Bump club chat thread! All welcome!

How are your bumps?

Mine is kicking about a lot these days, especially when I go to sleep. Keeping mummy awake already! I'd rather have too many kicks than too few though. :)
Sukie!!!!! I didn't know you were pregnant again! Congratulations! When's it due?
hi I.B
lol i know , big shocker :D:D:D
good one though xwe are very excited , its only taken 5 years:eek:
due sept 24th so 15 weeks now .
hope youre well xxxx
How are you all doing with the preparations for the new arrival???

We have not done much at all yet, although I have put down the deposit for a new pushchair (bit of a treat as I do not really need one, but hey!) and yesterday we bought the cutest little teddy for him/her (well, rabbit!)

I don't really need to do much in the way of shopping as I already have two kids (one of each, so have both pink and blue stuff too!). It is the big stuff I worry more about, like getting the kitchen done and new flooring in.... Would be nice to have it done before the baby arrives, but even if we don't it won't be the end of the world.

Happy Easter to you all! Hope you are enjoying some Easter eggs!
Hi emma

What pushchair are you getting, must be a nice expensive one if it requires a deposit;)

This is baby 4 for me so she will pretty much have to slot into the family, so no big prep really. I have a 1yr old as well so I have needed to buy a double pushchair (which I have done) and I will need another cot and another chest of drawers. I am told baby is a she but I won't buy any pink/girly clothes until she is actually born as they can never be 100%.

I already have everything else like monitors, sterilisers, bouncer, swing etc from ds3:)

How are you getting on?
How exciting to know you are having a little girl (probably!). What do you have already and how old are they?

The pushchair we are getting is not really that expensive, we just had to put 10% down to get it at the sale price, lol. this is the one:

Sola - Mamas & Papas

We are not having the carry cot or the carseat, just the basic unit. We are not having the carry cot or the carseat, just the basic unit. I am still ludicruously excited as I never had a parent facing one for my other two. I wanted something really lightweight, that could be folded up with the unit on the chassis and that my 2 year old can use for naps (I can take the baby in the sling), but that folds flat for a newborn. I thought I was looking for the impossible combination and then I found this and went back to put the deposit down the next day. :D So I will be able to gaze at my baby as I push him/her around :D This might be my last baby, so I thought I'd treat myself. I was so overly practical with the other two, only ever bought the minimum necessary and had a Maclaren XT from birth.

Going to watch a film with DH - just hope it is not a terrifying one. The other day he asked if I wanted to watch one and I stupidly agreed without asking what it was. Turned out to be a film called "Paranormal Activity" (sort of Blair Witch like, but set in a couples home and you see more stuff happen) and it scared both me and the baby! Everytime my heart started racing or I jumped, the baby kicked about and jumped too! We watched it just before bedtime, and I barely slept that night... What's wrong with a rom-com, I wonder?????
Oooh that pushchair is lovely:)

I have 3 boys, 9yrs, 7yrs and 1yr old....I have just bought the mountain buggy duo in moss green. I already have two singles but would love a new single too, one that can be used occasionally for ds3 if one of us just takes him on the school run or something, and can then be used for the new baby once ds3 is walking everywhere.....I think I need to do some arm twisting first though.

This is most likely our last baby too, I would happily have more but dh is adamant this is the final one and is even talking about getting the snip:cry:

I hope the film wasn't a scary one!! I have terrible nightmares when pregnant so dh knows better than to put anything scary on:p

Mel x
Same here! I would like another one after this but DH is saying no...but I will ask again in a couple of years :D Meanwhile, I shall enjoy this as if it is my last - which is something I will not regret doing anyway, independent of whether or not I have another one.

I love your pushchair too. I would love something like that, but we don't really have space for it. I always wanted one that I can use for running - but that would have been fab with no. one, but there is no way I am going to bring all three running, and even the two little ones would make rather hard work out of it (altough no doubt a good way to burn calories!)

The film the other night was about doomsday and alien invasion... Still a far cry from the inspirational, happy ending film I wanted, but at least I could sleep after this one. :eek:
We took the children for a long walk around a lake today - well, we walked and the kids had their bikes. We are trying to get DD to be confident enough cycling alone so that we can bring our bikes too. She learnt how to cycle without stabilisers last summer, but was still a bit worried about stopping and starting by herself, so we had to walk next to her just in case. But I think she is there now, so next time DS will go in the kiddie seat on DHs bike and we can all go together.

On the way back DD was cycling behind me and said to me "Mummy, your bum is so fat" Thanks!!!!!!! :cry: When I told her that it was not very nice to say things like that to people as some people get upset, she said "you bum is very fat but very lovely!" :D My bum may be growing in tact with my bump, but at least I still have cheekbones - that is more than I did when I was this far along with DS.
Oooh lovely prams Emma and Mel :)
Bless your DD Emma, don't kids say the nicest things! :eek: As for cheekbones - I vaguely remember what those are! :rolleyes:
Trust me, I don't take mine for granted! The advantage of becoming older is that you loose bodyfat in the face - which is why all the actresses complain about having to leave more fat on their bottom to not look too hollow in the face - but for girls like me that is a good thing as I get cheekbones at weights I wouldn't a few years ago!

Feeling virtuous as I have not have naughty snacks this evening and instead done four lots of pregnancy exercises using that You Tube link I posted on here before. I did shoulders and obiliques x 2 and biceps and legs x2. I am going to aim to do them at least once every other day, but work up to doing something every day (even if only 20 minutes) and mixing up the different videos (muscle groups) that are there. Not the same as my normal gym routine, but better than nothing!

Now I just have to convince DH to not buy chocolate all the time!
PS: Abz, did you not weigh in today? How did you get on???
Ugh you put me to shame. I even have to psych myself up to get up to go to the loo these days (and that's a lot more frequent than I'd like lol)
Vicki, l have more of those moment you have than the energetic ones! Was supposed to go to the gym tonight but stayed at home and had burgers instead! Tried to minimise the damage by having a wholemeal bun, veggie burger and skin on wedges (those on SW will understand!) but it still a feast!
Oh that's OK then ;) Your tea sounds lovely, I had a ham, salad and philadelphia light on Kingsmill seeds and oats bread. It's sooo nice but I feel guilty when I eat it :rolleyes:
Just wanted to say hello :)

Yesterday I got a BFP, I'm literally 4 weeks pregnant (2 weeks since conception) so still in the risky period and just hoping that it'll stick.

I'm hoping to start slimming world and get out for a bit more exercise now that I've got someone else that totally depends on me! Probably the biggest motivation you could get.
hey there guys :)

yes, i weighed in last night. we've changed groups to a thursday night now. i lost 3.5lbs, so i've lost half a stone in 3 weeks and got slimmer of the week. so i did a happy dance. yes. in front of a new group!! ha. ah well. they'll get to know me soon enough :D

abz xx
Welcome, Sarah! Have faith - I am sure your bean will stick! :)

OMG that is amazing Abz!!! Well done you on the 3.5 lbs!!! Slimmer of the week too, even better!
Welcome Sarah :)
Well done Abz! There'll be nowt left of you when you've had miss bump! ;)
We're off to spend a few days with my family in the lake district, can't wait! Not looking forward to the 2 hour car journey though. We haven't seen them for 6 weeks so they'll think I've turned into a weeble LMAO. It'll probably be the last time we get over til after I've had her too.
Hope you all have a lovely weekend and enjoy the sunshine x
i'm hoping there will be a lot less of me that's for sure!! ha.

hi sarah. i'm sorry. i'm sure i said that before but it must have been on another thread :S

hope everyone has a fab sunday :)