Bren's Diary - The journey begins, again!

i am blummin well having pizza on saturday night for this hen night, ill or not!! ha. but i'll probably only mange a slice... i suppose that's a good thing :D

am going to stock up on spicy tomato soup at my meeting tonight. mmmmmmmmm. savoury things. i can make crisps with it then too :D

abz xx
Isn't it funny how the smallest new food can make you excited like a kid on Xmas morning!

I felt like this when i did refeed.
you can indeed. you put a wee bit of water in with the soup mix and then put it on baking sheet in the microwave and apparently these amazing crisps appear, ha. i've seen pics. and apparently they are goooood. can't wait to eat something solid. i'll be allowed bars this week too :D

abz xx
Hey Elle
What diet/plan are you following?
im cutting down on portion size and eating healthier and trying as much as i can to cut out carbs after 6pm. oh and exercising more too.
Well good eating for me today!!!

I had
egg and veg
kiwi and mango
yoghurt, kiwi and mango
protein bar about (250 cal)
5 crackers, some cheese.
tuna bake ( no pasta and only a little pumpkin and basil pesto), I tried to use all the veg's on my plan.

some dried apple and dates( this is bad)

Also about 3.5 ltrs of water and some herbal teas.


Didn't manage to find time for the gym again today, will try for the morning. My new dinning table arrives tomorrow!!!!
your avitar, cracks me up everytime i see it! dont ever change it!
haha i was considering changing it to when where i've got two sticks of celery sticking out of my mouth like teeth but if you say not to change it then i wont change it! haha. i've put the other one up on my albums today anyway, had a bit of an upload rampage as it's been helping me avoid work... xxx
Hey Jo,

Doing good and hoping to continue until and through the weekend. I find them the hardest. Was just mentioning to another friend that I feel confident about my eating by Friday and then give myself the slightest reward like muesli in my yoghurt and because I then get a taste for other foods I eat really rich, yummy food for the remainder of the weekend even though it is usually healthy! It then takes me until about Tuesday to get back in the zone....

Hey Jo,

Doing good and hoping to continue until and through the weekend. I find them the hardest. Was just mentioning to another friend that I feel confident about my eating by Friday and then give myself the slightest reward like muesli in my yoghurt and because I then get a taste for other foods I eat really rich, yummy food for the remainder of the weekend even though it is usually healthy! It then takes me until about Tuesday to get back in the zone....

I find week ends really hard, was ok this week end but last night was a disaster i ate loads and i was supose to be having shake, but was sooo hungry after swimming :(
Could you take your shake with you next time?

anyways, onwards with today and remember that feeling from yesterday and compare it with how you feel when you loose and your clothes are too loose and OH NO!. you have to go shopping.....

Lots of water today and tomorrow and back to the loosing hey.

My measuring day is Friday morning... Feeling a little overeaten/bloated today, not because of massive over eating but more lack of gym! Really would like to go in the morning, wont hold my breath as it's really cold over here in the mornings about 8 degrees.

Could you take your shake with you next time?

anyways, onwards with today and remember that feeling from yesterday and compare it with how you feel when you loose and your clothes are too loose and OH NO!. you have to go shopping.....

Lots of water today and tomorrow and back to the loosing hey.

My measuring day is Friday morning... Feeling a little overeaten/bloated today, not because of massive over eating but more lack of gym! Really would like to go in the morning, wont hold my breath as it's really cold over here in the mornings about 8 degrees.

Brrr! thats a very good idea, then i can drink it on the way home. Thanks :thankyou:
Also try carrying a packet of chewing gum.
jo i find swimming makes me starving too! lol