Blue's last chance with exante.

Yeah at college we were a little confused with the A or AS level and which was higher, apparently an AS level is like half an A level, that's what we were told.
We were all angry that we had to take maths while doing a childcare course and everyone else on the course (bout 100 of us) failed the final exam, I was the only one that passed :D

Me, my mum and sister had bought some exante porridges together. The last one I tried was nice and today I have now decided I don't like them :(
So I've got 16 porridges I need to find new homes for!
I think its great that you are continuing to study. Age doesn't really matter for it either :)
My brother got his degree last year. He is 43 :)
I agree with Marge learning should be a lifelong occupation. I got my Masters degree in my 50s. So more power to your elbow.
Mere x
I would love to a degree of some sort. But because of circumstances, I couldn't give up work to do it, or even do it part time, due to working odd hours.
The older I get, the more I think I would love to be a chef. Not just cooking, but a proper chef :)
Or even something to do with health nutrition, and maybe exercise :)
Have you never considered doing Open University? I did my Masters while working full time and it was really hard to keep up the momentum but it was so worth it at the end for the satisfaction it gave me not to mention the promoted post! Both your ideas of being a chef or something to do with nutrition sound great. You could study food science and become a dietian.
Mere x
Yeah look into doing something with the OU Marge, I was going to go down that route but there is nothing I really want to study with them.
My vet nurse course will be one evening a week and will take 2 years to complete.
Plus there is another 1 year course if I want to do a higher level after that.
One evening a week is enough for me, I'd feel overwhelmed with more than that I think.
A friend of mine is doing an OU Criminology degree, she's just interested in the subject, has no plans to do anything with it after and she's enjoying it because she can fit it into her life when she's got time.
Have you never considered doing Open University? I did my Masters while working full time and it was really hard to keep up the momentum but it was so worth it at the end for the satisfaction it gave me not to mention the promoted post! Both your ideas of being a chef or something to do with nutrition sound great. You could study food science and become a dietian.
Mere x

A friend of mine is doing an OU Criminology degree, she's just interested in the subject, has no plans to do anything with it after and she's enjoying it because she can fit it into her life when she's got time.

I like the idea of food science. I do get quite into that side of things when I make wine :).
I have always liked mathematics and sciencey type cooking ;)
I also fancy the criminology :D
Getting into either of those lines of work, really are jobs for life eh ?
And thats what we all need in such austere times eh ?;)

I did look into the OU a good few years ago, but I just couldn't afford the fees then.
I may have to relook into it again.
It would be nice to get a degree before I'm 50 :)
How are you today Blue. Hope you are having a good warm day.
Mere x
I haven't disappeared :D

Had a busy few days...more police stuff, things getting a little stressful with constant phone calls and police wanting to come round to ask more questions.
A few more ladies have come forward and reported the same thing against the same man :(
Police have said everything gets sent to lawyers/court people next week who decide if there is enough evidence for it to go to court.

Diet is still going well, sticking to it as is my mum who thought she'd only be able to do a week but she loves being on exante!

Holiday in just over 3 weeks too and I am sooooo looking forward to it. Just hope the weather warms up a little bit, not going in the sea if its cold!
Nice to see you on here again Blue. I hope that man gets his just desserts.
Nice to be looking forward to your holiday I have 5 weeks to mine and am starting to get excited too.
Good that your mum loves Exante as you can support each other. What about your sister has she fallen by the wayside or is she plugging away too?
Mere x
Thank you both :)
My sister is still doing alright, she works long hours though (she's a manager at m&s!) so does cave in and have a ready made pasta if she gets really hungry but she's still losing weight and because she only has a few stone to lose you can tell on her already.
I have tons to lose and no-one can tell I've lost weight yet!
Good that both your sister and mum are losing weight. You may not be showing your weight loss yet but keep going and you will. Then stand back and wait for the compliments flowing in. :D
Mere x
It will show soon enough Blue, just keep plodding on :)
I've got to keep going this time, if I fail again I don't know what I'll do.

I won a swimming costume today (I enter competitions as a little hobby, win some nice stuff too) so now I have no excuse to not go swimming while I'm on holiday!
Plus we'll be walking around loads so hopefully, even though I'm having the week off, I wont gain too much weight.

I am sooooooooo looking forward to my holiday, I know I keep saying it but I am excited!
And it'll be my birthday while I'm away and we've got plans for the day and night, yay :D
I've got to keep going this time, if I fail again I don't know what I'll do.

I won a swimming costume today (I enter competitions as a little hobby, win some nice stuff too) so now I have no excuse to not go swimming while I'm on holiday!
Plus we'll be walking around loads so hopefully, even though I'm having the week off, I wont gain too much weight.

I am sooooooooo looking forward to my holiday, I know I keep saying it but I am excited!
And it'll be my birthday while I'm away and we've got plans for the day and night, yay :D

Well done on your win. You are right no excuses for avoiding the pool.
Mere x
Ooh nice, well done :)

I used to enter competitions like a full time job when I was stuck at home when my daughter was little. My husband had left me and I had no money so I just entered competitions, for like 5 hours a day (it was the days of dial up though so it took longer lol). I kept a spreadsheet of every competition I entered and my win rate was something like 1:150. I won a trip to Sharm el Sheik in Egypt from a Sainsburys cereal packet, 2 trips to Paris (one was from a Birds Eye Frozen Veg survey), lots of electronics like a dvd player, digital camera etc, tons of books, dvds, cds etc, some signed stuff I flogged on ebay, a double bunk bed I sold online, tickets to film premieres, loads of stuff. I only did it for about 18 months before we got divorced and I moved into my parents place while I looked for a flat. I do sometimes still enter the odd thing but not enough to make my chances of winning great, but there's still the thrill when something comes through the post or you get an email saying you've won something. The last thing I won was at xmas I won a Heinz ketchup squeezy bottle, which honestly wasnt very good lol.
Ooh nice, well done :)

I used to enter competitions like a full time job when I was stuck at home when my daughter was little. My husband had left me and I had no money so I just entered competitions, for like 5 hours a day (it was the days of dial up though so it took longer lol). I kept a spreadsheet of every competition I entered and my win rate was something like 1:150. I won a trip to Sharm el Sheik in Egypt from a Sainsburys cereal packet, 2 trips to Paris (one was from a Birds Eye Frozen Veg survey), lots of electronics like a dvd player, digital camera etc, tons of books, dvds, cds etc, some signed stuff I flogged on ebay, a double bunk bed I sold online, tickets to film premieres, loads of stuff. I only did it for about 18 months before we got divorced and I moved into my parents place while I looked for a flat. I do sometimes still enter the odd thing but not enough to make my chances of winning great, but there's still the thrill when something comes through the post or you get an email saying you've won something. The last thing I won was at xmas I won a Heinz ketchup squeezy bottle, which honestly wasnt very good lol.

The only thing I have ever won was a thousand pounds in the only competition I have ever entered.
I also won 50 pounds in the only game of bingo I have ever played.
Just lucky I guess.
Mere x
oh wow Mere, that's fantastic, you obviously have the luck. Oh I won £500 on a tv competition once, you had to phone in the answer, can't remember what it was now but it was a puzzle type thing. :)