CarolineM's new improved diary

Yep had another 100% day yesterday and hopefully on to one again today :D

Got my DC boxes coming today - really keen to try the paella ;)

Also got a one week box of Exante coming. I thought I'd give it a go for one week as a kind of clean out. Probably not this week as we have a wedding to go to on Saturday and I'm not sure whether it is a sit down meal or buffet. Alas I can't VLCD all the time, but one week every so often is supposed to be good - apparently, it helps teach you control, a bit like the one week fasting days that some counsellors recommend. Who knows :D
Yep had another 100% day yesterday and hopefully on to one again today :D

Got my DC boxes coming today - really keen to try the paella ;)

Also got a one week box of Exante coming. I thought I'd give it a go for one week as a kind of clean out. Probably not this week as we have a wedding to go to on Saturday and I'm not sure whether it is a sit down meal or buffet. Alas I can't VLCD all the time, but one week every so often is supposed to be good - apparently, it helps teach you control, a bit like the one week fasting days that some counsellors recommend. Who knows :D

When I ordered didn't see any paella, you must let me know wot its like and maybe i'll order some of that next time.

You are doing so well now, keep going. :D
Thanks Shep :)

Hope you are doing okay.

Looks like my order is due to arrive tomorrow not today so paella for tomorrow is a must. It's the very last thing on the list. I hope it does have some fish in it and isn't just chicken.
Sounds lovely! It'll make a nice change anyway I guess.

I've wondered what the Exante stuff is like, you'll have to let us know.

Well done on another 100%! :) xx
Yeah, I seem to be on a roll at the moment - hope I can hold out at the wedding do. I feel like an alcoholic that's having to go to a brewery!

Shall let you know re Exante - looks okay. I keen to try the bars as they look very nice.

How's maintenance going?
Hmmmmm - feeling bloated today and trousers tight :eek: .... mixture of too many carbs yesterday together with copious amounts of vodka & diet coke last night whilst watching the dvd I made of my Dad 2 yrs ago ;)

I think I'M that alcoholic you mention ;) xx
hehe may be the alcohol that does it - all that water retention :p

Although I notice that if I eat a lot of carbs (especially sugar and refined muck) come morning I feel like a very old elephant. There's a lot to be said for keeping those carbs in check.

Mind you, life is for living right ;)
Well yeah that's right Nelly ;), but can't do it all the time or we end up needing 15 weeks TFR!! :eek:


It's Friday :D

How's everyone doing?

I had a massive prawn salad last night with low cal seafood dressing - was downright scrummy.

Delivery of new boxes today - ooh, I'm all excited :D
Ha Ha .... Love it :) x

.... TFR? Total Food Replacement ..

That salad sounds yummy. Have a super day xx
hehe of course - doh!

Hope you avoid the double breakfast trap.

Pizza - I want a pizza. It's that Friday thing, plus I'm a tad disappointed over something, but that's life. I shall have my beef bolognese with veg and a couple of ryvitas and just pretend it's a pizza ;)
Hmmmm - not sure about bolognese pizza but hey - if it works for you ;)

Did your order arrive - could you have the paella?? ... Actually that's probably worse lol! xx
Morning :)

I decided to leave the paella for now. Ended up having a real pizza on Friday, doh!

I started the Exante stuff on Saturday so did that and ate a little from the buffet at the wedding - I'm really chuffed with myself for doing so well and being determined.

Did the Exante with some chicken yesterday, but today I'm 100% Exante so that gives me five days to clean out lol

The shakes and soups are lovely - way nicer than Cambridge or Lipotrim. The bars are remarkably filling and I have not been that hungry at all. There is a slight "taste" to the chocolate orange bar that I presume is the vitamin mix but the toffee and nut is heaven!

Oddly enough, the effects have been opposite of what I get on Cambridge and Lipotrim - no need for psyllium husks on this one!

Hope everyone is doing okay :D

PS: Have lost 2lbs already which isn't bad considering I've not been SSing.
2lbs already?! That's great Caroline, well done! :D
I was considering a VLCD before I started DC but to be honest, I doubt I'd be able to stick to it as I'd miss food too much. :eek:
I'm looking forward to hearing about how it goes for you though, so don't forget to keep us posted! Sounds great so far!

Have you tried the chicken tikka masala yet? My new hamper should arrive on Wednesday and I can't wait to try the masala and paella. Hope they're nice!
WI tomorrow and not particularly looking forward to it - I've had some "emotional" stuff going on so I turned to chocolate at the weekend... too much of it. :sigh:

Anyway I don't mean to waffle so I hope you all have a good week and stay positive. Hugs all round! x
Feel free to share your woes and waffle away - that's what we are here for *hugs*

I've got the new meals in my latest boxes but I'm just going to do about a week of the VLCD in the hope that it will give me a boost past my rut. Plus I bet DC will taste even better after a week of no food hehe!

Emotional eating is so difficult to overcome. I have thin friends who emotionally eat, but then just eat salads to compensate when all is well - it's a very hard habit to break. Hope things start picking up for you *hugs*

If you ever want to chat or moan, feel free to post or PM one of us :) Our doors/mailboxes/threads are always open and there for the sharing.
Glad to hear the Exante is good! Look forward to seeing how you get on with it. xx

Hope you're feeling better D! :eek: xx
Morning :)

I decided to leave the paella for now. Ended up having a real pizza on Friday, doh!

I started the Exante stuff on Saturday so did that and ate a little from the buffet at the wedding - I'm really chuffed with myself for doing so well and being determined.

Did the Exante with some chicken yesterday, but today I'm 100% Exante so that gives me five days to clean out lol

The shakes and soups are lovely - way nicer than Cambridge or Lipotrim. The bars are remarkably filling and I have not been that hungry at all. There is a slight "taste" to the chocolate orange bar that I presume is the vitamin mix but the toffee and nut is heaven!

Oddly enough, the effects have been opposite of what I get on Cambridge and Lipotrim - no need for psyllium husks on this one!

Hope everyone is doing okay :D

PS: Have lost 2lbs already which isn't bad considering I've not been SSing.

Hiya 2lbs already thats great,

ok what is exante (i know its shakes...) is it total food replacement????
The Exante week's worth consists of 7 shakes, 7 soups and 7 bars which add up to 600 cals. You can do total food replacement which is what I'm doing at the mo for 5 days having done two intro days. You don't have to do it as a total food replacement. Like W8, they have different plans, so you could do it like Slimfast with the a 400 or 600 cal meal but to be honest, I don't see the point unless on refeeding or the add a meal week.

I don't think I could do this all the time - I only usually manage three days but figure I can do five given that I know I'm going to be eating low carb on Sat (not DC as we are going away to Somerset for the weekend so decided low carb cos eating out).

Going okay so far although my mind is telling me to eat eat eat lol I'm having my shake at lunch time, which means I have my bar for dinner (very filling!) and my soup half an hour before bed.

I just want to get over that hurdle and below the 18 stone 7 pounds mark. Doubt I'll get down to the 18 stone in these few days but I definitely will get below the 18 stone 7, but only if I'm a good little girl :D

Hope everyone is having a great day :D
Indeed you can! If I can ANYONE can! :) xx