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Hi CC, glad to hear your Dad is a bit more chipper. Hopefully, the news to-day about his impending release home will soon come to pass.

I was commenting about our Health systems in the context that I have a cousin living on the Isle of Wight, a young lady, suffered a stroke, half her body is paralysed and sadly the medics have given up on her. She is living in a residential unit for stroke patients, but even in the past 12 months the support and services have seen savage cut-backs. No doubt about it, your health is your wealth!

Hope you have a good week,



Hi Conor

Dad was a lot brighter today so feeling a little more relaxed about things!

I totally get what your saying about the health service..I've heard some real horrific shocking stories of other's experiences, but so far so good (touch wood!) You are dead right, your health is most definately your wealth!!

ah hope your dad is home very soon then Jo. lots of love xxx

Thanks Karen, hopefully will be quite soon! xx

Hi CC, Hope your dad was in good form today.

Hope you dont mind if I ask you a question . How did you get the silver sevens at the bottom of your signature ??
Got my first one today:wee: and would love to see them like that.

Hi Brenda, my dad really was in good form today (phew!!) I've posted a wee message in your diary about the silver seven, it's dead easy. You've reminded me I'll need to add my 4th woo hoo!! xx
Hi minis

Dad was much brighter today. He was taken earlier today for an endoscopy and they removed 3 gallstones while there. They have decided that they are going to continue with the intravenous anti biotics which is a 7 day course so he has 2 more days to go. Hopefully will get home on Friday and back in at some point as an outpatient for gallbladder out. Fingers crossed nothing else crops up before then!! (still no change with uncle!)

Good day today for me, still not got on the exercise bandwagon yet but I really will do! Hopefully get to spin thurs and fri. Been v.good this week food wise and upped my water intake so I'm hoping for a loss this week

Food today:
(B) 2 ww toast and ham 2
(L) 2 crispbread and pate 3
velvet crunch 1
yoghurt and raspberries 2
(D) pasta 6
tuna 2
mayo light 2
(snacks) crispbread and ham 2
ww caramel wafer 1.5

Total points today.... 21.5 pts
Im glad yesterday was a good day. Hope today has been as well xxxxxx
Quick post to update food for today, dad bright again and hoping to get home on Friday, all being well !

(B) 2 Ww toast and ham. 2
(L) broccoli and Stilton soup. 1.5
Velvet crunch. 1
Yoghurt and raspberries. 2
(D) chicken. 2.5
Rice. 2
Curry sauce. 3
(snacks) crispbread Mayo ham. 1.5
Digestive. 1.5

Total so far... 17pts
Kernow Jo said:
I hope you have had a good day hun, and that your dad has been feeling better. Take care! Jo x

Thanks jo, dad is now home feeling much better! Such a relief! I'm telling you all this emotional up and down is not good for u but for now it's up, so we'll just enjoy it x
Hi all, well the exciting news is that I lost 3lbs this week....3 whole pounds!!!! I am so so chuffed, mind you it's been long overdue, been v.slow over last month! I think if I could get rid of 5 more pounds then that would do!! Would love to do it before hols!

Dad got home yesterday and is over the moon! I also managed to fit in spin, oh it was good to be back, sheer torture....brilliant!!

I'm off work today and Monday, long weekend. I'm spending the day with my mum, some holiday clothes shopping is in order I think! Hope everyone has a good day x
Oh also thought I'd add a wee pic of our bedroom now we've finally finished painting, did the last of the footery bits last night


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well done on ther 3lbs off :D Nice to get a good number after a slow couple of weeks. Glad your dad is back, that is brilliant news and i love the bedroom. Looks lovely. enjoy your time off xxx
delighted your dad is home and doing well . Its such a relief not to be going in and out of hospitals. 3lbs down excellent!!well done for sticking at it with the few low weeks.

The bedroom is lovely . I love that blue shade. Enjoy :D
Congrats on the 3lb :D
Hi CC . Hope your dad is improving at home. Any plans for weekend?? OH working tomorrow so probably will do some thing Sunday .
WOOOOOHOOOOO! Well done on the 3lb loss, thats fantastic!

I am pleased to hear your dad is home. The bedroom looks great, you did a good job there. You enjoy your shopping trip with your mum, you deserve a treat or two for your holidays. Have a good day! Jo x

Thanks Jo, had a productive shopping day x

well done on ther 3lbs off :D Nice to get a good number after a slow couple of weeks. Glad your dad is back, that is brilliant news and i love the bedroom. Looks lovely. enjoy your time off xxx

Thanks Karen, it was so good to finally see some weight come off, only a little bit to go now x

delighted your dad is home and doing well . Its such a relief not to be going in and out of hospitals. 3lbs down excellent!!well done for sticking at it with the few low weeks.

The bedroom is lovely . I love that blue shade. Enjoy :D

Thanks Brenda, you are right it's such a relief to not be worrying about hospital visits and just to know my dad is happy to be home x

Congrats on the 3lb :D

Cheers Puggs :D

Hi CC . Hope your dad is improving at home. Any plans for weekend?? OH working tomorrow so probably will do some thing Sunday .

He's doing really well Brenda thanks, delighted to be home, wanted to get out and do some gardening today apparently...I can tell we are going to have a fight on our hands to keep him rested!!! I'm not complaining just glad to see him feeling so much brighter!

No huge plans this weekend, will visit the gym tomorrow then pop up and see dad, OH is going to finish the kitchen then we can hang up our painting aprons for a while. We really need to start shed hunting too, maybe sunday..we'll see! x
So had a lovely day today with my mum. We went through to Stirling shopping. I got some lovely new clothes for holidays. It was soooo good to feel slim and have everything I tried on in a 12 fit perfectly...I'm really pleased with the weight I've lost. I got a lovely pair of wee tailored brown shorts from new look and a lovely little dressy vest to wear with them from Oasis. Also got a nice wee dress from new look too. I just cannot wait to get to Cancun and get them on! 5 weeks tomorrow, woo hoo!!

Mum and I went out for lunch and I managed to be good and just have a tuna mayo sandwich. OH and I had a yummy chinese tonight, friday night treat...was delicious!!

So will be hitting the gym tomorrow, might even treat myself to a wee sauna and steam room. Hope everyone has a good weekend! x
Didn't make it to the gym this morning, oh dear!!! Slept until about 11.45 am :eek: this morning...ridiculous!! Anyway had a nice day, visited dad while OH painted the kitchen. We are now sitting watching lots of silly wee bets on to keep us interested. I think I may even treat myselft to a wee morgans and diet coke :D

Food today:
(B/L) toast 1.5
2 eggs 3
flora extra light 0.5

(snack) crispbread & ham 1

(D) quorn burger 1.5
roll 2.5
homemade chips 3.5
tom sauce and mayo 0.5

total so far... 14pts

woo hoo lots of points for some drinks, yeyh!!
Well done on the 3lb loss - that's brilliant! It's always good to see a loss after a few sticky weeks :) Your shopping trip sounds highly successful too. A good time all round.
Hi CC, we did the same in this house slept until 12 !!(except poor hubbie who had to go to wrk) . You deserve that though after the stressfull week you had.

How lovely to go off shopping and be able to get nice clothes and know the sizes will fit !!!!!!!!! . That must be soooo nice. well done.

Glad to hear your dad is feeling better . sounds like he will be soon "Jumpin round the garden" !!!!!!!!!