Bumblebums Last Chance Saloon.....revisited!

Can't think what you mean legomom!;):D

Weigh in day - lost 2 pounds! yay! That takes me to my first half a stone. Most chuffed!

Yay!!! Well done Bumble... I don't want to look at my scales if I've sts again I'm actually gonna cry!!! x
wow, half a stone!! Amazing bumble, you must be so pleased :D.
Well done!
That's great, well done you!
Can't think what you mean legomom!;):D

Weigh in day - lost 2 pounds! yay! That takes me to my first half a stone. Most chuffed!


-does the celebration dance- :bliss:

Shake your half stone lighter booty to the beat! :D
Thanks guys!:D Loving the celebration dance Happyhealthy!:D

Amazed myself today. Every Fathers day my Mums little town has a festival. Its loads of stalls, family games etc. And LOTS of food stalls. I just had a hog roast roll and was happy with that. Other years I would have been having chips, pints of cider etc. So not bad going methinks!

So menu today:

B: Mushrooms, tomatos's, beans, poached egg and one rasher bacon
L: Hog roast roll (yum yum!)
D: Jacket potato, coleslaw, salad

Snacks: None!!(yay!)
Drinks: 2 litres water, few coffees

Get you being all sensible and not drinking cider! And no snacks. Well done bumble xx
Phew... for a minute there I was considering deleting your diary from my subscribed list!!!
Monday - bleugh! I do NOT feel like being at work today. OH and munchkin are home (teacher training day so OH booked day off to look after him) and I don't like being at work when everyone else is at home! Plus it means I won't get to the gym today:( (god, look at me getting annoyed cos I can't get to the gym - who'da thought it!?:D)

Menu today:
B: Belvita and coffee
L: Ham and mustard sandwich, apple
D: Chicken, new potatos, cabbage
Snacks: fruit pot, Banana, nuts

Drinks: 2 litres of water, coffee

Not an exciting food day. Must try and think of something a bit more thrilling for lunches.

Can't go wrong with a ham sarnie, might not be fun, but it fills a gap and that's the aim of the game. I hate it when I have to work when OH is off too... funnily enough I'm not so bothered when it's the other way around though, lol!!! x
Think its going to be one of those days!! Was halfway through drying hair this morning when we had a power cut! So had to drop munchkin off at school with my hair half dryed (not a good look lol!) and having had no morning coffee!:eek: Got to work and shoved my head under the hand -dryer in the loos so now look like a relative of Worzel Gummidge. AND they decided this morning was a good time to take photo's to update our security passes :mad:

Anyhoo....I am calm...I am calm..... and I will resist the urge to eat chocolate!

Todays menu:

B: Nothing :mad:
L: Pesto pasta with cherry tomato's. Ryvita Minis
D: Tuna Salad with jacket spud and cheese
Snacks: banana. Quavers.
Drinks: 2 litres weak squash, coffee

Just got back from gym. Did half hour on the bike, 5 mins on rowing machine (arms were killing!) and 15 minutes on the treadmill:)

Just got back from gym. Did half hour on the bike, 5 mins on rowing machine (arms were killing!) and 15 minutes on the treadmill:)


Thats brilliant bumble. I came on here wanting inspiration to exercise, and you just gave it to me. Thanks hun xx
Nice one bumble... I bet everyone will be envious of your new security pic... I can never get any volume in my hair!!! x