruining your hard work!
Thanks all. I can easily get hold of cold plain chicken, tuna or cottage cheese in the canteen at work so that's good to know!
personally, i would go without as i dont have any of my shakes in the day anyway...I'm a real evening grazer so find that having them between 5-10pm really helps me...i suppose thats something i should stop as its a habitual thing.....
I'm a 100% plan gal so i stash them everywhere to make sure i dont run work, in the car glove box, in my handbag in the little zip bit...everywhere i can think of to make sure i'm never without!
Hope that helps hun