Bring it on.....

So it was weigh in time this morning and after the shock of staying the same last week I was really looking forward to a good result......lo and behold this week I lost a grand total of 1lb!!!!!!

1lb in two weeks - how is that even possible?!!!

Anyway, I am not gonna let that stop me, my next months supply arrived this morning - so I will keep going for at least one more month. And I will lose another pound in the next three days else I won't make my October goal and will be truly gutted!
Going to sound like a complete hypocrite but stick with it - you will lose!!
Your losses may have slowed down as you are very close to "normal" bmi

Thanks Toots.
I sure don't feel close to 'normal', esp having just been to the GP about something and have her go on and on about my weight and how bad it is to be carrying so much round my middle! I could have punched the women especially as the reason I went to see her (sevear pelvic and back pain which i have had for the past four and a half years) is the whole damned reason I put on all the weight in the first place as I can't do much in the way of excercise without ending up on a lot of pain and unable to walk.

Urghhhhhhh. She just made me feel like total c@&p about myself.....I dread to think what she would have said to me if I had gone to see her a couple of months ago when I was 15kg heavier!!!

Anyway, sorry for the rant and hope alls going well with everyone else
hi Cookie, sorry the scales need a kick grr!!

It's hard when the scales don't move or are slow, but keep with it, it has to work!!
I am keeping it up and I had a good bathroom session earlier(for want of a better expression) so I am hoping that by tom I might have lost the 1 more pound I need to have reached my October goal (12 of the 14lbs having been lost over 2 weeks ago!!) - would be nice but if not there is always November!!!

I am trying my best to up my water intake - when my loses were better I was drinking a lot, but it is not easy when you are constantly on the go.

I hope everyone else is doin good.

It wasn't weigh in - I was just hoping to have lost the extra pound by the end of October.
Alas, despite the 'clear out' I haven't lost that extra pound and so didn't meet my challenge :(

anyhow, I am still determined to carry on and eventually the scales will be tamed, coaxed or beaten into submission and will begin to cooperate again.

I have realised that for some strange reason the scales (read my body - I just like to deamonise the scales) likes multiples of 5 and whenever it reaches one it clings on for dear life. For a few years I was stuck at 100kg and then with a major effort and atkins I got to 90kg but could not get below that and then I went back up to 95 for a about a year then back to 100kg. With exante I've got to 85kg but my
body really doesn't seem to want to let go!

Hey-ho i will keep at it and sooner or later somethings gotta give (even if it's the scales being flung out from bathroom window!!)

I'm gonna aim for 15lbs in November - 14lbs + 1 left over from oct. It seems somewhat optimistic at mo but we can but try.
Hey, no harm in that

My nana used to say "reach for the stars and if you get to the moon, then the view is still out of this world" ;)

That is such a cool saying - thank you I will have to remember that one!
I'm still outrageously busy at the moment, which is great as i don't have to think about food, but I do keep having to try and force myself to drink, I don't think I'm having nearly enough at the mo.

I'm opening a small outlet in a massive mill that's been converted into a craft/gift centre next week and I am manicly trying to make up stock. I am falling so behind with my uni work - have a big assignment due in next week as well that I haven't even thought about(the woes of going back to uni as a mature student) and a whole load to do for an evening course I am taking too! Why does everything somehow happen at once in life? What with the cooking, housework etc. and four year old son I feel like I'm gonna pop at any second!!

Sorry, I seem to be permanently moaning and groaning at the moment - I just have to get it off me chest before I explode!

I will try to be a little less dreary soon
*Scrap what I just said about not complaining*
I finally decided to get an early night (1.45am) as I haven't got to bed before 3.30 in the lady 4 or 5 days. I finally lie down only to discover I have a leak coming through the cealing and it is making such a noise as it lands in the bucket underneath. It really is the Japanese water torture......I NEED SOME SLEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sound like me - life may not always be fun but it's never blimmin boring ;)

You'll be fine - things have a way of working themselves out :hug99:

Cheers luv,
we always muddle through in the end somehow, and besides life would be so dull if we actually had chance to sit down...
Oh I almost forgot, I think there might have been a very slight twitch of the scales this morning which would be great for weigh in tom as otherwise it would have been another sts and a grand total of 1lb in three weeks despite being very strict!!!

I am keeping my fingers and everything else crossed for tom.

Hope everyone has had a good day

How's it going, hun - still full of busy?
If so at least it keeps you out of mischief ;)

Hey all!
Thanks guys. I am away at mo so haven't had very good Internet access. I only have a couple of mins so just wanted to say I hi and sorry I haven't been able to keep up with everyones threads - hope all is going well with all and I look forward to catching up with everyone when I get back midweek.

Lots a luv and posative exanty vibes,

Hey all!
Well I'm back home and back within easy access of minimins- one lot of mad hectic is over but a whole new set is just has meant that I have had zero time to think about food which is great but my water intake has been shockingly bad.

A quick update on progress - on my weigh in last thurs I loss 2lbs - not the worlds most stunning result but a loss all the same and 2lbs nearer to goal...yay!
That means I have met my next mini goal and just got under 85kgs. I have also managed to shoe-horn myself into a pair of size 16 jeans (a far cry from the size 20/22 I was in September). It's at times like this that you have really gotta luv exante!

Anyway, I hope all is going well for everyone else,