couldnt think of a title

i havent ever been emma, i just wanted somewhere hot and cheap where we can chill all day and party i am looking forward to this more than gran canaria in april, shouldnt say that should i,
Gonna be a right laugh lucky you
Yes I know that feeling, I missed out on my whole life until I threw my husband out when I was 32. Since then it's been great and this year well a lot better

haha sounds familiar, yes i missed out on so much by spending my life with a total freak, but my hubby now is a diamond, actually wants me to do things and not treat me like a possession, he works hard is good to me and is a fab dad... blah blah blah pass the sick bucket
Awww that's lovely :) and just what you deserve hun

I wasn't allowed out, or smile or laugh or sing hmmmm

Now omg no one tells me what to do, I do what I want :) plus got a fit as bf who loves me (early days tho)

He called me skinny this morning as I was moaning I only had 3 bottoms to wear and that 1 pairs in the wash and I don't wanna wear combats today or my white jeans lol. Says me who's in white jeans lol

white jeans!!!! well you must be skinny, and having a hottie too is a bonus

when i think back to the stupid things i allowed my ex to get away with, it makes me so cross with myself, i couldnt even wear nail varnish or file my nails how pathetic is that, i have seen him in town last yr he is a sad little lonely man who has gone through about 5 women since who have all left him, i just had a lucky escape.
Sounds like our ex could of been related. Mine would upset me as knew I'd turn to food and some wine. Then I'd get fat and he used that as a way of trapping me.

Stood upto mine at Xmas first time I've seen him face to face alone since he assaulted me and now I'm not scared. He's ugly, going bald, getting fat. Hmmm best out of there I thinks :)

Happy days now yay!!!
omg mines in a mental unit now, he was an alcoholic and has been diagnosed with schizophrenia, explains alot,

happy days for me and my 2 older girlies, they havent seen him for 15 yrs and call my hubby dad, they even chose to take his surname by deedpoll, ex didnt even care when i asked his mum for permission, he just said do it, right thats enough of him
Sounds like its all worked out great, and time for us to reclaim our lost youth!!! Lol

Well that's why I go clubbing once or twice a month I love it!!

Life is defo for the living as so short

Oh I'm looking forward to being skinny for summer :))))
i love it too, just only go about once a month now, there was a time i had to every weekend it was life or death nothing could stop me, fri and sat nights.
and yes life does go by in a flash it seems like yesterday i was leaving school and now i am a granny haha, soon to be slim granny .
oooo girlies sounds like you have had lucky escapes! there are good men arent there! when i gave up on that thought i found my man!!! :) all the ones before were ALL in relationships AND their gf's were PREGNANT! what the hell!!!! all cheaters!!! soooo horrible! not my man though :)

awwwww how sweet of us all, all loved up and on our way to be SKINNY! woop woop!! :)

But isn't it nice how our other halfs love us now overweight. Oh are they all in for a shocker when we get to target :)
Yes defo. . . . im feeling an big eyeball and mouth open shocked look!! :)! wahoooo xxx
Oh yeah!!!! And how proud they will be telling their mates. They will be loving hearing there mates asking who's the new woman :)
if you are at home put this morning on, its got a preview on there of the new series of super skinnie show, sorry cant remember the name of it.
supersize vs superskinny!!! saw this advertised this morning!! next Tues! i cannot wait haha!! another "fat" programme to be addicted too :)! xx
i have a really weird craving for a tin of heinz tomato soup, weird!!

right off to have my first shake i didnt realise it was so late.