Cartwoman's 2010 Start

aw well done chick. you seem to be doing so well! i think doing CD is the easy part, I am one stone from goal and scared to comee of CD. its true what everyone says - the hard work begins when you get to goal (or near it). how much do you weigh in stones?
Madferret...why did you decide to come back?

Cartwoman...what is the mix a mouse like? I am really struggling to keep the shakes down, and I cant stomach the soups at all. I am hoping that the mix a mouse is going to be my lifeline? The tastes are fine its the texture I struggle with.
I weighed 16st and 7lbs, now I weigh 15st and 3lbs. I want to weigh 9st and 6lbs. So hopefully I can do this within 7 months and I can imagine that it's scary to go of cd. At least with the diet you know what will happen and what you're meals are. I would be scared to go back to old, bad habbits.

And welcome back mf ^^ how come you're doing cd again? :)
I am really in love with the mousse stuff, but you do have to take the time to prepare it propperly. I make it with 200ml of chilled water (i pop it into the freezer for an hour), mix the mousse powder and the shake powder and slowly mix that with the water (I do that with a spoon so nothing sticks to the bowl). After that I use a handblender for about a minute, pop it back into the freezer for 10 minutes and it's amazing ^^
I am so pleased to hear that! I think I may have to make a trip to my CDC to swap the soups for shakes and pick up some. By tomorrow afternoon I will only have soups left and I just don't think I can bear them! lol
MF - welcome to CD. is it your first time?? let us know how you get on.
Day 30

Not a good day. I hate Saturdays. I normally work from 14.15-21.15, but on Saturdays I have to work from 6.30-14.30. Starting so early messes up my whole rythem and it's making me hungry. I've already had my 3 meals and now i'm just trying to fight the hunger with liquid. Still a sucky day though :<
I agree, Saturdays suck! Mind you, today I've managed to keep myself pretty occupied for a change.
Day 31

Yesterday was alright. I'm trying to not make it a huge issue, but at times it seems as if my diet is controlling my entire life. As if I constantly need to ponder about it. It would be nice if it would just become a part of my life and I wouldn't even pay too much attention to it. Made a vanilla shake this morning and I'm having a bar at work tonight and soup when I get home :)
I'm on day 7, so at the minute my diet needs to be my every thought, but I can appreciate as you go along it gets hard consuming so much time thinking about it. If I stick to this diet for the long haul, then I worry what it will be like returning to normality. The fact they suggest 1500kcals as maintenance, rather than the usual 2000 kcals a day, suggests to me, you never really do return to normal. But then I guess if we were 'normal' then we wouldn't have weight issues.
Hey MF,

I'm alright, just really tired this week. Not as energetic as I was before. I'm slowly loosing weight. Hopefully soon enough I'll have lost my second stone :)

Are you back in ketosis?
I'm not too sure - it's only my 3rd day, so I doubt it, but to be honest I don't really check - as long as Im losing weight I don't really care... As long as I don't cheat it will work for me...

I must admit that I have been tired but I just go to bed earlier, ie once the kids are asleep and hopefully before OH starts making his meal - LOL
Nice one MF. I'm doing alright. Still tired and also really cold again. I'm trying to warm up, but my hands keep being frozen.
I didn't order any porridge today, I think my mousse addiction has taken over and tomorrow WI :) Hopefully I'll get some good results this week.