CuddlePaws - Just you wait and see!

I did have SPD, it was awful. I got it from about 12 weeks. By 20 weeks I had tried just about everything. I even had reflexology and fainted while the poor lady was doing it. I felt more sorry for her than me.

By the ime I had my son I was on crutches and they gave me a c section because they were worried about how my pelvis would take a natural birth.

But... you are right we can do this together and we will!! :talk017:
the scales were starting to run my life. I have just been randomly weighing myself and then getting fustrated when I can't see any weight coming off.

I think im at that stage too. Im weighing every day and the scales arent budging... and just beginning to think "whats the point?"
I think im at that stage too. Im weighing every day and the scales arent budging... and just beginning to think "whats the point?"
There is always a point clb.. The frightening thing about scales is that they give you nothing but numbers, either to wish for or detest. There is no middle ground! We all know that losing weight takes time, patience and a heck of a lot of practice!

Our bodies all function differently and require different amounts of fats, vitamins, proteins etc.. and once we see that we are 'over' weight we are forced to look at all this in more detail and sort out how it went all wrong and try to work out a new way of surviving without all those number pressures! I think there is definately 'key' advantages to loving ourselves no matter what size we are, it makes us more lovable by others for a start! And I definately think we should use those scales as nothing more than a 'guide' to see we are on the right track. Isn't it funny how when our weight is on the 'up', the scales are the last thing we want to see?
I think im at that stage too. Im weighing every day and the scales arent budging... and just beginning to think "whats the point?"

Hey, stick with it. I know how fustrating it is when you don't see the scales moving in the direction you want them to.

Stay with you r diet though, just think of the day when you get on the scales and it's a weight you want to be.
Hey, stick with it. I know how fustrating it is when you don't see the scales moving in the direction you want them to.

Stay with you r diet though, just think of the day when you get on the scales and it's a weight you want to be.

Thanks.. hopefully it will be soon that like 4 years time at the rate im going! hehe!
Month 2 - Day 14

Ok ladies, today has been my first real serious mess up! Started off alright with my usual toast and tea, then got into a bit of a state with my little one having a bit of a tummy bug = endless bouts of dirty nappies and screaming fits. My hair is turning white and I'm not yet 40!

Anyway, hubby and I had a valentine lunch table booked today and we weren't sure whether we would make it this morning. My mum kindly stepped in and took over with the little one, whilst we took a breather about 2 mins down the road at this restaurant. So I figured out the equation to throwing the diet out the window today and it's this...........

stress + sick baby + lack of sleep + hunger = total binge-a-thon!!

So I was thinking last night I'd have either a small starter or desert, etc.. you know...trying to weigh it all in my head without being too frugal or going too nuts. But, instead I have consumed the following:

2 slices of thick garlic bread and cheese
Cannelloni starter

Stuffed fillet steak + chips
Chocolate mousse with grand marnier!! (that was yum)
2 glasses red wine!

Then to make matters worse!!! I come home and have another cheese sandwich about an hour later.

So shall I just write today off as an 'off day' and relax? Or shall I eat ZERO dinner and do the wii fit until my legs fall off?

Boo hoo!! :( Also, sorry if i make all you ladies drool, but I really do feel quite guilty about it!
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What did you do CP? Sorry I didn't see this in time to say something helpful.
Whatever you did it's just one day. Don't worry, stress does it every time or me.
Well Barb, when I read my post back this back morning, I thought it sounded desperate. You would think that I could handle one valentine meal without panicking! I really have to be able to stop associating good foods and bad foods in my head, if I am to be comfortable around food. I should have relaxed about it, like you said one day, one blowout meal isn't a big deal if it just remains as that.

Anyway, I ended up going for a little walk with hubby and we just had a cup of tea afterward. I really wasn't hungry again despite worrying that I would be.
CP!! :8855:don't qprry about little man has been poorly all day and we had to take him to see the emergency doctor. It was so stessfull, then we had to go to Asda on the way home.....(Nightmare).

Screaming and mardy 2 year old wanting easter eggs, Husband saying every five seconds "Should you be having that?" :mad: And......Some stupid lad giving away half deflated I love you balloons that my son insisted on having!!

If I hadn't of found the special offer on the slim fast bars. There would have been all sorts going into my trolley...including a large bottle of gin with a divorce for dessert.
Ah CP - sounds like a good meal! Dont worry you can always start again and its not the end of the world. Just dont let this blip affect you and just start right away getting back on track! :)
Month 2 - Day 16

Right, just found a few minutes to check in with my progress. I started totm yesterday, and I have been feeling a bit nibbly for a few days, but I definately haven't gone off the rails like I did on valentines day.

I really associate alot of my stamina to the Wii fit exercises I am doing. Since I started Wii fit around mid-january I have notched up 30 days of exercise and 8.5 hours of activity, as I average about 30-40 mins a session. I was quite shocked to find that once I had unlocked the advanced jogging game tonight I was running for 15 mins without getting out of breath at all which is something I couldn't have done at xmas.

I think that the rare blips on the diet have been stamped out with this new vigour I have for exercising most evenings. I really believe that is what is pulling me through, I am feeling so much tighter and toned up, its unreal.

So lets hope that my Thursday weigh in will be a good one, as you never know which way things will go when totm is involved!
CP - good luck for your weigh in.

Your right about the exercise. I started exercising in January and I can not believe how my fitness level has increased.

I go cycling about 7.5 miles every other day and I do a fitness dvd too. I love swiming but I do that on a day when I should be doing my dvd because I really like getting out on my bike. I live near the beach and there is a great ride that takes you right along the beach front. It really clears my head too. And you are right about not getting the munchies when you are exercising. I find the days I haven't done anything are the days when I want to eat everything in sight.
Month 2 - Day 17

Thank you Lind, and shygirl I definately recommend the wii fit, everyone is having a great time using it!

Well I feel that I have struggled a bit today. Mainly because the weather has been cold and blustery. It's one of those days where you just want to veg out on the sofa and eat toast and comfort food all day long. Instead I wrapped up my little one in his warmest coat and we went for a little stroll to the nearest park and fed the birds. It cheered us up! I bought a jacket potato with tuna mayo on the way and we sat and shared it together. The only naughty thing I did this evening was eat three of his fish nuggets!! :D

I felt tired this evening but I find that if I do my 30 mins on the wii I sleep much better (if little one lets me lol) I love that achy feeling of post activity. It makes you feel that somethings happening to your body. Not very keen on stiffness though, When I am stiff I waddle from side to side like my one year old and it looks like I am copying him toddle about!! So all in all, I'm quite pleased with my effort today. It can so easily go horribly wrong in a second, and I know that I will get those days (had one already!) and so the more days I am on track the better!
Month 2 - Day 19

Not particularly happy today, feel rotten and headachy, probably due to totm! Scales are up by 1lb again this morning :cry:I doubt its due to my one valentine blowout on saturday but who knows? :confused: Looking at my weight progress it appears about as erratic as my lifestyle.

I'm very disappointed actually, especially since I have made a real effort to boost the exercise levels and managed five sessons this week.

Oh well onwards and upwards as they say. I ate a small (42g) packet of minstrels today because I just needed 'something' and i found that ironically, they have about the same calorie value as a pot of muller rice which i have most days duh!!

I really hope next week shows some improvement as the good weather is finally kicking in here.
Just remember you have done lots of exercise so you have probably burned off lots of fat and gained some lovely lean muscle. Did you know that lean muscle burns lots of calories?

And, if it is the totm then you can gain anything up to 5-7lb in water retention.

As long as you know you have had a good week and you have exercised well then don't worry about the scales this week. Just know that the scales are only an indication of how much you weigh and not how well you have done in a week.

Right thats it I will get off my soapbox now. :8855:
Oh I do hope you're right Linds, (about the fat versus muscle!) Well I know for certain that I am getting better at one thing, and that is that I am 'not going off the rails' when things go a bit badly!

I've just done 30 mins on my wii fit, which includes jogging, and even though its only 10 mins of jogging I can still feel the burn in my legs.

I also ate a chicken salad for tea and a shape yoghurt so I'm feeling a little more hopeful about things now.

Roll on week 8! :)
You'll be fine, it's so hard when you hit a bumpy bit. My hubby said to me last night when I was moaning about not being a size ten yet.

This is a quote from the hubby "Chaning your diet and lifestyle is like changing a relationship. All relationships have rough patches, so why shouldn't this one?"

I have to say that he had drunk a few bottles of beer and he is not normally this soulfull or enlightend. But he did make sense.
That's very true Lind! It's not easy though when life has its own horrible bumps and rough rides. I'm pretty upset right now as we have all recently come to the conclusion that we should let our 16 year old dog go. :cry: I've been avoiding it for a good while now but the facts are that, (apart from being deaf and arthritic,) she's losing control of her bladder lately, and with having a baby crawling around the place,it is just not on. Coupled with the fact that we live in an apartment and I am forever having to disinfect and clean up 'accidents' I am stressed to the max, and it is just something that I cannot deal with any longer.

Still, it doesn't make the decision any easier and I have had a good day of tears. Tomorrow morning OH and I will be meeting with the vet. Today I ate a bar of chocolate and I didn't give a ****. I think I will have to take the dieting business as it comes over the next few days.
You're doing really well CP and your weight loss has been really consistant as well!! I'm sorry to hear about your dog, but you need to think about whats best for her. I'm sure she doesn't like it much either :(

Try and take your anger out on the wii fit!