couldnt think of a title

I'd given up too on love and went on the date not expecting to meet such a lovely bloke

I still pinch myself and say is this real?

Have you got clothes in your target size?

I'm treating myself once a month to something in my target size :)
aw a proper love story,
my hubbies 9 yrs younger i know he loves me more than anything, i met him when he was 16 and married to someone else and his first words were i'm going to marry you, i though what a dick haha, fanmous last words 5 yrs later we were together, he has loved me slim, when i met him, to big , to biggest at 16/8 and totally accepted me, its me who had the problems and invented ones in my head, all the time nothing phases him, he can eat whatever he likes it totally ps me off, he knows i am on a diet , "again" but this time i am keeping it low key and not really talking about it as i always fail miserably this time i want him to be swept away with how marvelous i am like when we first met , although a bit older.

change of subject i just saw adele on the brits last night, she is a curvy woman and looks absolutley stunning, what size do you think she is ?
aw bless us!! :)

well i have a pair of jeans that i got into when i was 18! god knows why i have kept them for the past 3 years but i have and the are a size 10 and i want to get into them!!! :) i haven't bought anything yet and i think i want to wait just to be able to go on a massive shopping spree and pick up all 10's!!

oooo buying one a month is a gd idea though!! what is your target size? a 10 as well? our target weights are basically the same :)! i did have 10st 7lbs as my target previously but not sure why i just like the sound of 10st 5lbs and i suppose its exactly 2 stone to lose. hmmm lol

i have 2 lush dresses i am hoping to get into one from coast and another from dotty ps, both fitted 14s from there i am going to get some karen millen bits i love her clothes but all i can buy in there are her bags, it will be great to buy some lovely labels as all most go up to are a 14 isnt it .
aww cable lovely story!!! my OH doesnt put on any weight either if he eats crap! :( booo

Yes Adele looked gorgeous didnt she. . . im not sure im rubbish at guessing sizes/weights but i would say shes a 16 maybe 18? what would you guess at?

haha know what you mean.

Caramel shake made. . . DELICIOUS!!! :) just how i remember *PHEW* was scared i might not like it for some reason! xxx
its taken me an hr to get mine down me, my appetite has gone , almost scared to type that, the only time its ever happened before was when i was a teen and um well couldnt really say what i was doing for it to go then, it was the summer of love time , raves and all that, god my kids would kill me !!!!
haha i get what you mean!!! everyone has teenage years :)!!

mmmm this shake is sooo nice. . . making it last!! only 2 and a half hrs till i can have my dinner!! need to pop to Tesco on my way home. . . only to the veggie section of course! Mushrooms, Shallots and Brocolli! woop

the village here is actually getting a little mini tescos at last, it should be open next month, sounds so sad but the only shop i have is waitrose which i love but it can work out to be expensive it doesnt do good deals, i just hope it does a bit of veg in the tescos anyways,
right i really need to get off of here my daughter is on her way with a friend better get the dinner in for them, i have to do a roast tonight as she has her friend round. i feel like a stuffed pig .
ooooo that sounds gd! yer waitrose is a bit expensive. . . nice but expensive.

ooo hahaha good luck!!! happy cooking xxx
Nearly dinner time

Well I've had mine decided to have chilli it was lovely mmmmmmmm

Just a lemon bar to go and some water and then I'm another day closer to target

Oh and yes size 10 is my target around 9.12 to 10.4 is where I wanna be :)
ooo so we are working towards similar things then :)

oooo yummm . . . so i've managed till now on two sips of a shake, had my caramel shake at 3 . . . took me till 4 to finish it . . . lol i tried to make it last long! so it worked! i've also had 2 ltrs of water :) im feeling ok . . . bit shaky and wierd you know like when you've not eaten but not too bad considering! but i cant wait to get home and make my spag bol!!!! been dreaming of it all day along with a big mushroom and some shallots!!!! omg YUMMMMMM! lol BUT i have to go to the shops to get the veg ahhhhhh! lol! i'll be in to the veg section and straight back out again. People are saying they baked there mushroom in the oven for 30 mins! ahhhhhh cannot wait that long just yet!! think i might cut it in half to make it thinner and dry grill it!! much quicker im thinking lol

Then have my choc truffa bar and thats day one done and dusted! *PHEW* - think i'll be having bath and early bed tonight!

That mushroom does sound yummy mmmmmmm and the spaghetti is delish!!!!

Sounds like a great day 1 yay!!!

I've got a lemon bar which I love mmmm
yer people are saying they add garlic granules!? i didnt know if this was allowed or not. . . i love garlic!! so this would be good if we could but not going to for tonight . . . will research tomorrow i think.

yer so far so good, i just think i'll start feeling it more tomorrow and on day 3 :S have my fingers crossed though that by saturday ketosis has kicked in and i wont be having any nasty thoughts of cheating!!!

ooo i didnt like the lemon one. . . have you tried any of the soups?! i tried the mushroom one, was really nice but didnt order any. Have ordered some chicken ones today as think might be nice at lunchtime instead of a shake sometimes!

I'm not keen on soups do not tried them I'm just into chocolate lol lol

You may be like me and fly through the first few days I never found it hard at all was easy but in past I've tried and failed lots
oooo i hope so!!! i have found today easy considering how little i've had big test is to see how i feel after dinner . . . hopefully FULL! haha

Gosh you lot, I have just read through the last few hours on here and feel like I am spying on a private group of friends chatting over their coffee, or the ladies who lunch??? You all sound so positive and motivated though so it was a very positive spy for me on your chatting to each other! Glad you all seem to be having a good day, thanks for making me smile during my break!
haha welcome alison ,

well this afternoon i went and picked billy up from footie it was raining so a lady offered me a lift home then asked do i want to go to the local indoor play area, went there omg the selection of freaking cakes, lemon meringue my fave, well am pleased to say i only had a water, tadahhhhh, came home at 6, dished up the roast chicken smelt yummy, never even noticed chicken smelling yummy before, all of this is new ususally i just scoff, had my lemon bar and just had chilli, this a quick post as billy wants a story before bed so back later ...