Day one in the LT house!

Lol all makes sense now! Bet you hear it all the time?
Ps I'm the one who lives in Leeds!
I thought I was saying it wrong and confused myself! Doesn't take much! What's your name mrs f? Xx

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Oh yes the mystery that is's Maureen....but no one calls me that outside of work....I answer to Mo, Maur, Momo anything really if you have KFC on you lol

BTW OH just asked me to make him a lasagne or shepherds pie this he for real? WTH?

Oh and apparently I was talking about food in my sleep last night...NUTTER IS ME!
Make him a phat steak and just as he's salivating give it to the dog or the bin if u don't have a dog shaped Hoover hell then know how you feel seeing it smelling it and not getting to eat it lol
Some people call me Maureeeeennn wit twooo! Please tell me you know that song! I hope you told him to go make it himself ! Mind you, what day are you on? You might wanna cook by then! Xx

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Ooooh lovin ya work roxanne!! Xx

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Make him a phat steak and just as he's salivating give it to the dog or the bin if u don't have a dog shaped Hoover hell then know how you feel seeing it smelling it and not getting to eat it lol

I'd love to show him just an ounce what torture this is.....I'd delighted to put it in the bin and watch him cry! Maybe even wipe the floor with it :D
Put it down the toilet first!! Hehe xx

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Some people call me Maureeeeennn wit twooo! Please tell me you know that song! I hope you told him to go make it himself ! Mind you, what day are you on? You might wanna cook by then! Xx

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You're crackers Kath! Guess what? I've heard that before.....hahaha!

why would I want to make something that I absolutely love making and eating and walk away from it????

im on day 13/14 and I'm still refusing to purchase or cook anything I like for him.....not ready yet! Steak is currently off limits for that same reason....not till I get to the nirvana that the strong longtermers of this diet speak of....
I'm still singing it! I have a song for every occasion! Generally it's " show me the way to go home...!" This man you speak of needs to be more sensitive to your hell that you're in right now! I remember last time I did it all those years ago I wanted to smell the food but to cook and all that was definitely a no go area! Although I had to cook kyra's tea on day one I can't remember what it was probably cos I was nearly crying making it!! Xx

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He has his stupid moments...and will learn when he doesn't see it dished up! LoL

he is struggling with me not slaving over a hot stove and excitedly creating food for him....he said its not been as good lately...suck it up haha!

that song is relentlessly doing laps round my brain
He knows its all for the cause of your amazing wedding- he can't have his cake and eat it ) ooh cake!) he should do it for a week and see the hell you're going through! He'll think twice about eating and enjoying nice things around you! Xx

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He'd barely get through the morning hahaha!

He's a food monster! He knows there'll be no wedding if I don't shift the pounds...simple!

Tummy is doing night time rumbles again....hurry up weigh in so I know it's worth!
You go sista! I'm dead excited for you. - weird as that sounds!
I've brushed my teeth that many times I'm sure I'm taking the enamel off! My jelly is talking away- Tina the talkin tummy wants a feeding! Xx

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Saturday can't come quick enough for that weigh in I tell you!

im convinced I'll have either no teeth or super lovely teeth after this toothbrush is my bestie!

Tina the rumbling tummy rules the night hours hehe
Awwww woke up with breath so bad even the dog turned away lol hoping this is ketosis although sitting at the table while the kids have hot toast is painfull this morning but sitting through it as I'm working in the dreaded kitchen all day today it's our only time together today luckily they are not sharers lol
Good morro lipotrimmers! Day 5! I too am definitely in ketosis roxanne- my breath is soo rank even after brushing teeth!

What time is your weigh in tomorrow Mo? Xx

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