Day 1 and giving me a chance

Good luck on your re-start jax (I hate the word re-start as it implies you have given up at some point when all you had was a blip or a planned time off!) so I think I will say good luck on starting a new 100% day!!!!

Hope your evening is going well. Im off to drink some more water and then an early night I think!!...x
Hello Miss Mac..
I agree with you about the term ''re-start''...will have to come up with a better term.?

I want to go to bed but, I am peeing for Britain's really getting on my nerves !! I know it's a good sign but, so fed up with the constant visits to the bathroom !!:eek: struggling.
Feel so hungry, am fed up (excuse the unitentional food reference!)...don't know what to do with myself, feel like I will never acheive the goals I have set....what a grumpy old Jax today:wave_cry:

I know it gets better but, feel like I have tried so many times and not learnt anything from the pain of it all.
Plus I put loads of weight back on the past 4 weeks....when it was all going so well, at first.
I am now 19.9....which is a tiny 2lb loss since Thursday....would have been more by now had I not had biscuits yesterday.

Having said all that, I already feel better for 'putting it out there' ...
I have the Beck Diet solution and am going to start that right now...going to get a coffee and a bar and calm myself down and focus.

My friend and I are going to Dubai late November...I had planned to go to India for 3 weeks at Christmas but, never been to Dubai, so we're having a change of plan. So a nearer date for a holiday!

Right, going to read that book, I need all the help I can get today.

Hey Jax,

hope you are still surviving!!

Dont fret about putting on the weight, have a look at my diary and see how much I put on in 2 weeks....its got to be a record!! lol

It is very very hard sometimes and we just have to keep doing our best, sometimes we will fail but at least we dont give up!!

I hope you are having a good day and taking you mind off things. You are doing so well xx
Hi Miss-Mac,

You're right, it is very, very hard at times but, that's the price we pay for a faster weight loss than other diets, I guess?

I have been reading through the Beck Diet solution and it has been a great comfort today.

I know that in a couple of days, I will be's the little ''unplanned eating'' episodes I get into that get me down.

Looking forward to feeling a lot better in the weeks to come, felt unwell whilst eating all sorts of rubbish, so will feel the benefits of the new start very soon:)

Going to have a nice bath and early night....hunger is nagging!

I have re-set my goal time to late August.....all of a sudden, 15 weeks seemed too far out of have a new heading for a new start :)
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Hey Jax :D
I look forward to seeing more of ya on here ;)
Good morning.......
Feeling better about things this morning, repeating my mantra of ''one day at a time''...

Thinking of the road ahead seemed quite daunting at times, so have re-set my goal for a 10 week plan.

Am seeing a consultant on Wednesday about a referal for a Gastric band op.
I , originally, refused any help via bariatric surgery, I felt that I got myself into this mess and I should be able to get myself out of it.
But, my confidence and belief in myself has been a tad shattered of late, was very confident of losing lots of weight and it all being tickety-boo.
Sadly, I keep/kept losing my way and I am going to the clinic with an open mind.

I would imagine I will have to wait a few months before I get an appointment with the actual Bariatric surgeon and then even longer after that for an operation then I could be down to a weight that excludes from the criteria for the op.....which will be fantstic.

It all sounds a muddle but, it's a safety net for me....I cannot stay this body is hurting and I want to do things !
I want to have a flying lesson, I want to go scuba diving, I want to horse ride and I want to not have to think about my size every second of the day!

I will be do these things, I really will ! :)
Just out of a very long soak in the bath....made me feel much better and , nearly, forgot about the hunger pains!
Another good day, so am hopeful of pink stix in the morning?

Nigh night all....feel very tired and ready for bed and a read of my Becks book!
You will be able to do those things Jax...
Just keep plodding on, and you will get there :)
Awoke this morning feeling pretty rang work and asked for emergency leave, luckily nobody else on leave today, so am sitting here in my PJ's, coffee and bar done.
Weighed myself to see how I am doing and have managed a 5lb loss which is great considering a couple of days of eating....official weigh-in day is Friday....hopeful of a few more pounds to go before then.

Hope everyone is well and wishing us all a successful day. xx
Wow Jax - 5lb so far is a great loss :eek:

You are doing really well chick. I think if you need to keep your options open regarding the surgery, then you have to do what is right for you. I know you wanted to do this yourself but its definitley not as easy as it seems!!

I think you are doing the right thing and keep going on this diet until you get your appointment and then you can make the final decision then.

You should speak to Valentine...she was un-banded earlier this year....see what advice she can give
Thanks Miss Mac...will ''pop over'' to Valentine to ask advice.
I am up at this unaturally early hour (for me) as I am off swimmimg !!
Yes, swimming.....the local pool is only a 15 minute walk away.My friend and I have spoken about doing an early morning swim for ages and decided now is the time !

Couldn't sleep last night...might have had about 4 hours sleep, just hope it doesn't catch up with me at work later!

Weighed myself this morning....I know I shouldn't but.......I now weigh 19.3...that's an 8lb loss in five days and very pleased with that, as 2 of those days were not on plan.
Not feeling so hungry today.....seem to be sliding into that zone...Hoo.....blinking...rah !
well, went swimmimg at 7.30am today....ended up hurting my back, been in agony all day. You have to laugh...thought exercise was supposed to improve your health!!!

Other than that, a successful day:)
Ouch on the back front- hope it's nothing serious. Hope you feel better soon. Well done for getting back on track and with the losses so far- could be a very good week indeed for you missy and even saying tarrah to the 19's with any luck. Keep strong xx
Bless ya , honey...feel strong and day at a time, eh?! :)

Back will be fine, I'm sure it's a ligament problem and will be all settled down in a couple of days.....:sigh:
Oh no Jax :(
I hope your back sorts its self out in time.
But you seem to be deffo in the zone with Exante now :D
A wee cheeky loss is always good :D
Smashing :D
Just when I was in the zone and back has been agony today, to the point I felt sick.
Anyway, went to see the Consultant about the Gastric Band referal and he has referred me to the Bariatric still hopefull that I wont need it by the time my surgery time comes around.

So, still in pain with my back I manage to get the train back to work, station is 200 yards from work and my went into the Walk-in surgery. Saw the doctor to be told I may have a trapped nerve and I should be resting . Then I had to give a urine sample and I have a bad kidney infection, too. I told her about the diet and she said to come off it for a week till I finsh the meds she has given me.

I am gutted as it took me too long to get back into the zone and am terrified I wont get back on track.
But, I will be staying with the board for the next week as it will help me focus . Am planning to eat normally with a focus on fruits and fish and absolutely no cakes, sweets or crisps.

Weight this morning was 19.1....which is a 10lb loss. Just hope I don't put on too much in the next few days. :(
I hate having to choose mad a statement is that !!

I have to 'rest' my kidneys for a few days, so I dare not put myself into Ketosis. Am trying to eat carbs but, not too many and get a balance where I can stay away from all temptations but, it's so hard today. Luckily, I can't walk too the shops as back is still painfull...a small blessing.!
Awww Jax, thats rubbish :(.
I am not sure how ketosis effects the kidneys :eek:.
I would say though, make sure that you drink plenty of water.
Hope you are feeling better soon
Sorry to hear that you're having a rough time, with the back and kidney infection at the same time. I hope the back eases up soon. That sounds really difficult having to make a sudden transition back to food and trying to work out what is best for you. As Marge says, I guess whatever it is you eat, drinking plenty of water will help. I do hope your back eases up soon. xxx