C25K Running Thread!!

I did week one about 4 times, and week two about 3 times. So don't worry about repeating!
I chickened out of going straight to week three. So I did run 2 min, walk 2 min yesterday, and that was fine. So I might do that for a week before trying for 3 mins.
Yep, i guess aslong as you are out there doing something it cant be bad :)
Thanks for help.
I was going to do W2D1 this morning but i am really suffering from nosebleeds and it wouldnt stop for ages this morning. Nusiance really.
Did W2D1 this morning. Found it blooming hard. But i was so proud of myself that i completed it. yay
Well done tara :)

I did week 4 day 1 today - found it tough but i managed it!! :party0049:

I now have a blood blister on the end of my big toe :(
Hey everyone, you are doing (and looking) great - keep going as I'm now on week 7 and have NEVER been a runner in my life!! I'm now a running machine (on the flat anyway) and going for 20 mins.
I would recommend downloading the C25K podcasts to keep you on track while running.
I have a question to ask more experienced runners - I have a 5km Race for Life in 2 weeks so need to know if I should be eating anything in particular now to help me out on the day (low carb, high carb - what do I do now and on the day???)
Have a great week
Summergurl, your photo is amazing. Well done.

I would love to use a podcast but i take my 7 month old puppy with me and i wouldnt be able to concentrate on her if i had music in my ears unfortunately. Sometimes i think that i will go without her but then that defeats the object as i wanted to have a dog as a jogging companion amongst other things.
I would love to use a podcast but i take my 7 month old puppy with me and i wouldnt be able to concentrate on her if i had music in my ears unfortunately. Sometimes i think that i will go without her but then that defeats the object as i wanted to have a dog as a jogging companion amongst other things.

My 2 dogs have always come out running with me and I know what you mean about not being distracted by music etc. as I can't wear my ipod when they're with me as I have to listen out for bikes etc., other joggers approaching from behind and what have you.

Yesterday evening was the first time I'd been running without them. We had all been out for a 5.5 mile run in the afternoon but for some reason I wanted to go out in the evening too. I went on my own so I could listen to my ipod and it was ODD!! Firstly, they weren't there to keep an eye on and that seemed weird, I couldn't chatter to them (which I do frequently ;)) but the most peculiar thing was that I couldn't hear either the pounding of my feet or my breathing. It's the rhythm of my feet pounding that seems to keep me going and I found it quite tough without that.
I know what you mean, i dont know what i would do if i wasnt shouting to Meg to "leave it" every dog she sees she has to go and lick their faces.
Well, I'll tell you how daft I am. I am so used to them being with me that when I crossed the road to get down onto the cycle path where I run, as I got to the traffic island in the middle of the road I automatically said "Wait!" even though I was all alone. Thankfully there was no-one within earshot to hear me talking to myself! :p
Well, I'll tell you how daft I am. I am so used to them being with me that when I crossed the road to get down onto the cycle path where I run, as I got to the traffic island in the middle of the road I automatically said "Wait!" even though I was all alone. Thankfully there was no-one within earshot to hear me talking to myself! :p


Everyone is different hey - personally i can't run without the music on the podcasts - it sets the pace for me. Where i run is quite popular for running and cycling so i always just stick to one side of the path, manouvre if somone is running towards me but if coming from behind they manouvre.

All the others out exercising always smile at you when coming past ya - does everyone else find this?! :giggle:
All the others out exercising always smile at you when coming past ya - does everyone else find this?! :giggle:

yes and its lovely! Knowing they are thinking the same thing :giggle:

you look fab by the way!! :eek:

I feel a bit crap because i havent done any exercise for ages :eek: I need to get back on the road and run but i havent the time right now! your all doing so well on this journey! i shall be back to join you all ASAP!! :rolleyes:
Hurry up shabba! :giggle:

Im about to start week4 again as i only did it twice last week due to an injury so week 4 here i come again! :D
W2D3 completed at last. I was ill so couldnt jog since Friday of last week. W3D1 on Thursday.

Can anyone give me some tips on breathing whilst jogging. I am having terrible trouble and keep losing my breath and only being able to take deep breaths on the walks.
slow down a bit Tara :) save your energy and find a comfotable pace to jog :D
Yep only thing you can do is to slow down. Maybe you start off too fast? Make sure you try and keep at the same pace :)
I would say slow down too!! When I first started and I was running for 1-3 mins I thought my lungs would burst. That didn't seem to last long though.

I would say don't over-think it (if that makes any sense!) Try to get into a rhythm of steady breathing, you don't need to take huge gulps of air, and perhaps try and time the rhythm of your breathing with the rhythm of your feet.
Another great thing is to just focus straight ahead. I do this and before i know it times up! :)