Bluegirls journey to ar*e island

bluegirl said:
Ah thanks for popping by Kira. I couldn't talk about my troubles on the CD board, it's unfair to talk about food when people are trying to avoid it so I moved. I just put a post of the technical help board and they moved me.

My heads not right but if I keep coming back then I've not given up x

That's what I did too! Note on the technical help board!

So, kay my love. Walking is so great. Maybe try going for a romp in the hills. Often the change of scenery makes your mood much better. Get yourself out to the pennines or something on a day out. You can sleep in the car on the way back if your OH drives. You can even have a lush picnic!

Kay. Have you tried
I have beautiful. I got half way down the road and cried. I couldn't do another step. Fella had to come and rescue me in the car and gave me a good telling off.

So plan is rest today so that I can drive to Newcastle tomorrow, then I've mapped a short walk for tomorrow evening and I'll aim to go out at lunchtime each day next week too. I am absolutely sure I just did too much last weekend and it's knocked me back. It's such a fine and bloody frustrating balance.
Confession time. It's been a bad day. But for the first time an honest one. I've put exactly what I've eaten into my net diary and I've managed 3750 calories.m I'm gob smacked! I pave not even had a meal today just been picking all day. Jeeze.

The best thing? It's told me that at that rate I will gain 11lbs a month. How scary is that? Honestly, I've not eaten anything, just inhaled biscuits and a slice of cake and some toast. I'm frightened.
bluegirl said:
Confession time. It's been a bad day. But for the first time an honest one. I've put exactly what I've eaten into my net diary and I've managed 3750 calories.m I'm gob smacked! I pave not even had a meal today just been picking all day. Jeeze.

The best thing? It's told me that at that rate I will gain 11lbs a month. How scary is that? Honestly, I've not eaten anything, just inhaled biscuits and a slice of cake and some toast. I'm frightened.

You know what. I just made a stark realisation that half a packet of malted milk is almost 500 calories and 2 slices of bread, almost 250. I didn't eat either. I was just putting the shopping away. I would previously go through a packet of biscuits in half a day with cups of coffee. It's easy done. Especially those delicious little crunch cream beuts!

I'm watching game of thrones, then it's beef and lamb sausages with cauli mash with mustard and a touch of cheese. I've missed proper food!
bluegirl said:
I've ordered the judd book. Jeeze who's got a magic wand?

Kay - go check out the forum on low carb for JUDDD. There is some testimonials on there for the cellular effect fasting has on the body ( in the sense that less than 500 cals is fasting) I've been reading it mesmerised all night! There are people suffering from diabetes, asthma, gout, all kinds who say it's helped them and greatly reduced their symptoms!

It could be viable option!
I'll have a look. Just been reading about it helping CFS too! According to the JUDD site I can have 441 calls on a down and 2203 on an up. Which looking at it sensibly is just moving your 1500 calories around a bit to get the best effect? I need to read lots more!
bluegirl said:
I'll have a look. Just been reading about it helping CFS too! According to the JUDD site I can have 441 calls on a down and 2203 on an up. Which looking at it sensibly is just moving your 1500 calories around a bit to get the best effect? I need to read lots more!

ThAts similar numbers to me, but he recconebds just doing a flat 500 at first on your DDs but people there were going up as high as 800! Then off setting it on the up days just to get going and still losing pounds!
It does seem to make sense. It's just utilising your calories differently. I see people are counting everything, things I never would have before like diet fizzy drinks. That'll be an interesting one for me!

So, do I do tomorrow as a down day? First day back in the office? Just eat plenty of fruit? Or is there rules about what to eat?
So its been a thinking day today. Found lots of information on JUDDD, read plenty about SW, WW and Atkins. One thing struck me, and its so simple, I need less calories and I need to excercise. I need to do that on any plan. It doesnt take anyone with great intelligence to work that one out. But what is the thing that I need to do, that we all need to do, is stick to it. So the question is what would I stick to most? I certainly dont need a group plan when I've got you lot to stalk, follow and ask daft questions of. I dont need a complicated diet where I have to combine things as I dont have the time to think that much. I dont need something where I have to cook as most of my time is spent in hotels. So for me. My decision. Its to log everything in my net diary. Simple.

To lose 2lbs a week I need to eat 1385 calories a day. Today I have eaten (so far) 1124. I've had mostly what I wanted. A lovely superfood salad for dinner, and up too late to worry about anything other than brunch. So its been relitvely easy.

I need to get obsessed. I need by OCD to kick in and make me stick at this. I dont want to be thin, I just want to be less fat!
So, calorie counting day one. I've done ok. I've stuck to my recommended allowance which my net diary tells me is 1385 to lose 2lbs a week.

I had planned to have a jacket potato and cheese from the canteen at work, but by the time I got there they were all sold out so I ended up eating lots of fruit as nothing else on the menu would have been easy to count the calories of. So by 4pm I was hungry. Instead of grabbing just anything I took my time in m and s and chose a lovely salad, and an egg sandwich. followed by a yoghurt. I had a skinny latte too.

I feel content. Not full, not hungry, but content. Not a feeling I am used to. Oh and I managed 2 ltrs of water in the office too. That's a big change from the pop I have been drinking.

I love my net diary, I can use the ap on my phone so everything gets logged straight away, so no time to forget.
Well done on your first day Kay :) I'm using My Fitness Pal to track my food and exercise on my iPhone and it's great. So liberating!!! I've gone over my limit every day so far LOL but at least I'm conscious of what I'm doing ;-)
That's the great thing, it's the control and the knowing, and making the right choices.

Another good day for me, had a jacket potato at lucy time and blimey that made a difference to my performance this afternoon. I've got an infection so having to take some horrid strong anti-biotics and having them with food does make the treatment feel less harsh.

So tonight is a hotel, long hot shower, nails painted, body moisturised, hair blow dried. God I love this selfish lifestyle!
Is it 24 hours since my last post? Another good day. Logged everything, think slim pod is working again as I feel much less daunted by the task ahead, I feel calmer and more in control.

I've lots going on at work in the next two weeks so I need to be really focused so that I don't automatically hit the chocolate. I can do it. We can do it!
bluegirl said:
Is it 24 hours since my last post? Another good day. Logged everything, think slim pod is working again as I feel much less daunted by the task ahead, I feel calmer and more in control.

I've lots going on at work in the next two weeks so I need to be really focused so that I don't automatically hit the chocolate. I can do it. We can do it!

It's ok. If you do take a meander into chocolate land at least you can track that and make better choices about dinner. That's the beauty of tracking calories!

Have a lively day Kay! Hope you enjoyed your pamper sesh!
Kay, like Nat your new method/plan seems to be suiting you and that it fab! The way it should be. I can't beleive you were away from forum for 4 months!? Was it really that long? Where on earth did that time go and don't even let me think about how I gained over that period getting myself back to square one! C'est la vie!! But I'm working on it and hope like you I can find the right way for me. x
bluegirl said:
I've lost 5lbs! I'm amazed. This no drinking calorie counting malarkey blimmin well works! Xx

Holy cow!

That's blimmin amazing!