CarolineM's new improved diary

Yep - back on DC 100% today - day 1. I had some food left over but bought a load in anticipation before my hols - as I knew I had put on about 1/2 stone between the 2 hols. Also I knew I would struggle to eat healthly in Florida and it was tough...........I actually considered lipotrim before I left as I had lost the plot !!! But I just needed the mindset and I am hoping it is back again. I am having an op in early Sept - so to be a bit lighter I am sure can only help my recovery.
Best of luck with it .. You know you can do it - you did fabulously last time! Hope your op isn't too serious :eek: - being lighter will certainly help xx
I am having a total hysterectomy - but feel very optimistic about the surgery - I am sure that things can only get better really.... We still have my 80 yr old mum in law with us and although she is much better in herself now we are still her carers and so that is an extra worry - especially as she can be quite difficult at times !! Fortunately DH backs me up and supports me in all we have to do and usually between us we manage it all ! Unfortunately we can't get the carers allowance as I would have to cut my working hours down to apply so we are muddling along with it... DH's brother and family move in to look after her when we go away so her care is seemless !! Seems bizarre that you can't claim unless you more or less stop work ! We are lucky DH is self employed so between us we are in and out all day. When I have the op either my mum will move in with us or we will go to her (I think??) and DH's brother will take over again with his family... Oh how complicated life is !! At least I am on hols (mostly whilst the kids are off school - I am covering 4 clinics in Aug as no staff - and to pay back my comp win hol time ! - a small price to pay !!) so it is not all bad !! Jan - how is your work going are you still doing nights ?? Your uniforms must be hanging off you !!
Had to get new ones ;)

Yep still doing the nights.

You MIL must get attendance allowance though surely? That should be going to whoever's doing the caring. Make sure you're getting everyhting you can. There are people who'll come out and help you make sure of that. I got them to see my Mum & Dad and then Mum after dad died and they ended up loads better off.

Which method of hysterectomy are you having? You'll have to be careful for a good while afterwards if it's the 'normal' way won't you? !! xx
*hugs* to all :)

Bryal - welcome back. I know you can do this - you were going great guns before.

Diversity - said it before but will say it again, congrats on the loss :D I know what you mean about the breakfasts - I do sometimes have something different as I'm not a big fan of cereal to be honest. I don't think there is anything wrong in having a change as long as you count the calories.

Jan - yay :D Hello :D I've been a bad girl and need your wisely boot up my somewhat big bum lol

It's been a tough week and diet wise it's gone to pot and I've gained 5 lbs.

On the plus side, I've been consistent with the Wii and am now doing 30 mins of free step with 15 mins on full speed and 15 on "normal". Have bought the EA Active Sports and am going to take a look at that today.

*hugs* to all, again hehe!
Hey Caroline, you're back! :D
Sorry to hear that you've had a tough week (I really wish they had hugging smilies on here - I'd use one right now lol :p) but every day is a new day so whenever you feel ready, I'm sure you'll start doing well again. And don't forget we're all here for each other and will support you every step of the way!

It's great that you've been using the Wii... I've slipped with that recently lol. Let us know how you get on with Sports Active and good luck for the first time you use it - I was aching pretty badly my first time but don't let that put you off, it definitely works you out hard! ;)
(I really wish they had hugging smilies on here - I'd use one right now lol :p)

They do .... :hug99: :gen126: .... click on 'more' in the 'reply to' page xx

Caroline ......... happy to oblige!! xx

Ouch! Me thinking that spikey head could do more serious damage than a boot lol

Had 100% day yesterday :D Not all is lost hehe!

Diversity - it can be hard to keep things up. I get bored so easily to be honest.

Yesterday I decided to do a small exercise vid which I run on my computer. I'm so terrible at it. When I looked up after doing a load of lunges (or trying to!), I saw about five kids staring back at me through the window - was kind of like the Birds :O
Ahh thank you Jan, I found it! :hug99: Yay. :D

Caroline, I completely agree. I'm getting a little fed up with the soups already so I've been having the milkshakes instead, or a healthy alternative like chicken or turkey salad.

But I must say, congratulations on your 100% day! That's brilliant and I'm sure you'll be back into the swing of things in no time. :D

Don't worry about those birds (oops, I mean kids! ;)) they were probably just a bit curious.

It's almost the weekend though! What's everyone up to?
Lol @ Caroline keeping the kids amused for their mothers in the school hols :) ..... and WELL DONE on the 100% day!!

I'll be in bed tomorrow & sat after night shift but hope for a pleasant and quiet sunday ... don't know what the weather forecast is but it'd be nice to have a good walk on the prom and then a nice glass of wine in the sun ..... Oooops Sorreeee!! Glass of water then ;) xx
Hope you enjoy your glass of w...ater Jan! :p
I think we've got rain forecast here... again! Typical British summer; the only time it gets hotter is when the rain heats up. :rolleyes:
I know! And I may not have such a quiet one now - DD has come to stay as she's not well. Think she's got Labrynthitis so will have to leave nurses hat on a bit longer :eek: xx
The weather.... it's hardly summer weather here either ! The weekend wasn't too bad - today is dull and dimpsy ! So far 100 % today - motivated by weigh in again !
Hows it going Caroline ???
Op is abdominal way and yep I know, no nothing, for several weeks ! I was trying to explain to my DH at the weekend what nothing actually means....
and she gets the attendance allowance (only very recently) - but it took a long time to persuade her that she was actually entitled to it - they just don't understand... As for getting in carers - she point blank refused so my DH and I do all we have to - in terms of commodes, bathing, feeding etc... She is quite a sturborn lady !
Yes I realise that SHE will get the attendance allowance - my mum gets it, but it's supposed to be to pay people to help. Mum insists on paying anyone who does anything for her and we let her because it maintains her feeling of independance and stops her feeling such a burden. (her words - she's not a burden to us!!!)

Incidentaly there is a green paper about abolishing it - if you'd like to vote to protest ...... xx
Hi :)

Carers get a raw deal imho!

Right I'm back on track - was naughty this weekend but hoping to still have lost come Wednesday. I'm actually thinking of weighing in once a month so I'm not subject to the water fluctuations, etc. Will see how I feel about it come start of September.

Got new boxes being shipped on Friday so going to try some of the new stuff - the paella sure sounds interesting :D

Hope everyone is doing okay.
Good idea about the once a month thing - I weigh far too often. I gained 0.6lb this week but that's okay. I went to my LT chemist to get some maintenance bars this morning and weighed in there too out of curiosity. I was 0.4lb lighter than my last wi there 9 weeks ago. SO I've been maintaining for 2 months! YAY! Sounds & feels much better than looking at the ups & downs every week/day :eek:!!

Good luck with your 'back on track'. I look forward to hearing what the new flavours are like too! xx
You are doing really well Jan :)

Bah :( Guess I was naughtier this week than I thought as I have stayed the same - better than a gain though :D

I think I shall just WI on the 1st of every month - will change my signature later.

There's another site I go on that I'm not allowed to mention, and a girl there has a reward point system so I've adopted that and am gonna give it a go. It may inspire me to be getting the adult equivalent of "stars on a board" hehe!

Hope you are all having a good day :D
You are doing really well Jan :)

Bah :( Guess I was naughtier this week than I thought as I have stayed the same - better than a gain though :D

I think I shall just WI on the 1st of every month - will change my signature later.

There's another site I go on that I'm not allowed to mention, and a girl there has a reward point system so I've adopted that and am gonna give it a go. It may inspire me to be getting the adult equivalent of "stars on a board" hehe!

Hope you are all having a good day :D

I like the idea of that, might help. didn't start last night have today.

How does it work, how can I get it?? need BIG motivation!!!

How r u doing today??
Hi Shep

I'm doing okay - had a 100% day yesterday and think I'll be on to another one today, fingers crossed i resist temptation.

I've emailed you with the details as I thought it may help if I attached the spreadsheet I've created.

We can do this :D You've done it before so you know it can be done *hugs*
Dead curious now what the site is you're 'not allowed' to mention .... (why? ... ) Well done on your 100% day - here's to many more ;) xx