ProPoints CarlyLanky140's Food Diary (28/155lb)

Lol! Before I used to feel I hadn't eaten enough unless I filled myself to burst! I enjoy hunger now too lol!
Jemma I'm just picturing that haha!

Glad I'm Not the only crazy one! Lol

I've just made myself drink a litre of water... So full and need a wee! Another litre before bed!! N three tomorrow before WI... Might just flush out a STS?! Lol xx
Yum pizza hut! My neighbour had chippy chips before and they smelt gorgeous think I might get some for lunch tomorrow yum :)
Enjoy them x
Mmmm chippy chips, I'm gonna take my kids and me for a full English Wednesday morning after WI! Can't wait.

Ooooo enjoy x
Sat listening to late night love feeling sad n pathetic...

Told my mum I thought I would gain tomorrow n she wasn't impressed then I said I thought festival would be bad bit id get bk to it after if needed to (ie if I hadn't managed to be good) and she said "u will have to"

She has always been such a negative influence on my weight and about food! I blame her for me and my sister being so fussy! They never have fruit in the house n mum is basically anorexic :( Grrrr just needed a rant!

I always feel like she is embarassed that I'm fat :( and she never seems proud of anything :(

Always I kno I will get bk to it tomorrow and will do my best at festival!

I'm nervous about WI and my first crown court case... Best go to sleep xx
Thanks chick :) xx
Your mum sounds a lot like mine Carly (not anorexic but deffo unsupportive). What's the deal with that eh?
On a side note, I am way more pathetic than you. I wish I could work out why my tears are stinging my face so badly right now..... sigh.
Monday night blues guys.
Awww massive hugs darling! I cry all the time about anything, something and nothing - especially tv! Saddo! Hehe

Hope ur ok sweetness! Xx
I no what it's like to have an unsupportive family, I moved out wen u was 16 n haven't spoke to my family for about 9 years.....but that's a whole other story!!! Lol xx
Awww bless u chick! I just want to be a blooming grown up n be able to afford to live alone :( x
Ha. I used to be a right cold hearted ***** but then everything changed and I cry at the drop of a hat. I've pretty much been banned from watching Disney films. Lol.
Its ok. I'll be fine.
Focusing on the good things like the fact I swam a whole km earlier (that's over half a freaking mile) and only ate half a bag of coconut m&m 's. Winner.
I've never seen lion king I can imagine its sad though!

Big humoungous Ruth style hugs to all! :)

My thighs are so sore chick. Ouchie. I though the water was supposed to make it easier?
My housemate and I watched beauty and the beast the other day. I swear, Gaston is the best Disney villian/hunk ever. Haha.