Day one in the LT house!

Oh I've never mentioned my nickname is calamity Kath! I trip over my own feet- dont know how really they're not clown feet! I fell down 2 steps in France and broke my foot there too! I have no luck on my feet!

Only a few more weeks to go on the bad boys! I'm not sure if I'm talking out of big bottom here but does it help putting talc on your hands? Xx

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We need to borrow him! This instant! Xx

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Happy to work on a shift basis for fella needs a few tips of him for sure!

calamity Kath????? I do like to fall over though normally its when alcohol is involved....obviously less likely now I'm living the dream on water.....funnily enough this fall was when I was sober...10 steps from the pub I was going to drink in haha!
The fall in France was sober! The other I was off my cake!! I still carried that night on! Well it would have been rude not to! I actually didn't know I'd broken it and continued to walk on it throughout the weekend. My work made me go to the walk in and that's when they told me- off work for a month!

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P.s not sure where you live red light ( saying red light makes me want to sing roooooxxxxxaaaaannnneeee!! ) but I noticed you lived in Leeds, I live kind of near Liverpool- not too far inbetween for us to do shifts!

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ROFL KAthrob you make me laugh...that's me all over! I went on to drink and went to A&E when they promptly told me off and wanted to sign me off work....luckily I work from home!

My OH can help with giving him lifts for his shifts lol.
Haha I mean all the future drinking was strictly for medicinal purpose after that eh?! I can't wear bloody heels now and I love shoes!! Bad tidings! Xx

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That's what I said....besides it was my actual birthday so I wasn't gonna let something like a potentially broken leg stop me haha!

i am dreading having to say no to heels....bad enough only wearing one shoe at the minute!

Shake number is about to be crucified.....
Oh god no! You only have a birthday once a year - well, unless you're the queen in which case - all hail thee!! ( sorry getting a bit crackers.. Mmm crackers!) I defy my feet sometimes and wear heels but always carry my pumps in a bag!- one minute they can see me at the bar, the next, they're like "where's Kath!" Xx

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Haha see that's how I justified the pain...can't understand why the doctor disagreed to be honest....

i have a set of those roll up ones that live in my bag! Not glam but when my feet have enough...I have enough!
Hey I need to purchase some of them bad boys! I'm on my last shake strawberry mmmmmm xx

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Hey I need to purchase some of them bad boys! I'm on my last shake strawberry mmmmmm xx

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Me too! Just pretended it was from Maccas!
I pretended mine was a krush em although I've never tasted one but I'm keeping with the KFC theme! Xx

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Wish it had crunchie crumbled in....or Creme eggs!

I WANT KFC NOW! Argghhhhhh!
Ooh that sounds goooooddd! Just think though, if you had KFC you would have eewwy greasy fingers and wouldn't be able to type! Xx

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I'd stop typing so could shovel and enjoy every morsel lol
Yes but you would miss us! Xx

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Lol I torn thinking about's a real tough call....
But you made the right choice! Xx

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