ProPoints CarlyLanky140's Food Diary (28/155lb)

CarlyLanky140 said:
Hi Tracy - hope u are ok... I will kick some bullying ass!!

Star - feel free to add me on facebook... Carly Lancaster

Thank you all for the well wishes and luck! I had a bit of a crappy day - for those not on fb this is a summary I put on earlier:
"I feel like curling up in a ball and crying!

Chat with the parents went as badly as expected! I don't kno what to do!

I have probably put on 3 or 4lbs since last WI! I have tried for two weeks to get my 7lb Leeds festival gain off and I Havant! I'm facing the music this eve!

But i'm still 2 stone 3/4/5 down depending on WI and my size 26 trousers are about to fall off but size 24s are too tight?! I just feel like a big fat lump! I want nice clothes :(

I WILL get back to ww 100% as of tomorrow! I WILL lose 2 stone more by Christmas! I WILL get into nice clothes and be a beautiful slim bridesmaid! I WILL decide what job I want to do


I have been to classes at the gym Thursday/ Sunday/ Monday and Tuesday this week... I will be going Wed/ Thurs/ Mon and Tues this week....

I went to WI and I put on 4.5lb... I am back to it tomorrow and I will be going to the gym... I am away to Leyland near Preston this weekend but two of the other girls who will be sticking to ww too so will save weeklies till then :D Would love to get that 4.5 and some more off this week....

Further detail re: parents - basically they said they think I give up at things and don't stick at anything.. my dad even suggested he doesn't think I can do it, thinks I can't cope with stress/ pressure... you name it...they said it.... Now I am doubting myself.... I am going to do this work exp and apply for teach first and PGCE and I will wait and see how I find work over the next year.... How do you know for defo if you want to do a job without doing it?

Anyways.. rambled enough... I am back to ww 100% (still gonna use weeklies) and going to gym 4 times.... and to do work exp and PGCE/ Teach First application form filling.... Gonna catch up with everyone now :D


Oooooooh good lord you've had a rough day! You should be very proud for going to WI luv - that's one of the hardest parts - to face the music! You now have a solid point to carry on from & you sound super motivated :D
As for the job stuff - I'd just say just go for the work exp. & that wilk give you so much of an insight & help with your decision - i hope your folks will come around once it's settled in - you do what will make you happy - Go Carly!!

P.s. I'm always stuck between 2 sizes of jeans! I can't stand them tight so I plod around with Baggy bum instead hehe ;)

Here's to us both getting a good chunk off by Xmas!

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Thanks petal :) xx
Aw Carly it's not like u to feel negative babs, u r our positive leader! Bless u for having all this trouble!
Ur parents r just being parents, that's wot they do, knock u but if u r unhappy in yr job n get to do summit about it then go for it!
Don't worry about ur gain Hun, u have been worrying about ur job etc so it's put added pressure on! It will come off Hun u can defo do it u have proved that every other previous wk! Theres plenty of time.
Stick with it, we r here for u lovely xx
Aww Carly well done at facing the music regarding WW...we all know u will have a fab loss next week :D U sound so motivated now. Good luck hun

RE parents...thats rubbish ur made to feel like that...if its any help ive went through my whole life being made to feel like not good enough for this or that etc ....just because they are our parents it doesnt give them the right to make us feel like that. You do what YOU want to do...its your life and your know u have all of us behind you whatever you decide. :) xx

Now back to us both being 100% motivated...ive gone off track to...lets be motivated together...only thing with me is finding a exercise that i wont get bored off and is affordable...hmmm xx
Aw,Carly,I just want to give you a big hug...what a day. You sound very motivated,that 4.5 lb will be off soon. It's very depressing how slowly it takes to lose weight and how quickly it seems to go back on. But you'll shift it,esp with all of your exercise!
Your mom and dad just want the best for you but I think you should follow your heart. I absolutely know that you're going to love the work experience!

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Not being disrespectful but it really isnt your parents decision is it? So dont let them stop you in what you want to do. This is about your happiness at the end of the day. You dont want to be stuck in a job you're unhappy in!! I completely understand their reaction... it would be my parents reaction too. I wanted to be a teacher and I let them stop me from doing it and I really regret it now and I feel its too late to do anything as the jobs just arent there now. Do whatever your gut feeling tells you is right! Sending hugs *HUUUG* xxx
Carly - do whats right for you hun. At the end of the day we have to work & we spend a lot of time at work so you have to enjoy what you are doing!

When i was younger I let an ex boyfriend talk me out of taking up an offer in the RAF! For many years I deeply regretted that.
I was 32 by the time I met my current partner & we were engaged within 6 months of meeting & had bought a house after 1 year. He is the best thing that has happened to me & is great support with my WW & even eats all the meals I cook even if all he wants is a cake/KFC/chips etc.

My neice was killed at the age of 19 in a car accident & since that point I live for today as life is just too short. we're here for a short time & we have to make the most of every opportunity.
My way of thinking now is 'I'd rather regret something I've done than be thinking what if'.

You will lose weight & suceed in everything you do if you have self belief hun. xxxxxx
Carly ~ Someone in my class had put on 7lb last week ~ she lost 7.5lbs this week!!!! You can do it!!!! Good luck this week xx Hugs xx
My parents are quite pushy when it comes to my education etc and my dad near flipped out when after my alevels I said I wanted to go on a gap year! I ended up listening to them :( and sometimes I feel I rushed myself into going to Uni and doing a course I really wanted to.

Like if I say to them me and my OH are wanting to find our own place there like oh you wouldn't be able to manage that etc. I think deep down they are doing it as they care but sometimes parents need to take a back seat and let us make our own decisions. if they are not what they think will work for us be there and be sympathetic if things don't work out as we wanted. I feel like my parents would be like we told you so kinda attitude if things went wrong for me just to prove a point I should have listened to them :(

Clothes sizes are gay my work dress is a size 16 but mahooosive on me but the 14 is mega tight and won't zip in the exact same dress jn the same shop...yet I'm in a size 12 jeans at the mo! Don't make sense!

Turn that frown upside down :D your fab! Il add you on Facebook next time I'm on

aw hun, sorry you're so down on yourself.

you've done really well so far, you can do it.

stress can really mess with you're weight, gym should help blowing all that out the way.

you go girl :D
You've done so well so far Carly and should be so proud of yourself! You're an amazing support to everyone on here too and always brighten up everyone's posts!!

Whenever I feel a bit disheartened about my weight I always think where I would be if I wasnt on WW and for me I know that could be 3 or 4st above what I am now and thats a great incentive to stick at it!!

With regards your job I understand in some ways where your mum n dad are coming from but ultimately it's your life and you have to live with the decisions you make not them. I'm a firm believer in following your dreams and never want to grow old thinking what if so I say go for it, if it's right it will all work out in the end. As my granny says: "whits fir ye will ne'er go by ye!!" and my granny knows what she's talking about!! ;)

Huge hugs hun!!xx
Hey hun! Hope you're ok today. Sorry your parents seemed so negative with you. You go for it and do what makes you happy! Being a teacher is as stressful as being a solicitor I'm guessing. Are you wanting to do Primary or secondary? Can you only do Secondary on teach first? Exciting times :) I'm sure you will get that 4.5lbs off next week hun no worries. Hope you're ok today petal xx
Aww Carly I'm sad that you are sad. All the girls here have said it all. Just follow your heart and do what you feel is best for you. Just forward 5 years and you'll be that lovely thin teacher that everyone loves (and your mum and dad will be boosting about you to their friends) :) xxx
Hey Carly I'm new to posting on here but can I jst say I have been following this site for a good few weeks now before I decided to join myself and you and a good few others on here are true inspirations!! It's by reading your diaries that made me decide I can do this too and I would love to say 20 wks from now that I'm down 35+lbs!! We all have bad weeks and ups and downs but jst remember why u started this weightloss journey. I know I don't know u but hand on heart I can honestly say that by reading yours and others progress on here that is one of the reasons why I started mine! For years I've battled with my weight I'm hoping with the support on here I can finally shift it. Goodluck with whatever career u decide remember you'll be doing it for many yrs so u need to be happy I recently changed my career path to something 10 yrs ago I'd have laughed at someone if they said I'd now be doing it but it's the best decision I've ever made and if I could jst shift this 5 stone I need to lose it would be the icing on the cake!! Follow ur dreams! xxx

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Thank you all so very much! I am welling up here... u lot are my support system and I really think of each and every one of you as friends.. I look forward to meeting as many of you as possible in November :D Massive hugs...

one 100% day over :D no weeklies at all!!

WEEK 22: DAY 1 - Wednesday 14th September 2011

Belvita = 6pp

Bacon and Cheese Warby Wrap = 10pp
Curly Wurly = 3pp

Ravioli = 8pp
Twirl x 2 fingers = 6pp

Twirl x 1 finger = 3pp
Curly Wurly = 3pp

DAILY PPs USED: 39/39pp



I didn't make it to the gym... I was so exhausted I fell asleep... I went to the cinema and say friends with benefits - lovely film... have to admit I felt a bit down after... sometimes I feel so positive after chick flicks and like "I will look like her soon" but today I felt a bit sad... Finding work really tough at mo... and have a very stressful few weeks coming up at the end of the month... but really looking forward to my work experience next week and week after :D

Here are my 3 positives:
1. I stuck to my dailies and had NO WEEKLIES
2. I survived a tough/ emotional day in court and got the best result for my client
3. I took control of my life :D xxx
hiii carly :) my mum is really negative about me n even said to me "that i fail at everything n i won't finish my degree (that i've not started yet) n i should just give up n get a proper job" how nice is she ... when i got into uni she gloated a bit coz i missed one grade which stopped me from going to the one i wanted to go to but now she's happy for me but ano she still thinks that i'll fail :(

i stopped WW to go on hol n not started back yet n my hol was 4 weeks ago :( oopsies ... i just cba any more but i hate having to wear tight size 12s or baggy 14s eughhh

you'll do great chick just power on through xxx
Thanks hun! U are awesome! U got into uni! U can do it! U can get into size 12! We are strong awesome women :) x
CarlyLanky140 said:
Thank you all so very much! I am welling up here... u lot are my support system and I really think of each and every one of you as friends.. I look forward to meeting as many of you as possible in November :D Massive hugs...

one 100% day over :D no weeklies at all!!

WEEK 22: DAY 1 - Wednesday 14th September 2011

Belvita = 6pp

Bacon and Cheese Warby Wrap = 10pp
Curly Wurly = 3pp

Ravioli = 8pp
Twirl x 2 fingers = 6pp

Twirl x 1 finger = 3pp
Curly Wurly = 3pp

DAILY PPs USED: 39/39pp



I didn't make it to the gym... I was so exhausted I fell asleep... I went to the cinema and say friends with benefits - lovely film... have to admit I felt a bit down after... sometimes I feel so positive after chick flicks and like "I will look like her soon" but today I felt a bit sad... Finding work really tough at mo... and have a very stressful few weeks coming up at the end of the month... but really looking forward to my work experience next week and week after :D

Here are my 3 positives:
1. I stuck to my dailies and had NO WEEKLIES
2. I survived a tough/ emotional day in court and got the best result for my client
3. I took control of my life :D xxx

Great positives hun!! Hope that having a 100% day gives you a well deserved boost :)
I blooming love these boards - not had a chance to catch up properly today as I've been reading entire diaries! Hope 2mo is is a better day at work luv

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