Blergh! - FatFairNForty(ish) - my diary

Hi Kazbro

I am really sorry you had such a rotten day and not at all surprised you needed to cry :(

Punkass is a star and knows what it's like.

I'm glad my experience has helped you, when doing this diet we need all the help we can get and this site is full of help!

This diet can be really rough some days and easy peasy another. No logic. You are doing great to get to Day 8 intact! The start (I think) is the worst, once you get through the next week you will find it should get a bit easier,.. then it's a bit of a rollercoaster ride, but if you hold on tight hon, you'll get to the end.

The coldness is a problem, I find that wearing gloves as much as possible also helps. Easier in the winter of course, but even now I sometimes will sit in the house with a pair of gloves on. It's all got to do with ketosis, but as I really have never got my head 'round all the phsyiology of the diet all I know is that I'm freezing most of the time :)

I work in Rushden (and Finedon) so Burton Latimer isn't far away at all :) I only moved up this way in 2001 (must've been a 'move around' year eh? :)

Take care, I hope today is much better for you. xx
Very briefly this am as boss due in in a sec... Friday morning.

Last night got in just had time to nip on here then had to go! The gig was great and I can't wait to hear them sing at the festival. Witches of Elswick they're called - absolutely incredible voices - and dead funny too. Anyway, on the way back we were stuck in traffic at a level crossing and could see a sign that said road closed and cars were turning around so I offered to go and read the sign to see if it was last night the road was closed. I ran (I know!! me!! running!!) towards it and as I got to about 10 foot from it the frickin barrier lifted and I had to leg it back to the car!!!! lolololol We laughed for ages... lol... Got in after midnight and so I jumped online to chat with my mate Kevin in the states (the one who used to live in Portsmouth) and we chatted and I cried.. (told him about court case) blah! and he made me laugh.. so it was ok in the end but I had to have soup and go to bed, so I did. Overslept this morning and got to work 20 mins late and am dog-tired! Suddenly realised last night that the festival is only 2 weeks away and I have still got stacks to do for it!! So, tonight, no going out, MUST do tickets and get those out, also have paperwork to do, signs to sort out, raffle prizes to blag, etc etc etc... not going to conference tomorrow now, taking Zoe for interview instead (and hoping to call in on best mate in St Albans for a few minutes too and mebbe mate in Luton on way home - will see if time allows and how tiredness levels are!). Oh, I won a raffle prize last night - a John Lewis Roulette set - it weighs a ton!! Not quite sure what to do with it so it will sit in my Christmas present wardrobe 'til I decide! lol It was nice to go out with Dace (she's the wife of one of the festival organisers) the only thing is I droned on about Tim (ex) again and I don't think that's a healthy thing.. still.. I obviously need to I guess... blah!

Right, well, hope all have a good day, almost the weekend at last!!

Any more of this running and I'll be enlisting you as a training partner .. be warned!!

Knew your diary would help keep Kaz motivated, thought I should direct her to it, so she could see how hard we all found it at the beginning but then also see that it gets easier as we progress :)

Lol Kirstin, no more running for me!! I have a standard response 'I don't DO running'. lol I leave all that to you and those like you who just impress the hell out of me!!

Darn tootin about how hard the start is, good move :D We HAVE to go for that drink sometime!! Eek! It's music festival in a fortnight - come along!!! (might be able to sneak you in ;) ) hee hee... if you sell the raffle tickets I can claim you as a volunteer!! :D :D :D
Well if we plan to go for the drink in the next two weeks, before I spend all my wages again that will be cool.. although I am planning on being a good girl this month and actually budget for a change lol!!

Music festival sounds cool, depending on when it is.. have two races coming up, one may day and one the sunday after.. calf permitting of course!
Thanks very much for your texts. i loved Scarborough and now have 3 weeks at home before I'm off again. Just wanted to say congratulations you are doing so well and look great.
Irene xx
Dear Dear Jennie,
I've not been here on your diary for a couple of days & have missed so much.

my problem is trying to keep up with to many other threads & I never did get the hang of speed-reading.

Busy day (are there any other types?) am taking the plunge tonight and deep breaths, going to Aqua fit with Trudy. I have to conquer the embarassment of revealing legs and arms in public otherwise holiday is going to be even harder.

Excellent Plan.It'll be a lot easier than you think.
please tell us how it went.

I need my privacy and I think 3 weeks of sharing a room with my sis would lead to sisacide (dunno the real terminology!) lol so there we have it.

It's FRATRICIDE. no idea why I knew it..just did

Seems like the top will have to get more outings then! lol
Hurray really really suited you
Aquafit was totally knackering! My boobs fell out so Trudy tied knots in the straps,. lol Have agreed to go every Tuesday so after a bit I might have to get another cozzy.

All girls at aqua fit I assume?

ps am I allowed to have a good laugh at your expense?:p

I bumped into one of Zoes friends. It was hilarious. She had no idea who I was and when I told her she threw her arms around me time and again and just was lovely.

So she completely failed to recognise you? great,but weird.
I got a sudden kiss & hug from a fiends husband at school pick-up y'day.He stood there arms out said 'Jane..where have you gone,you're looking great.smiled & kissed me' what a nice chap.
Hr sort of spoiled it a bit by making a funny sucked in cheeks face at me after,but I know from comments others have made my face has changed shape, even though it still looks the same to me.I don't think I ever saw the fat-face me:sigh: .
A sort of fat-blindness.
Anyway enough of this,it's your diary not mine...oooops:eek:

seeing Doc. I'm going to talk to him about skin and skydiving. I've got the form ready for him to sign. I think the Dr will be shocked when he sees me, it's been a long time since I went to see him

Hope he signs.
Can I ask about the skin.apart from the obvious tum-trouble that I imagine is pretty universal here,do you haveany other problem areas?
Don't Answer if this is too personal. It won't be the first time i've over-stepped the mark

Ah just think I've found the answer below
am seriously contemplating selling up. Can't afford to buy anywhere else and won't be able to afford to stay. What am I supposed to do - spend what equity I have on renting somewhere I suppose.:sigh: The other thing I am doing now is looking even harder for another job. One job, one place, don't care where in the country if it pays enough. With no-one at home there's nothing to keep me there I guess. God it's going to be lonely. The thing is, I love my house, I love living in it and I love it being mine. BUT it is, I suppose, only bricks and mortar. I have to do some serious maths and get onto some more job agencies, the problem is, they aren't open at weekends and I can't take time off work to go to interviews!! It's crap!

Oh No!!!!!!.
There must be another way.
Ideas..others have covered most /all of these I think but incase it helps
3.Extend the term of your you're normal sized they'll consider you a good/better risk.You're only young..

Oh, job 2, the lady who retired and I got her job - her husband had a heart attack and she's looking for a job again! My bosses are thinking of asking her to work the mornings! Not sure how I feel about that, as she will be shocked by the changes and I won't know as much about what's occurring. This is another reason why I'm dead keen on finding a single full time job somewhere else. She can have her old job back (they need the money now as her hubby cannot work anymore). Also, job 1, I think they are getting set to tell me they can't afford me any more. Dunno why I feel this way, I just do. Am feeling very insecure in so many aspects of my life at the moment. It's not good.

I'm going to be blunt here Jennie.
The job is yours ,the changes are yours & almost certainly are an improvement.
She does not have a right to her old job,however unfortuneate the circumstances.You could argue that it would be better for her in the long run to start somewhere new.
the decision you make must put your interests above hers.
pretend you don't know her circumstsnces.

Dr signed the consent form for my skydive :clap::clap::clap: he was lovely. I talked to him about some other worries I had. Mainly - skin and boobs. I told him how I felt about it all and, bless him, he didn't even ask to look. (Which I'm glad about as he had a trainee doctor with him and I would have been embarassed). He said he is going to write to my pct and ask for permission to refer me to a plastic surgeon.
Decided to send CV to Northampton job agencies, I need a single job in one place with lots of people.
Good idea fingers crossed.
Zoe's in a great mood - she has been contacted by an agency who saw her cv and want her to go for an interview at a big flashy place in Hertfordshire as a pastry commis chef!! She is over the moon, and so, Sunday is driving to Welwyn Garden City time!!! Flippin long way, but it is the job of her hearts desire so will be worth it if she gets it.

Good luck Zoe!!!!
She is going to be the most fabulous pastry chef ever!! :D :D :D She wants to have her own patisserie one day and I will back her to the hilt!
MMMmmm can smell it'll help her BUT you won't be the product tester!!!!

Thanks Lisa, and I would do this in the blink of an eye except I live in the middle of nowhere, only a bus route which is about an hour and half from nearest educational establishment and virtually no nightlife - so students would NOT want to be here, in fact, all those who live here and study in Northampton struggle to get there. If I lived in a place like Cambridge or Luton where we used to live, I would be doing this. (Used to have student lodgers in Luton, ace!) Thanks for the thought though. I love living here because it is so 'detached' if you like, but I'm now seeing the downside as far as renting a room goes.

I can see the problem about students not wanting to rent so far out. you need a lodger with a car.I'm told the police always have young pc's needing accomodation, as they seem to get posted round the country quite a bit.The advantage of this is you can be guarenteed honest & good behaviour . someone I know has done this successfully for a year or so now,& has managed to keep hold of her house,albeit by the skin of her teeth.Hercircs are not dis-similr to yours.
do you know any one in the force to have a word with?
Is there a Christian Police association ?

there are probably other possible lodgers too.
Good luck.keep fighting.we're all behind you..

Cheers Kitty, nope, I can't become a CDC. I couldn't afford it to start with (huge initial financial outlay required) - it isn't a great money-spinner (by all accounts) plus - I would find it incredibly hard to deal with people not turning up for appointments etc etc.. lol I think Cambridge would have to label me as a 'straight-talking, tough love, no-nonsense' agent for them.. :rotflmao::rotflmao: so don't think I would appeal to them in any case! :giggle: It would be rewarding if those who came to me stuck to the diet, lol, but not if they didn't... and that's not really the right attitude for a CDC (I don't think) lol... Perhaps I will 'soften' in time... don't get me wrong, I am compassionate (although I know you might find that hard to believe at times) and I do care very deeply for others.. but if I had to deal with people who blatantly wasted their and my time and money I would be pretty intolerant I think. (eeek... probably not a popular thing to say, but hey, you know me! lol) Supporting people on here who I care about and love is easy, if it was a 'living' it would, I think be quite different. Am I making ANY sense??? lol
Thanks though for thinking I could do it! :D :D :D :D xxx

I tend to agree with you on this one .Not that I don'y think you'd make a brill CDC. I do. You'd make a fab Firm-but -fair one & you are extremely empathic.BUT as a person with no free time I don't see how it would work.Nor do you need ,at the moment,to take on the troubles of other people.So there.
Re the set up costs..That ,I think can be got around if you want to do it but have no cash

Well you could try taking it easy & relaxing for a bit - that really would be a new experience for you :p

Thanks thoughts exactly.;)
Take care hon & have a great evening


The coldness is a problem, I find that wearing gloves as much as possible also helps. Easier in the winter of course, but even now I sometimes will sit in the house with a pair of gloves on. It's all got to do with ketosis, but as I really have never got my head 'round all the phsyiology of the diet all I know is that I'm freezing most of the time :)

I spent much of the winter wearing gloves/hand warmers around the house,2 pairs of trousers & as many layers on top as I could manage.
BUT it was only v slowly that it sunk in that I was actually only cold when I wasn't moving.Now if you work in an office that's a problem ,but at home keep moving & you'll notice it goes away.
Morning hun just stopping by to say hello and see how u r doing.Have not seen u online in the past 24 hrs which is not like u (unless i have just missed u lol) and hope u r ok.
Jen i just want to thank u so much for all your support and care u have shown me and your advice is always such solid good advice.U r there for me when i need a little extra support and also when i am feeling sorry for myself and need a swift kick up the arse.
U have so many special qualities and u r one strong lady and i am so pleased to have u as my friend and hope one day to actually see u face to face maybe i will finally come to one of the get togethers lol with my new slimmer body after surgery !!

Take care hun and hope u r having a good weekend xxx
I am only nipping on for a sec to say ... I have a date!!! I sat and thought about it and on Friday I re-joined the old dating site I was on yonks ago and bham! I can't believe it... I went on a date Friday evening....and then got asked to go on one today at 1.30 but have said no (get me!! lol) but I am going on one this afternoon at 3.. going to walk the dog at the lakes (nice and safe and open there! lol). Took your advice Karen1972 and used my avatar pic and can't flippin believe it! lol... been a member what, less than 72 hours and had oodles of 'hits'. Bizarre! lololol So.. going to do festival tickets this morning and then the garden and then kill 2 birds with one stone and walk the dog and have a date at the same time! (No real effort on my part as he is driving to the lakes and it's only 5 mins from my place - which, incidentally, he shall NOT be coming to, nor will he know my address!). I told Zoe about my joining it and she sighed, tutted, raised her eyebrows and gave me a lecture.. lol.. but., bless her.. she knows it's very different this time around... I'm being picky (oh hark at me! lol). Fridays date I shall call.. PoshOldTotty :rotflmao: and this afternoons I shall decide once I have met him. I have loads to share about what's gone on since I last updated! (boring but my life and as this is my diary.. lol).. but have to say. I am so glad that I have you guys and this diary to sound off to. Jane - bless you for trawling through and your comments.. I'm going to follow up the police train of thought (hmm, fit young men in uniform at my house!! :rotflmao:) and am definitely going to look for lodgers as Zoe got offered the job yesterday and it's a live-in position. LOADS to consider now (like, what to do with the dog for my 3 week holiday!!! and my weekends away!!!!!) and how to still hang on to this place as I really REALLY want to keep it. PLUS.. will share about Fridays date.. it was hilarious.. and.. it gave me a GREAT idea where me and my lush mates will be going out when they come to visit in 3 weeks time!! yeharr!! lol Must go.. tickets, dandelions and dust are calling, nay, screeching at me!!

Happy Sunday all!! xxxxxxx
I am only nipping on for a sec to say ... I have a date!!! I sat and thought about it and on Friday I re-joined the old dating site I was on yonks ago and bham! I can't believe it... I went on a date Friday evening....and then got asked to go on one today at 1.30 but have said no (get me!! lol) but I am going on one this afternoon at 3.. going to walk the dog at the lakes (nice and safe and open there! lol). Took your advice Karen1972 and used my avatar pic and can't flippin believe it! lol... been a member what, less than 72 hours and had oodles of 'hits'. Bizarre! lololol So.. going to do festival tickets this morning and then the garden and then kill 2 birds with one stone and walk the dog and have a date at the same time! (No real effort on my part as he is driving to the lakes and it's only 5 mins from my place - which, incidentally, he shall NOT be coming to, nor will he know my address!). I told Zoe about my joining it and she sighed, tutted, raised her eyebrows and gave me a lecture.. lol.. but., bless her.. she knows it's very different this time around... I'm being picky (oh hark at me! lol). Fridays date I shall call.. PoshOldTotty :rotflmao: and this afternoons I shall decide once I have met him. I have loads to share about what's gone on since I last updated! (boring but my life and as this is my diary.. lol).. but have to say. I am so glad that I have you guys and this diary to sound off to. Jane - bless you for trawling through and your comments.. I'm going to follow up the police train of thought (hmm, fit young men in uniform at my house!! :rotflmao:) and am definitely going to look for lodgers as Zoe got offered the job yesterday and it's a live-in position. LOADS to consider now (like, what to do with the dog for my 3 week holiday!!! and my weekends away!!!!!) and how to still hang on to this place as I really REALLY want to keep it. PLUS.. will share about Fridays date.. it was hilarious.. and.. it gave me a GREAT idea where me and my lush mates will be going out when they come to visit in 3 weeks time!! yeharr!! lol Must go.. tickets, dandelions and dust are calling, nay, screeching at me!!

Happy Sunday all!! xxxxxxx

Hunny, well done you! Get you, 3 potential dates in a weekend. Fabulous darrrrrrrrhhhling! Can't wait to hear all about them.

Well done Zoe on the job! I know that it gives you lots to think about with the house situation, but at least there are lots of options floating out there that you can look into.

Intrigued about where lush mates will be going in 3 weeks. Hope it's gonna be fun! ;)

I'm a bit hyper this morning and have on some loud music and am dancing around the house whilst tidying up. Hope you have a fantastic day!
Say congratulations to Zoe for me she so deserves it and hope she enjoys the job and the experiences it will give her.

And well done to you I'm not surprised that the men are all flocking to you as you look absolutely wonderful in your pic
Irene xx
morning hun,
can your life get anymore exciting or busy ?????????
intrigued as to the idea for the girlie weekend, waiting in anticipation to find out !!

First of all, HOOOOOGE congrats on losing so much weight - absolutely brilliant :D

Secondly, sorry the dog ate your bluetooth :( What sort of dog is it? One of my spaniels once ate my eldest's mobile phone :eek: . He left it on the coffee table and went out he thought he'd dropped it so his mates kept ringing it. I was out so didn't hear it. The dog must have been excited by the ringing and so chewed it up PMSL :D

Anyway, just wondering if you've got a prison near you, I don't mean a private one but a proper govt. one. If you have, then write the governor a letter and ask him/her to put a note on the staff notice board for your spare room.

There are usually prison staff looking for rooms in most prisons and at least you know they are in a secure job :D . I know loads of people who do it and none who have had any problems. I don't think I would do it through a private prison as there is such a high turnover of staff etc.

Good luck anyway - and good luck with the skydive - you're brave than me :eek: x
Monday already, not liking it! Too tired! Firstly - didn't do any gardening at all, spent the entire time doing festival tickets and stuff so the dandelions won a reprieve (but only until an evening when I don't have to dash out!)... hmm, probably a week then! lol

I went on my date.. what can I say. It was really nice. We walked the dog around the lakes for about 3 hours! lol Well, we walked for about 2 1/2 and sat and chatted on a bench for half an hour. He seems to be pretty genuine but I can feel my barriers battened into place. I don't think its him as I was exactly the same on Friday evening too with P.O.T. so it must just be my mindset. He is 47 and divorced with 4 grown children (2 of whom still live at home with him - they are 18 and 21) and has raised them single-handedly since the youngest was 4.

I get the impression he's a bit of a Derek Trotter., lol... duckin and a divin.. but nothing dodgy. We talked very openly and frankly about our pasts and to be honest, if you think I can talk for England, he's an olympic gold medallist! lol He's very outgoing (far more confident than I am!) and I wonder what he would be like out in company (would he be embarassingly loud or was it nerves yesterday) that kind of thing. I wasn't too nervous but I was quite quiet (mind you, lol, I couldn't get a word in!). He's slightly taller than me (not by much though) and is slightly overweight (wants me to find him a CDC in his neck of the woods, lol) but not by too much I don't think. Certainly nothing that a month on CD wouldn't sort out! lol (Hmm, he could do that when I'm on hols... lololol)

Anyway, it was a lovely afternoon, the sun came out just as I left to meet him and it was really nice. I'd love to say there were sparks and fireworks and heart-racing moments, but there weren't. He's a nice enough chap and I am seeing him again on Saturday (he wanted to see me in the week but I told him I was too busy.. lol.. it IS true!)... I drop Zoe and Gaz off at Birmingham Airport Hotel Sat afternoon so we're meeting up after that (as he lives somewhere up there.. lol) and then going out for the evening (I'm coming home after!! There'll be none of THAT going on.)

I told him straight, not looking to live with anyone, marry anyone nor 1 night stands. I like him, and his personality and I think he will be a lovely person to spend time with and there's no rush so we shall see what happens.

Festival meeting went well but over ran and I was late to the quiz (again) but it was ok. PQM was a lovely as ever!! (How I wish I didn't have this crush on him! lol) Still.. it was nice and when it was the break he called me over and asked me how my last Sunday evening had gone in Hitchin (hee hee, I whittered on about it and smiled loads). It was really nice to be relaxed enough to chat like it and also Fred was quite chatty. I think perhaps my date in the afternoon had some sort of effect upon me! lol I was very chilled out. lol After the quiz Trudy, her fella, and PQM and me sat round and had a really good chat and a laugh. Such a shame he's not interested in me. lol But he SO isn't.. lol Am I terrible for thinking this way , BUT, it was a lovely evening without Lucy there. Far more relaxed and loads of laughter afterwards. I need to tell her that I'll be staying late after the quiz as PQM walks me home. :)

He walked me home again last night and we talked very easily - well, actually, he talked and I listened. Bless him, he is missing his late wife. She only died in August of 2005 and he just realised this week that he isn't ready to see anyone. We got onto the subject of dating as I told him I'd joined the dating site and seen him on there and had sent him a message (which was very chatty but not flirty). He told me about a lady he has been spending some time with and whose company he really enjoys but that he realised that it was too soon for him, and, whilst he thought he was ready, he isn't. We talked all the way home. This time though there was no kiss goodnight. But I still felt that our friendship had become stronger again for the shared emotions.

I didn't tell him about my date. The thing is, I know, if he showed an interest in me, well, to be honest, I would drop everything (not literally!!) and give it my best.

I wanted to comfort him and give him a huge hug but I didn't, and I wish I had now as he really needed one. Still. There's always next week :)

My date, oh I haven't given him a name yet.. um... I'll just call him M as that's his initial. So, M texted me as I got home and asked if he could call me for a chat, so I said yes and we chatted on the phone for a little while and I went to bed tired but smiling. He sent me an e-card which was quite sweet too and this morning there have been quite a few texts flying between us, lol Each one bringing a fresh smile. Nothing saucy at all, just nice chatty messages.

He's just asked me what plans I have for Bank Holiday Monday, and I have none except to get house ready for festival guests (which I've all but done now).

Oh.. another text... asking me what I would like to do Monday.. lol.. told him to choose and that I like rivers and lakes and the countryside and funfairs. lol Told him nothing too exhausting and have to be home by 7 for festival meeting (which is true) and will mean I will get an early night before back at work Tuesday morning. (didn't tell him about the early night thing). I'm quite excited at the thought of a day out with him. lol

He's also asked if I'd like to see Rod Stewart in Cov on July 10th!! Seats are in the 3rd row from front!!! Well, as I will be back of hols then (just) I thought it churlish to say no.. :giggle: and have pencilled it into my diary. :)

I've told M that it will be a very long time before I introduce him to any of my family and friends and if that upsets him then I'm sorry, but I did it before with someone and then they dumped me and I felt a real p*att so not doing it again.

He said that was ok, but could he introduce me to his family and friends.. lol I said I was more than happy with that.

As we said goodbye he looked me in the eyes and said ' I think you are lovely and I promise I won't mess you around or let you down'.. I told him not to make such promises as they are very difficult to keep but that I appreciated the sentiment. How naff am I !?? Why couldn't I just smile and thank him! lol But he knows, I'll just be dead straight with him and so I was.

Have to tell you though, it was a bit embarassing at one point as there are swans at the lakes and they decided to mate!!!! I've never seen anything like it!! Talk about aggressive!!! There was a massive audience too! lol I felt a bit uncomfortable... lol (perhaps worried it might give M some ideas!!)

I wasn't how I used to be on dates in the past. I was quite quiet and, I know, hard to believe, but positively coy!!!

I felt different too.

This losing weight malarky does strange things to a gal!

So the rest of my day is work work work and then weigh in tonight. I must text Ailsa my list. I desperately need an early night so won't keep her too long nattering this time.

It would be nice to smash through the 9 stone mark as it was tantalisingly close last Monday night, but I'll settle for slipping gently past it too! Next target is to get into the 13's (fingers crossed that will be in the next couple of weeks, and, if we walk as much on Monday as we did yesterday, I can see that being a distinct possibility!) lol

I'm really tired today. Not in the mood to do any work at all but have to. Forgot my packs so am going to be in danger of fainting this afternoon if not careful!! That won't be good after taking Friday afternoon off!!! Eek!

I offered to work late too to help make up the hours.. but boy, I don't want to!
can't believe I didn't say this ,.. yesterday I cooked Zoe a chicken and green pepper omlette.. it was enormous .. she left half of it and put it in the fridge.. well... when I got home from dropping her at her boyfriends (and with only minutes before I had to leave for my date)... I was straight to the fridge! I picked out all the chicken and all the peppers and scoffed the damn lot!! Gave the egg bit to the dog! So, am hoping not to have done too much damage but am, at the same time, worried that this is the beginning of a slippery slope.. I know that TOTM isn't due for another couple of weeks or so, but also know I have been craving food horrendously for a couple of weeks now.

I'm not happy with the 'cheat' but I am happy that I did limit it to the chicken and the peppers... I so want to eat at the moment though.. I don't know why, I can't pinpoint any reasoning for it other than I REALLY want food. Not just any food though... I want chicken salad.. lol or prawn salad... or mushrooms and onions... I want to EAT!!!
can't believe I didn't say this ,.. yesterday I cooked Zoe a chicken and green pepper omlette.. it was enormous .. she left half of it and put it in the fridge.. well... when I got home from dropping her at her boyfriends (and with only minutes before I had to leave for my date)... I was straight to the fridge! I picked out all the chicken and all the peppers and scoffed the damn lot!! Gave the egg bit to the dog! So, am hoping not to have done too much damage but am, at the same time, worried that this is the beginning of a slippery slope.. I know that TOTM isn't due for another couple of weeks or so, but also know I have been craving food horrendously for a couple of weeks now.

I'm not happy with the 'cheat' but I am happy that I did limit it to the chicken and the peppers... I so want to eat at the moment though.. I don't know why, I can't pinpoint any reasoning for it other than I REALLY want food. Not just any food though... I want chicken salad.. lol or prawn salad... or mushrooms and onions... I want to EAT!!!

Good luck with the weigh in tonight. Yo're doing really well.

Who's this M chappie? I see I've a lot of catching up to do! :D Me thinks all that romanticism between you and M got to them there swans ....... ;)
Hiya Jen

Glad you had such a nice time with M, sounds like he'll be lovely company for you if nothing else, nice to have day's out to look forward to. LOL at the swans though, how embarrassing!

Take care
Another 2.6lbs gone making me 14stone 3.1lbs :D

Am hoping that in the next fortnight I can get into the 13's (that's my next target) :)

Pretty chuffed about this weeks loss and delighted the chicken didn't do damage!

AAM starts NEXT Monday so am going to suggest I pack us a picnic up. I agree MD, if nothing else he will be great company and I am really looking forward to Monday :D LAst time I went to a theme park was 7 years ago and I could only go on 2 rides - the water rapids and a ghost thing and nothing else as I was way too fat. I can't wait to go on them ALL on Monday! lol (hope my stomach can handle it!)

You'll have a blast I'm sure and a picnic sounds like a great idea. There'll be so much room between you and the bar holding you in now you'll be panicking you'll slide right out :p

Well done on your loss, glad the chicken didn't do any damage, not likely though, doesn't sound like you had too much. Fingers crossed you dip below the 14 mark next week, if anyone can you can!