Day one in the LT house!

Lol your housemate has avoided you....I really shouldn't laugh but its an empathetic laugh as boy do I know how you feel!

Yes it does feel like everyone is tormenting you food wise....cakes and food related outings are tormenting me just now....stop with the birthdays dinners and cakes people!

ive not told anyone about this diet as everyone will prob lecture me...I was on a website counting calories and a load of members berated this poor guy coz he asked about the best protein shakes to have after a workout whilst losing weight...I mean jeez! They even have a go when anyone says anything about low carb judgemental some folk!

I remember my first time and my psychotic moods...I could have been in the cell next to you for killing my OH coz he suggested going out for dinner...oh and just eating in general lol.

told him off tonight for eating crisps loudly next to me tonight...I'm a nutter!
I went and purchased some scales yesterday and I must have looked deranged just scurrying around and leaving the town so I couldn't smell the food!

That poor guy- nobody needs that in their lives! People in glass houses and a that!
Have you noticed all the food adverts on the tele?! Taunting is?! I took a picture today of my chubby face...tried to post it on here but I think I messed it up and can't find it again! That increased my bad mood also! Xx

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I went and purchased some scales yesterday and I must have looked deranged just scurrying around and leaving the town so I couldn't smell the food!

That poor guy- nobody needs that in their lives! People in glass houses and a that!
Have you noticed all the food adverts on the tele?! Taunting is?! I took a picture today of my chubby face...tried to post it on here but I think I messed it up and can't find it again! That increased my bad mood also! Xx

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Haha wish I could have seen you scurrying around scowling with the scales under your arm!

food is EVERYWHERE I tell you....on my sleepless nights flicking through the hundreds of channels....guess what there's plenty of? Shopping channels and cooking shows...never mind ALL the ones that are on all day and every evening it a government conspiracy or something?

the scales, food, bad breath and being on here will be your new besties! I got my OH to take pics of me a month ago on his phone in my underwear and was truly horrified! Need to look at it next time I'm tempted to eat or drink some wine aha!

Watch how quickly your face will change....for me my chub belly has been the first bit to show signs of losing....that pic is your thinspiration whilst lipotrim is my thintervention :)
It was an amusing sight let me tell you! I looked like a person going cold turkey! I guess that's we're doing though!
I have a feeling ill be a little obsessed with this site until I go back to school on Monday- that will be the hardest part- we're supposed to eat with the kids and I don't know what excuse I'm going to use for that one yet!
I might get OH to take pics oh no I can use his mirror- I don't own a full length mirror - too scary! Xx

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Good morning ladies love reading through your chat from last night, well I have got the most vile taste in my mouth this morning so presuming I have gone into ketosis although I am still hungry lol xxx
Morning Carla :) we've made it to day 4 yayyyy woohoo I too have the bad taste and the bad toilet probs as you already know! I had a dream last night that I nearly had pizza and a fry up ( not at the same time!) I woke up very pleased that I hadn't! Xx

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Whoop whoop well done ladies!

My stomach rumbled and rumbled last night....this morning I'm not hungry per se but I could lick a buttered piece of toast right now....been thinking about it all morning.....
Morning mrs f! A buttered piece of toast?! Random! I'm not particularly hungry either but I'm rumbling too- I'm putting off halving my first shake of the day. Feel a bit more energetic at the moment- not entirely sure how long that will last! I need some ideas where I can take my 13 year old where there are no food/smells/ good things! As I'm sure she's bored of staying in! Xx

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Morning mrs f! A buttered piece of toast?! Random! I'm not particularly hungry either but I'm rumbling too- I'm putting off halving my first shake of the day. Feel a bit more energetic at the moment- not entirely sure how long that will last! I need some ideas where I can take my 13 year old where there are no food/smells/ good things! As I'm sure she's bored of staying in! Xx

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Yes a lovely buttered piece of toast would be licked clean of the butter....very weird lol!

Erm not sure where you can take her as I'm sure you'll know the feeling that it seems food is everywhere! It seems there is no where to go without food and delish treats being displayed haha!

ooh how about swimming? Cinema? Though you'd have to swerve the giant sized treats there!
Morning mrs f! A buttered piece of toast?! Random! I'm not particularly hungry either but I'm rumbling too- I'm putting off halving my first shake of the day. Feel a bit more energetic at the moment- not entirely sure how long that will last! I need some ideas where I can take my 13 year old where there are no food/smells/ good things! As I'm sure she's bored of staying in! Xx

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I generally have my shakes as late as its the afternoon and evenings that I find hardest to cope with nothing....the first is normally around 12 at the earliest as I have water, tea or coffee to keep me going till then....then my next one at around 5-6pm....with my last one at around 9pm....xx
See, I'm not a lover of butter- luurrrve my bread though so I can go with that! I've been tending to leave my shake time too - the last one being around half ten cos that's how I roll ( quite literally!!)

Well, I'm going to beat the food demons- you're right no matter where I go I'm gonna be faced with obstacles I'm gonna bite the bullet! Xx

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See, I'm not a lover of butter- luurrrve my bread though so I can go with that! I've been tending to leave my shake time too - the last one being around half ten cos that's how I roll ( quite literally!!)

Well, I'm going to beat the food demons- you're right no matter where I go I'm gonna be faced with obstacles I'm gonna bite the bullet! Xx

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give me the butter any day....overall cake is my fave thing in the whole wide world!

lol that's how you roll....well I have been known to treat myself to a late shake too....methinks there should be a 4th shake to deal with the afternoon hunger...3 deffo isn't enough to drag out through a whole day.

go bite the bullet and test'll be amazed how strong you can be,...I'll stay in hibernating using my busted foot as an excuse not to venture out lol
I was trying to decide what my fave thing is- I guess I have to say everything! I've come to my mum and dads and he's making bacon butties- no matter what time of day I come over, he's cooking! Aarrgghh! I've also come over to find my daughter still in pj's and not looking like she wants touché anywhere! It's gonna be a long day xx

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My son keeps making toast... It's infuriating! I'm sure he's doing it torment me :D

When my bf visits I make him eat in another room.

Today I refeed - now this is when it gets REALLY hard because you can have real food. I must be sensible, I must be sensible, I must be sensible!!!
I was trying to decide what my fave thing is- I guess I have to say everything! I've come to my mum and dads and he's making bacon butties- no matter what time of day I come over, he's cooking! Aarrgghh! I've also come over to find my daughter still in pj's and not looking like she wants touché anywhere! It's gonna be a long day xx

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OMG bacon butties with brown sauce.....I can taste the brown sauce right now! Your dad is being mean making e dream if such loveliness via the Internet lol.

If your daughter's lounging then enjoy the peace....I'm sure she'll at at you to take her somewhere surrounded by evil food demons soon enough haha!

i love all foods...hence why I am here!
I've steered clear of the bacon butties and my stomach is rumbling like mad :-( it's sooo hard!!! What I wouldn't give for anything right now!!! Xx

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My son keeps making toast... It's infuriating! I'm sure he's doing it torment me :D

When my bf visits I make him eat in another room.

Today I refeed - now this is when it gets REALLY hard because you can have real food. I must be sensible, I must be sensible, I must be sensible!!!

I'd probably wrestle him for In toast.....or be restrained for assault with a butter knife...there it is again...butter..yum :)

at least your bf doesn't live with you 24/7! I've been retreating to our bedroom or having a bath/shower when he's eating...but these past few days he's followed me into the bathroom whilst eating a bag of crisps (loudly) and into the bedroom where I'm peacefully watching rubbish TV and eaten a strawberry cheesecake, ham and cheese toasty and even a lovely plate of pasta! Told him off and reminded him that eating in bed isn't allowed but he cheekily chirps back that its weird eating alone when I'm in the house too! He's the devil sometimes lol :D
Mmm toast!! Love that smell! Ooh good luck and, I can't wait to start refeed :)

And that is sooo mean mrs f I would have to punch him in the face! Not that I'm violent ( or never used to be!!) xx

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Mmm toast!! Love that smell! Ooh good luck and, I can't wait to start refeed :)

And that is sooo mean mrs f I would have to punch him in the face! Not that I'm violent ( or never used to be!!) xx

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i would have had to leave the house of bacon butties....that smell lingers and lingers so not surprised you've got a rumbling tummy! VERY impressed with your strength not to cave in!

I have thought of violence towards him plenty when he's done it....nearly had rows over it....hope to god eats his homemade pizza dinner in the other room tonight....can't face sitting through watching hi devour yet more evil carbilicious food!
The worst thing is my dad is sooo slim- 28 inch waist! I hate him!! No I don't! Yes I do! Bla bla!
Darling daughter has decided she will go to the pictures ( like she's doing me the favour- thanks Kyra!!) tell me I have the willpower to stay strong and keep my demons at bay! Xx

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