
Full Member
Hi all

Well I’m back again after 18 months.

Due to an illness I put all my weight back on. Took me a year to get my health sorted and I’m now on my second week.

Just had my second weigh in yesterday and I’ve lost a total of 20lb on plan ss.

Not to shabby.

Sadly I’m fighting shingles as well and omg are they painful.

No rest for the wicked I’m still sticking. Does make it a little easier thou as I have no appetite as in to much pain.

Here’s to a fresh new start what’s once was and ready to go round 2.

Look forward to chatting to you all.

Start weight 19.6

1. Weight loss 12lb
2. Weight loss 8lb


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Hi wow that looks painful I hope it gets better for you. I am starting on Monday and am around the same weight as you so it will be good to chat as we go along ? X
Hi Jenboo

Thanks for your reply :)

Oh it’s very painful but still sticking to the plan, not having an appetite is probably stopping me from comfort eating thou lol.

Well good luck on Monday and you’ve probably heard drink lots of water, trust me that will get you through your first three days, if you can get to your 4th which of course you will you’ve mastered it.

Anything I can help with or you want to chat about please do let me know. After all it’s my second time round.

Have a lovely weekend and chat soon x
Well done for sticking to plan ! I can't imagine not snacking in an evening it will be new for me 🤣🤣 I want Monday to come now as am ready to go I think!

Speak soon x
Wow! Brilliant weight loss so far, Tasha! Well done! Hope the shingles goes quickly and you feel better soon.

Kathy x
Hi all

Thank you for your messages.

Ended up in hospital due to secondary infection. Have barely eaten but still not lost much just a few pound. You’d think you would loose weight not eating but you don’t. Back to my 3 products a day and continue on only went one day not eating Cambridge but didn’t really have a choice or they wouldn’t have let me home.

Think maybe 3 or 4lb this week not as much as usual, it’s weigh day so will have to go the drs for it as still can’t meet with my consultant, this will be 3 weeks 😮

Still keep battling on. Was really hoping for my two stone but will have to wait until next week.

We can’t have it all.

Hope all is ok and for Jenboo hope your first week is going well.
Hope you are feeling better soon ...a loss is a loss and better than a gain. My first week has gone ok... Day 2 was awful but after that fine...am having serious fear of missing out as we head into the bank holiday, I aren't hungry but socially it feels restrictive but have weigh day Monday so that is spurring me On! X
Thank you a lot better 😊

I know the feeling I started again on the Friday before mother’s day and was well and truly lost when we didn’t go out for our meal.

It will go past soon just look forward to no work and a quiet day, you do soon to think of the positive things that come with it. The first for anything on this diet is difficult.

Won’t be long now till your first weigh in I hope it goes well and glad you got past your third day, I’ve always said you make it to day 3 you’ve done it 😊