Stabilization CONSOSTAB (shared diary)


time for a quick check in: this week has been not exactly saintly as expected but then that's how life is :) Friend dropped by on Tue and brought cake with her from a charity bake sale at work. She's successfully lost 10kg with Dukan but having trouble stabilising - I think she never consolidated properly, life got in the way...

However for me, TODAY PP, nothing will come in my way and even making chocolate refrigerator / rocky road cake with DD1 this afternoon is not going to be a problem. Now had we been making it yesterday or tomorrow that would be a different ball game (licking the spoon etc, having a piece later) but when the rules are on I can be perfect :) and it's easy. As we all know: IT'S ALL IN THE HEAD NOW! After our holiday next week I will have to draw a up a new plan, write it down and stick to it, I have 1.5 weeks before going to see my sister and new baby in Germany where I'll no doubt give into all sorts of temptation there, so I should at least try to mitigate the effects in between. After all I am determined to hit the end of September at my target/conso weight (without a lengthy spell in attack/cruise) so I can have a proper celebration!!

I know I have gained a little, I can judge that by the 'wrinkles' (or rather the missing wrinkles!!) on my tum (sorry a bit TMI!!), but clothes fit is unaffected.

Have a good week everyone!
Ah yes I wanted to add:

Isn't it funny! Pre-Dukan, I would have been highly delighted at the thought of having a whole cake to pick on by myself, but now - the horror! Our Dukan training obviously works. :D

Oh absolutely. I've refused to take delicious home baked cake back home from a friends house - relented under pressure and took one piece back for DD1, and every baking request is now met with the first thought of 'who's going to eat it and how quickly, do we need to freeze some?'

I still have a piece of Christmas Stollen cake in the freezer. not sure what's going to happen to that, but I'm the only one in the house who eats it at all, so it's a bit problematic as it's in one block. Maybe save for next year :rolleyes: it's worth a try to see if it will still be edible and if I have to throw it out then, no great loss ;)
Yes, I'm the same with PP days, Anja. I made chocolate truffles yesterday and popped them into the fridge to set. I need to try one to make sure that they've turned out okay before Saturday, but am sticking to my PP guns today and waiting until tomorrow. (I'm feeling so incredibly tempted, though.)

We were also given some beautiful home-grown courgettes by some neighbours yesterday and I plan on trying to make courgette and lime cake. However, my mind was working overtime on ways of avoiding too much temptation. So I've decided to give half of the cake to our kindly courgette-donating neighbours and slice up with rest of it into portions to be frozen for future use. That would never have happened in the past!

You're such a keen baker, I'm in awe of your willpower. Not sure mine would be strong enough if I baked lovely things as often as you do.
Quick hello!

Just heading off out again (holidays are exhausting, if good) but realised I didn't update weight so am having a cup of tea and 5 minutes to catch up with news (riots seem to have calmed down, thankfully).

So, weight - now at 64 kilos which is fine, as I've strayed from conso plan now and again so know why the weight is up slightly, 64 kilos is a good weight for me anyway, so not bothered.

So, food conso-style-ish. Am eating baguette for bread mainly this week, so appetite is down as it bloats me, back to extra Dukan bread rations next week and proper conso too.

Will pop back when I can, hope everyone is OK.
It's great to hear from you, Laura, and that you are enjoying your holidays. :)

64 kilos is just a pound over your target (I had to look it up on a conversion table as I am useless at working it out), so definitely absolutely fine! Seems to me that you're doing a fantastic job of stabilising your weight.

I know I keep saying this, but this is what makes both you and Anja such an inspiration to me - the fact that you're managing to retain such a good balance, so that occasional excesses all work out in the wash.

I'm back too but not much time to write: holiday great (Suffolk coast), also good on the food front, I actually came back lighter (could not resist the scales this morning!) than I was the Friday before I went :eek:. So now BACK in the 64s... Self-catering is definitely the way to go :) Being out in the sticks made it too much of a faff to go and get a takeaway and the kids preclude pub meals so there were no excesses despite ONE glass of wine or beer nearly every night and some treat or another ever day too. Somehow we completely avoided the lure of Fish&chips, when we passed a suitable cake it was either too busy or at the wrong time of day! And certainly no chance (not even a thought) to do a PP day.

Typical day:
B: dukan bread and quark and piece of fruit
S: biscuit type something
L: salad (tomatoes, cucumber, veg from the night before) topped with egg or chicken or tuna, oatbran crispbread, yoghurt
S: fruit / oatbran biscuit
D: 'normal' family friendly easy meal (spag bol, pizza, roast chicken, grilled sausages, quiche) generally trying to make my helping light on carbs and more focus on veg (But I let myself enjoy the pizza!). Dessert usually yoghurt but I also had ice cream on more than one occasion.

Now I have proven to myself (again) that I can have a treat every day and not gain I should try to maintain this momentum and not be over-strict and then overdo it at the first sight of a gala meal! And while I have officially abolished them they do still exist in my mind! I know I sound like a broken record sorry, give me another 10 months and I may have settled down a bit more!

Hope you all had and have a good week and sorry I'll have no chance to catch up with anyone's diary at the moment.
That certainly sounds liveable Anja. Especially in a normal week I'd guess less exercise but less alcohol?

Though I don't know I'd ever be able to have just 1 biscuit mid morning. Wish there was a willpower suppliament.

Glad you had a good time away.
That's impressive, Anja, losing weight whilst on holiday! I think that at least half of our holiday next year is likely to on a self-catering basis. So much easier to control things.

I'm afraid that I just can't get the 2 galas out of my head, but I'll keep on with it whilst it works. I'm ready to change things if need be, though.
I've done it - started c25k!


finally I stopped procrastinating with different excuses (busy, upcoming holiday, visitors, weather etc) and have gone and done my first run for c25k on Sat evening. For ref: Get running with Couch to 5K - Live Well - NHS Choices
So far so good, another run to do tonight. From a stamina point of view I can do the 30 min session for now (1 min running alternating with 90secs brisk walking, so only a total of 8 mins running at first) but all my muscles are still aching :eek::eek:. After weds I will have a 4-day break (you're supposed to run ever two days) but then I'll just redo another week one session before moving up to week 2...

Anyway. APART from that:
Good WI on Fri, 64.5 was more than 1lb down on the previous pre-holiday WI :eek: two weeks ago. Relaxed weekend with the family though, now trying to be good for 3 days (plus a little running, and swimming with the kids today) then I fly to see my sister for a long weekend, I'll take my oatbran but the rest will have to be played by ear, she's looking after a newborn so I don't want to make a fuss :D:D

I see everyone is doing great, sorry I really can't keep up, moved to a new office where people can see much better what's on my screen and on top I *am* busy and also I am away from work for an inordinate amount of time this summer (like this week) so the work is piling up a bit...

Take care everyone, have a good week!
Gosh Anja - well done you! I for one can well appreciate how LONG 8 minutes' running time is, having tried far less myself and found it all rather hard work! (Where I have loose skin, when I run, it errrr seems to move... and although I knew no one could see me, as I was crossing a field on a tractor path, I felt my skin and flab sloshing around my body as I ran which was a peculiar sensation!! I hope I'm not putting anyone off their dinner!!)

I hear you re new office, screen placement. I'm lucky with the screen mind, just not always lucky with the time to get on it. Today has been a quiet day :D

It'll soon be a YEAR for you at target weight :D
Thanks Jo,

phew - second run completed, now tucking into a big bowl of creamiest vanilla quark with rhubarb compote, HEAVEN!

Ouch, it would appear it gets harder. First of all the muscles still ache from before, but I was also more out of breath. Anyway, so far so good. One more on Weds, then nothing till Monday (I do hope I get to run on Monday, the day I get back home from Germany!)

I hear you re running Jo - yes I went out and bought a properly fitted sports bra, turns out I am actually a 34B - but a very small one. I also got running shorts/trousers in the sales and a pair of running shoes so I really had no excuses left!

Yes - one year nearly - and I am DETERMINED to remain/return to target for the date, at least in the 64s range! so I might have to do some catch-up when I return from seeing my sister, who, incidentally, I celebrated my first 'reaching target' Gala meal with last year. Meanwhile she's had a baby and we briefly had that spell when she weighed more than me :D unheard of!

And then, 2 more cake-baking extravaganzas and visitors coming up after my return - my parents will be here and I'm making a cake for my mums birthday (I might have to go for the Hummingbird cake!) and the week after is DD2s fourth birthday and she's requested a chocolate cake with white icing on the outside!
good luck with the running. I started c25k in January and completed it after the recommended 9 weeks. I have kept it up although I haven't progressed but I run 5k every single day, I really can't live without it:)
Well done on the running, Anja. One thing I know I will never do, much respect for those that do though.

Back from holidays, although husband and kids still off work/school, so not properly back.

Foodwise, not really Dukan, not much exercise, too much wine. Feel a bit sluggish, my own fault. Back to conso + fruit until the end of the school holidays, then I'll get the scales out (husband has put on 5 kilos - but he was too thin anyway so not a problem, I'm not weighing until next month).

So will try and catch up a bit of diaries, probably just reading. School is back in a fortnight, will be back properly then.

Heatwave ongoing, but slightly less (only 35° forecast for today - we've had 39°) so difficult to get anything useful done, just feel wiped out with the heat. Watch me type my anger when the temps dive and it starts raining;).
I hear you Robin... and of course the change in temperature is just round the corner! Sorry to hear that you've regained some weight (I'm guessing from what you're saying...). At least you know the formula for getting rid earliest!

Anja - I wish it were just my boobs which move when I move... unfortunately it's my whole skin covering... arms, legs, tum, boobs, you name it... it's a very strange feeling
Welcome back Laura, I hear what you say and that's my fate too getting through the 'at home' part of the holidays is not good for my weight! So hopefully I'll get a bit closer to Conso on my return to even out any gains ;-)

But for now, another run completed... and now the bag is packed, including Oatbran Bread and so on, so Munich & heatwave here I come! (5am start tomorrow)

Have a good bank holiday!
Hello the eagle-eyed among you will already have noticed that I am back.

Weekend in Germany was good, food was good too, my sister leads quite a sensible lifestyle so could be 100% Dukan during the day with just normal evening meals at night, I don't think I gained anything. However on my return there were treats waiting for me etc so my mum and I are now doing Dukan days and restrained Gala evenings ;-). But she's got 3 weeks holiday travelling and visiting friends in Scandinavia etc behind her with no dramatic gains.

And I'm back on track with the running, managed to get out on Monday and it was fine, so I'll have another go today!
Ho hum, 65 kilos. Never mind, I know why:eek:. And I'm bloated, so some water in there too.

So, kids/husband will be out from under my feet on Monday. Lots of walking on the menu but going back to stab (less weekends on the horizon, less need for conso galas - in theory).

Next weigh in - mid October (which is when I started conso last year). Then if scales are happy (63-64 kilos), I am ditching them until after Christmas:D.

Well done on the running, Anja.
Just checking in to see how my fellow Consostabbers are doing!

Well done on the running, Anja. It's amazing how stamina eventually builds up. A formerly extremely unfit friend of mine, aged 50, took it up a year ago and now can quite happily run for 10 miles. I just can't believe the difference in him - he's like a brand new person.

Laura - Sounds as though you're already on course for getting back on track. I'm sure it won't take too long before you're on target again.
Hello here I am, my foody week nearly over, today scoffed some gorgeous hazelnut birthday cake I made for my mum - the first cake anyone made for her in 20+ years.... And *then* we had raclette for dinner, mmmhhh cheese & new potataoes... So no scales for me for a while :eek::eek:
As far as clothes and belts in particular go I'm still okay no big visible gains.

BUt I have kept up the running (3 runs since Monday), am now on 'week2' and as expected the first run was okay and the second one much much harder again, but it was quite hot for a change as well... Another one scheduled for some time tomorrow.

Thanks for all your encouragement, once I'm back onto stricter ConsoStab I'm sure I'll get back to my 64kg.

Laura, I'm sure you'll be back on track in no time, what I find is that now, even though I relax at times, I *can* get back on track quickly rather than just let it slide and the weight go up and up.

DD thanks for the encouragement re: the running. I will have to try harder soon to keep it up, as I will have to run when it's dark at least some of the time, which is much harder to motivate yourself for! Onthe other hand it's already proved really flexible, I can dash out for 30 mins before dinner and not 'waste' the evening later, when I should be doing other essential stuff...
Still 'running'...

I'm so pleased I have to share, I have just completed the first of my 'week 3' runs. And I ran (ok, jogged really) 3 minutes non-stop, twice. Sounds like not much I know but I was not sure I could do it at all, I even considered re-doing another of the week2 (which has 6 x 90sec runs with recovery in between) runs because I was really not confident that I was going to manage 3mins non-stop!

And since Monday I'm finally back on 'strict' Conso-Style and it's easy, despite more social events and the like. When the rules are 'on' life is easy ;-) I have not weighed for a few weeks now and I'm quite sure Friday WI will be up from last year but hopefully not too dramatically, but that's life.

Currently munching my way through our garden produce (yes including a bit of the most gorgeous sweetcorn at the weekend!): Kohlrabi, carrots, red onion, lettuce, the last tomatoes, spring onion, sweetcorn....